Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 3 – 26.12.2012

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 3 – 26.12.2012  
திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து  உத்சவம் 3

After the great festival of Vaikunda Ekadasi, there is more to celebrate for the Sri Vaishnavaites in the form of  ‘Irapathu’ Uthsavam.   Everyday, devotees are blessed to have darshan of Lord entering Paramapada vasal with Swami Nammazhwar waiting to receive Him. Grand thiruveedhi purappadu follows. 

In the veedhi, ‘Upadesa Rathinamalai’  of Acharyar Sri Manavala Maamunigal is recited by the Sri Vaishnava goshti.  Upadesa Rathimalai is a legend, a lexicon, a masterpiece of Swami Manavala Maamunigal.   It focusses on the glory of our reverred Azhwargal, Poorvacharyaas and because of whom Sri Vaishnava sampradhayam has flourished over the years.  The literary masterly work Upadesa Rathinamalai, details the months, Thirunakshathiram, Sthalam  of birth [month, day and place of birth] of Alwars and extols their greatness.  Upadesa Rathinamalai is replete with reference to the commentaries of Poorvacharyars; it also extols the greatness  of Sri Pillai Logachariyar [Pillai Ulagariyar] and the sublime commentary of his Rahasya Grantham “Sri Vachana Bushanam” [seer vasana booshanam – in the words of Mamunigal]

In praising the Azhwar, Mamunigal says :

ஆழ்வார்கள் வாழி அருளிச்செயல் வாழி*
தாழ்வாதுமில் குரவர் தாம் வாழி ஏழ்பாரும்*
உய்ய அவர்கள் உரைத்தவைகள் தாம் வாழி*
செய்யமறை தன்னுடனே சேர்ந்து*

Our peerless Acharyar says : May the Divine Azhwargal live long ! May those Acharyars who have no downside in any manner live long ! May their works ~ Divya Prabandhams; accurate commentaries all of which were made only for the welfare and well-being of the Seven Worlds live long alongside the greatest of Pramanams – the Vedas. 

Today evening  Sri Parthasarathy in his radiant splendour had periya maada veethi purappadu with Nammalwar.   Back in the temple, there was the rendering of 3rd hundred [moondram pathu]  of Thiruvaimozhi, which concludes with the hymn :

கேடில் விழுப்புகழ்க் கேசவனைக் குருகூர்ச்சடகோபன் சொன்ன,
பாடலோராயிரத் துளிவை பத்தும் பயிற்றவல்லார்கட்கு, அவன்
நாடும் நகரமும் நன்குடன் காண நலனிடையூர்தி பண்ணி,
வீடும் பெறுத்தித்தன் மூவுலகுக்கும்  தருமொரு நாயகமே.

Those who recite and render these 10 songs among the thousand made by Kurugur  Sadagopan [Swami Nammazhwar]  extolling the ever remaining Kesavan of undiminished fame,   will be blessed with all riches,  including the ultimate Salvation also. 

With regards – S. Sampathkumar.


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