Saturday, September 11, 2021

Avani Swathi - Covid 19 - Sept 11 ! - திருமாமணிவண்ணன் தேசு.

Today is Sept. 11 – Swathi thirunakshathiram in the month of Avani – masa thirunakshathiram of Sri Periyazhwar.  Today being a Saturday, temples remain out of bounds of all devotees !  - though everything else is open.  When will all these change ?

Sept. 10, 2001, was a day of unappreciated ironies and unexpectedly fateful decisions, a day when the important was often overlooked and the trivial often exaggerated. It was 12 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall and 133 days since the disappearance of Chandra Levy.  For some, Sept. 10 was the last day of an era. For thousands of people who would be at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and on four hijacked airliners the next day, it was the last day of life.

              Sept. 11, is remembered World over for various reasons ! -   on this day 20  years ago (in 2001) -  two planes were flown into the famous twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. 19 terrorists associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. The third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, DC, and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people were killed during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The 9/11 attack triggered major US initiatives to combat terrorism.  

Even to  those who have lived for decades and seen many phases, 2020 was far different – from mid March, the year was lost in Corona fears and sufferings .. 2021 appeared to dawn differently; then came the surge in the form of second wave, claiming more lives and now the World continues to live in fear .. .. one may understand this fully when one sees huge crowds throwing all caution to the wind in our neighbourhood though!

The fifth and final Test in Manchester has been postponed indefinitely in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak within the India squad.  There were Qs on whether it was cancellation, postponement, rescheduling  or . .. .. forfeiture.   The test fell victim to Covid.

With millions of Americans still unvaccinated, it is reported that hospitals across the country are once again facing the overwhelming pressure of caring for thousands of COVID-19 patients -- with more than 100,000 people in beds as of Friday. While hospitalization rates in states like Florida and Mississippi, hit hard early in the delta surge, are beginning to decline, other southern states, including Kentucky, are showing no signs of infection and hospitalization rates slowing down.

To the regular Q of when will Covid end ? – WHO had a simple answer – when the World chooses to.  "The mark of success is making sure that any cases are identified, isolated, traced and cared for as quickly as possible and onward transmission is interrupted," said the WHO head in his keynote speech at the 138th International Olympic Committee Session.  He said, the  pandemic will end when the world chooses to end it. We have the tools to prevent transmission, and save lives."

Back home, Covid  infections in Tamil Nadu crossed the 1,600-mark again the Health Department said. There were 1,631 new cases and pushed the total number infected to 26,30,592 till date, the department said. On March 25, the infections breached the 1,600-mark by reporting 1,636 cases. But, there has since been a dip in cases. The department has alerted Collectors and the officials of the Greater Chennai Corporation about the rise in new infections.

Now only Temples remain out of bounds, beaches, malls, theatres, schools, colleges and everything else appear to have been opened .. .. flouting Covid-19 SOPs, many government buses operated with more than the prescribed number of passengers on Thursday. Koyambedu CMBT witnessed a huge rush due to the three-day holiday weekend. The transport officials claimed that commuters could not be restricted from occupying beyond the mandated 50 per cent seats owing to the huge demand. After over two months of lockdown, bus services resumed on June 27. After resumption, CMBT received an average footfall of 35,000 to 40,000 passengers a day during weekdays and 75,000 to 80,000 during weekends, which jumped to 1.32 lakh on Thursday.  .. .. now ask the Q again – is Covid under control and when will it end ??

For us turning to the lotus feet of Sriman Narayana, the eternal saviour is the remedy for all our troubles both in this and the external World. It is always blissful to have darshan of Emperuman  at various divyadesangal.  

எம்பெருமான் வடிவழகை இவ்வாறாக ரசிக்கிறார் நம் பேயாழ்வார், தமது மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதியில் : -

கண்ணுங் கமலம் கமலமே கைத்தலமும்,

மண்ணளந்த பாதமும் மற்றவையே,- எண்ணில்

கருமா முகில்வண்ணன் கார்கடல்நீர் வண்ணன்,

திருமா மணிவண்ணன் தேசு. 

     எம்பெருமான் ஸ்ரீமன் நாரணன் :  கரிய பெரிய மேகம் போன்ற வடிவையுடையவனும்,  கரியகடல் நீரின் நிறம்போன்ற நிறமுடையவனும்  அழகிய நீலமணி போன்றவனுமான எம்பெருமானுடைய தேக அழகை ஆராய்ந்து நோக்குமளவில்,  அவனது திருக்கண்கள் தாமரைப்பூப்போன்றவை;   திருக்கைத்தலங்களும் அத்தாமரைப் பூப்போன்றவையே; இவ்வையமளந்த  திருவடிகளும் அத்தாமரைப் பூப்போன்றவையே. கண்ணும் கைத்தலமும் மண்ணளந்த பாதமும் கமலமே - அவ்வளவு சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த எம்பெருமான் தாள்களையே பணிந்து அவனிடம் சேர்ந்து இன்புறுவோமாக !


சீர்மிகு திருவல்லிக்கேணியிலே - ஸ்ரீஅழகியசிங்க பெருமாள் அற்புத வடிவழகு பொருந்தியவன்.  அவ்வெம்பெருமானது திருவதனமும் திருமேனியும், சதுர் புஜங்களும் - காருண்யத்தையும், சீலத்தையும், வடிவழகையும் பொலியும் - எம்பெருமானது திருநாமமே தெள்ளியசிங்கர்.  இந்த வடிவழகிய எம்பெருமானது அற்புத தர்சனம் அமைந்த ஒருநாள் அன்றய தவன உத்சவம். 

As we pray our Emperuman, here are some photos of morning purappadu of Thavana Uthsavam of Sri Azhagiya Singar on 27.03.2016. 

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar
11th Sept. 2011.

நன்றி : திராவிடவேதா - ஸ்ரீ உ.வே. பிரதிவாதி பயங்கரம் அண்ணங்காரச்சார் சுவாமி உரை. 

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