Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 4 – 27.12.2012

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 4 – 27.12.2012  
திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து  உத்சவம் 4

The festivity of Irapathu is on and devotees are having a feast of darshan.  Daily in the evening, there is the Thiruveethi purappadu of Lord Parthasarathi with Swami Nammazhwar.   Everyday,  at around 0540 pm, Perumal reaches the Paramapada vasal, where Nammalwar waits for the doors to open and have darshan of Lord coming through the entrance. 

After the periya maada veethi purappadu whence ‘Upadesa Rathinamalai’  of Acharyar Sri Manavala Maamunigal is recited by the Divyaprabandha goshti.   After completion of the purappadu, inside the Temple in the presence of all Azhwargal and Acharyas, there is rendering of Thiruvaimozhi of Swami Nammazhwar.  Today it is the 4th  hundred [Naankam pathu] 

Today is Hanumath Jayanthi too and on the occasion Sri Anjaneyar also accompanied Sri Parthasarathi and Nammalwar.  Think about Hanuman,  what strikes immediately is his unparallelled devotion for Lord Rama and his unrivalled physical strength.  Hanumar, by various names Aanjaneyar, Chiranjeevi, Vayu Puthirar, Anjani Mainthan is associated with celibary, wrestling, physical power, intense concentration, mental toughness, single minded devotion and more.  Hanumar is remembered for his spirit of ‘selfless service’; and is believed to be present wherever, whenever there is recitation of the name of Lord Rama.  Hanumath Jayanthi is celebrated in various time of year in various places.  In Thiruvallikkeni, it was today ~ the Hanumath Jayanthi.  

In Periyazhwar Thirumozhi, in the hymns celebrating the power of Govardhana Giri, Azhwar says  that in the Greatly reverred hill, female monkeys in singing lullabies to their kids, mention the heroic deeds of Hanuman, whose valour completely destroyed the city of demons – the  Lanka.

அடங்கச்சென்று இலங்கையையீடழித்த அனுமன் புகழ்பாடித் தம்குட்டன்களை* குடங்கைக் கொண்டு மந்திகள் கண் வளர்த்தும் கோவர்த்தனமென்னும் கொற்றக் குடையே.

Here are some photos taken during today’s purappadu. 

With regards – S. Sampathkumar.

Sri Anjaneyar ~ Maruthi - Hanumar

Swami Nammazhwar

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