It is believed
that earth’s inclination towards the sun is the steepest on the day. At some regions, special bathing rituals are
observed. Surya (Sun) worship is deep rooted in the
Vedas and other Hindu scriptures. The day is celebrated as the
birth of Surya to Sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi and celebrated as Surya
Jayanthi in many parts. Legend has it that the greatest warrior Bhishma
breathed last the day after the Ratha Sapthami day. The Pithamaha is one
the greatest characters in the Epic Mahabaratha and the asthami is revered as
நாம் அனுதினமும்
கண்களாலே பார்த்து சேவிக்க வல்லவன் - சூரிய பகவான். சூரியனுக்கு,
: ஆதவன், ஆதித்யன், கதிரவன், ஞாயிறு, பகலவன், கனலி, வெய்யோன், தினகரன், தினமணி, பானு என பல பெயர்கள் உண்டு. சூரிய பகவான் தன் ரதத்தில் தினமும் சுற்றி திரும்பும் நேரமே ஒருநாள். சூரிய பகவான் ஒரு முகூர்த்த
காலத்தில் 27,206,400 மைல்கள் சஞ்சரிக்கும்
வல்லமை உடையவர். கருடனின் சகோதரரான அருணனே சூரிய பகவானின் தேர்ப்பாகனாக
திகழ்கிறார். காயத்ரி, ப்ரஹதி, உஷ்ணிக், ஜகதி, திருஷ்டுப், அனுஷ்டுப், பங்க்தி என்கிற ஏழு
குதிரைகள் சூரியனின் ரதத்தை இழுத்துச் செல்கின்றன.
The Sun god is driven by a seven-horsed Chariot depicting
the seven days of the week. Going by Upanishad, their names are :
Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristup, Anustup and Pankti. The
charioteer of Surya is Aruna, who is also personified as the
redness that accompanies the sunlight in dawn and dusk. Aruna was born to
Vinatai and Sage Kashyapa….. the other son is the most illustrious Periya
Thiruvadi (Sri Garuda Azhwar) ~ to Aruna was born Jatayu and Sampati, who
are mentioned in the epic Ramayana. The chariot
of Sun travels at a speed of 3,400,800 yojanas calculated as 27,206,400 miles
in a muhurtha.
Uttarayana is the six month period between Makara sankranti (Jan 14) and July 14 when Sun travels towards North in the celestial sphere. Ratha saptami marks the seventh day following the Sun’s northerly movement of vernal equinox starting from Capricorn (Makara). A journey from Makara rekai to Kadaka rekai – Capricorn to Cancer. Ratha Sapthami symbolically represents the Sun God Surya turning his Ratha (chariot) drawn by seven horses towards northern hemisphere in a north-easterly direction.
Traditionally in villages, Rangoli kolam is drawn with coloured rice powder depicting Chariot drawn by horses. From today, the days would get warmer, especially in South India.
This is an important annual festival at Vaishnavaite
temples. At holy Thirumala, there would
be purappadu of Uthsavar Malaiappar in 7
vahanas. In Kanchi, and other divyadesams
- there will be purappadu in the morning
in Surya Prabhai and in the evening Chandra Prabhai.
Thiruvallikkeni, there was Suryaprabhai purappadu this morning. The photos
here are courtesy my friend TV Venkatesh.
பெயரும் கருங் கடலே நோக்குமாறு*, ஒண்பூ
உயரும் கதிரவனே நோக்கும்* -உயிரும்
தருமனையே நோக்கும் ஒண் தாமரையாள் கேள்வன்*
ஒருவனையே நோக்கும் உணர்வு. : முதல் திருவந்தாதி – பொய்கைப்பிரான்
The rivers flow towards the mighty Ocean; lotus blossoms
towards the direction of the Sun; all that is born eventually reach the lord of
death ~ for us Srivaishnavaites, the only goal of realisation is the golden
feet of the consort of Mahalakshmi - Sriman Narayana.
With regards – S. Sampathkumar.
14th Feb 2016
In Greek mythology, Helios is the personification of Sun,
imagined to be handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun.
Krishnamachari Srikkanth always looked at the sun, and walked to the right
of his partner while going out to bat. Once in an interview he was asked
about this habit of looking at Sun. Pat came the reply : “Suryaha: prathyaksha
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