Friday, April 9, 2021

Emperumanar Uthsavam 2021 starts today

Celebrating the birth of Swami Ramanuja –

Thiru Avathara Uthsavam 2021


Blessed are We, the present generation –  we celebrated 1000 years of Swami Ramanuja on  1st May 2017 -   thiruvathirai nakshathiram in the month of Chithirai. ..  Thiruvavathara Uthsavam of Udayavar culminating in sarrumurai on ‘Chithiraiyil Thiruvathirai’ – the 10 day annual brahmothsavam of Swami Ramanujar started today on 9.4.2021. 

‘Ananthah sarasi dhere  Ramye  Bhoothapurivare’ – on the bank of Ananthasaras the temple pushkarini, is the temple of Sri Adhi Kesavar.   Boothapuri, better known now as Sri Perumpudur is the most divine place for us –  the place where our Greatest Acharyar “Emperumanaar, Bashyakarar” the reincarnation of Aadi Sesha and Sri Lakshmanar was born,  in the year 1017  to Kesava Somayaji and Gandhimathi couples.   Ilayavalwar as he was known at birth, Ramanujar was born in the year of grace of Pingala corresponding to year 939 of Salivahana era  and lived for a period of 120 years.   He was named Illayazhwar [denoting Lakshmana] by his uncle Srisaila Purnar foreseeing his wisdom, infinity and eternity.   

His birth is associated with the temple tank ‘Kairavini’ at Thiruvallikkeni for his father Kesava Somayaji conducted yagna seeking birth of a son – and the great Ramanujar was born. He paid his first visit to Thiruvarangam in his 25th year but could only pay homage to Acharyar Alavanthar.  He lived and taught undisturbed in Srirangam for some more decades before had to leave the place proceeding to Melukote Thirunarayanapuram.  

Our Srivaishnavism hails Ubhaya Vedanta – there are philosophies restricted to having their scriptures in either Sanskrit or Tamil ~ Sri Vaishnavism has Sanskrit and dravida vedantha in equal parlance. .. .. and we have the noblest of preceptors  - Swami Ramanujar – the King of all hermits guiding us the path.   Our darsana Sthapakar, Sri Ramanujar rightly reverred as ‘Yathi Rajar’ ~ the king among yathis [hermits and sages, the greatest reformer he was, Ramanuja gave us many vedantic treatises - toured the entire Country, making the Srivaishnavatie tradition flourish in all his path.  Of those who remained closest to Sri Ramanuja – Sri  Mudaliandan, Sri Koorathazhwan, Sri Embar,  Sri Ananthazhwan, Arulalaperumal Emperumanar, Kidambi Achaan, Thirukurugai Piraan Pillan, Thiruvarangathu Amuthanar and more.  Worshipping Sri Ramanujar will cure us of all sins and can there by a better time for doing it  than now.  

Celebrate the birth of Swami Ramanujar.  Falling at the feet of Udayavar is the only way, we cleanse and lift ourselves towards higher things – the kainkaryam to Lord. 

Here are some photos of today’s morning purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam.


adiyen Srinivasadhasan.  [Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar]

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