Monday, August 12, 2024

Shatamana Uthsa Celebrations - Shri AM Rajagopalan Swami - Aanmeega Amutham

                   Most likely you would have read about Enrico Fermi, an Italian and naturalized American physicist, renowned for being the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1, and a member of the Manhattan Project. 

Thiruvallikkeni aka Triplicane is a famed land… The land of Emperuman Sri Parthasarathi, is the place where religion, nationalistic fervour, patriotism, sports, education and the individual dignity have interspersed for the benefit of the State and the larger interests of the Nation.  Triplicane houses some best historic educational institutions driving home the point of scholastic excellence for decades. 

Triplicane was the seat of freedom struggle – Balagandhara Thilakar and very many patriotic leaders had delivered powerful lectures in Triplicane (Thilakar thidal at Marina beach)  and inspired people in the freedom struggle. Mahakavi Subrahmanya Bharathi lived in Triplicane and from this place freedom struggle germinated. 

There have been some jewels of Triplicane and today we had the honour of receiving the blessings of a legend who had seen Indian Freedom and has participated in many important movements.  Today Aadi 27 (Aug 12) Vishakam nakshathiram is of significance for today is ‘Sathaptha poorthi mahothsavam’ of a jewel of the land.


One hundred (100) is significant in many ways.   In mathematics,   100 is the square of 10.  100 is the basis of percentages (per centum meaning "by the hundred" in Latin), with 100% being a full amount.   In our Sampradhayam, we celebrate completion of 60 as Sashtiabdapoorthi, 80 as Sadabhishekam, 90 Navathi mahothsavam and 100 Sathabdha poorthi mahothsavam.  Satham implies 100; abda– year; poorthi-culmination. 

Today at Vidya Barathi kalyana mantap Mylapore’ completion of 100 years of AMR Swami was grandly celebrated by his sons, daughter, and grand children.  Many famous people thronged to venue and received the blessings of Centurian Sriman U. Ve. Aanmeega Amutham, Jothisha Chakravarthi  -  Aranapakkam Mudumbai Rajagopalan Swami and his wife Smt. Padmasani Rajagopalan. 

AMR is very popular among religious people and this towering personality lived in Triplicane for many decades.  In my childhood have visited their home in Peyalwar koil street and years later, they owned the corner house in North Tank Sq / Venkatrangam Street junction. 

For a few decades, he was   founder- editor of Kumudam Jothidam having begun  his writing career in The Hindu . AMR  has a degree in Politics and Indian History,  has travelled far and wide, nook and corners specifically  to ancient monuments and temples, gathering plethora of information about them. After a 22-year-stint in The Hindu , he joined Indian Express , writing in both the Express and Dinamani.   In Dinamani , he took care  - his Q&A in Dinamani Vellimani made the magazine itself popular.  His astrological predictions made him a much sought-after astrologer.  His way of life as also the parikarams he suggested were  simple and only embedded with worshipping Temples and doing some service therein.  

He wrote about many temples that were in ruin, in poor shape and with his articles raised awareness – funds would flow from devotees and soon such temples were renovated.  After becoming very popular and much sought after astrologer too, he lives a very simple life and till his health allowed, Shri  AMR offered free astrological consultations,  and directed his  clients to donate liberally to temple repairs and maintenance.    Our Visishtadvaita samprathaya  stresses the importance of archai worship, which makes the upkeep of temples important, and AMR’s relentless work in repairing temples is his major contribution. 

A well educated and strong follower of Sanathana Dharma, AMR is an extremely kind and pleasing personality.  His sons, daughter, are all well educated, occupied important positions in office and now the traditions continues with his  grandsons,  daughters doing well.    

Today we were really fortunate to receive the blessings of Shri AMR swami and Smt Padmasani Rajagopalan on his Shathamana Uthsavam.  The spontaneous gathering of people expressing their regards for AMR swami and flowing maryathais from various temple were all expression of the way he has lived his life and impacted people. 

He is indeed another ‘Jewel of Triplicane’ we pray our Emperuman to shower on him and his family continued good health, and prosperity. 

Fermium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Fm and atomic number 100. It is an actinide and the heaviest element that can be formed by neutron bombardment of lighter elements. It was discovered in the debris of the first hydrogen bomb explosion in 1952, and named after Enrico Fermi, one of the pioneers of nuclear physics.  

With great regards to AMR Swami
-adiyen Srinivasa dhasan – Srinivasan Sampathkumar


  1. Pranamangal to swamy and Mami

  2. Namaskaram Sir. Very well written. I recently got to know about him and I started to read many articles that he wrote in kumudham magazine.
    Is he still providing astrology consultation? If so, could you please share his contact details/ address. It would be helpful for me as I have been looking for a genuine astrologer for a long time.
    Thank you 😃

    1. Madam, not any longer. Shri AMR is 101 now, has had some health issues and is not providing astrological consultation to people. - S Sampathkumar
