Friday, July 26, 2024

Sri Gajendra moksha sthavam book release

Very fortunate to receive a copy of a book titled ‘Azhwargal anubavitha Gajendra moksham marrum Sri Gajendra mokshasthavam’.  Read and understood from the book that Sri Gajendra mokshasthavam forms part of  Sreemath Bagavatham.


Efforts to conserve elephants in Africa are the subject of a global debate.   Several countries in the continent are struggling to safeguard their elephant numbers. Still, many other countries are finding it hard to manage their vast population and reporting a rise in cases of human-wildlife conflict.  

On  21st July 2024    occurred grand purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni ……  even a child would know having heard so many times the puranic legend of ‘Gajendra moksham [salvation of elephant Gajendra]’ ~ whence   Lord Sriman Narayana  Himself  came down to earth to protect Gajendra (elephant) from the death clutches of Makara (Crocodile).   It also offers us great learning – the  otherwise mighty elephant too could get into difficulty and in its extreme distress the elephant after testing its power and understanding  its futility, still had the presence of mind to think of  bhatki (devotion) and gnana (spiritual knowledge) ….. the plea of elephant was immediately answered by Lord Sriman Narayanan, who came rushing in to protect  His devotee – making the earthly human beings realise that if God does so for an elephant, He sure would protect  all of us too.  


Dr Madabhusi Varadarajan Swami is a very learned person, and it is our fortune that he is living in Triplicane now.  He retired from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi and has authored and published more than 90 samprathayic books in Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit and English – the range of works from simplification of original commentaries of authentic texts, translations, lexicography and critical research papers reveal his versatility.  Among the many recognitions, he was awarded the prestigious Gopalopayanam Award conferred by HH Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Sriman Narayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami.


On the Gajendra moksham day, his book “ஆழ்வார்கள் அனுபவித்த கஜேந்திர மோக்ஷம் மற்றும் ஸ்ரீ கஜேந்திர மோக்ஷஸ்தவம்” was released.  It is my fortune that the cover page photo of Sri Parthasarathi Emperuman Garuda sevai is one taken by me.  Felt so happy in receiving copies of this book from the hands of the reverred author – Dr  Madabusi Varadharajan swami.  Many many thanks and pranams to him. 

adiyen Srinivasadhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar

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