Sunday, January 24, 2021

Thiruvallikkeni Thai Ekadasi purappadu 2021 ~ வீதியார வருவானை, விருந்தாவனத்தே கண்டோமே

திருவல்லிக்கேணி ஒரு அற்புத திவ்யதேசம்.  பெரிய உத்சவங்கள், பஞ்ச பர்வங்கள், ஆழ்வார் ஆசார்யர் சாற்றுமுறை என பலப்பல புறப்பாடுகள் உண்டு.  எம்பெருமான் திருவீதி உலா ஒரு மகோன்னத சமயம்.  பெருமாள் புறப்பாடு கண்டருளும்போது ஏதேனும் கைங்கர்யம் செய்யலாம் ~ அல்லது வெறுமனே பெருமாள் உடனே நடந்து வரலாம்.  அவர் கூடவே வந்து அவரது அற்புத தேஜஸ்ஸை கண்டு ரசித்து, ஆனந்தப்படலாம். எம்பெருமான் ஸ்ரீபார்த்தசாரதி அழகன். இந்த திருமாமணி வண்ணனுடைய  தேஜஸ் அளவிடமுடியாதது.


கோதை பிராட்டி தனது நாச்சியார் திருமொழியில் உரைத்தது:

** பீதக வாடை உடைதாழப், பெருங்கார் மேகக்கன்றேபோல்*

வீதியார வருவானை, விருந்தாவனத்தே கண்டோமே **


யுக புருஷனான ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ணன், ஆயர்களோடு, தனது மஞ்சள்  பட்டாடை தாழ, ஒரு பெரிய கார்மேகக் கன்றுபோல, வீதியில் நிறைந்து  வரும் அவனை, விருந்தாவனத்திலே  கண்டதாய்  மகிழ்கிறாள்.  இன்று தை மாச ஏகாதசி - கடல் அலைகள் ஆர்ப்பரிக்கும்,  திருவல்லிக்கேணி வீதி தனிலே, ஸ்ரீபார்த்தசாரதி எம்பெருமான்  அற்புதமான பட்டாடை உடுத்தி, மிக அழகிய மலர் மாலைகள் அணிந்து,  திருவீதி வலம் வந்து, பக்தர்களுக்கு அற்புதமான விருந்து அளித்தார். 

Today 24.01.2021 is Thai 11 –  Shukla baksha Ekadasi also Rohini thirunakshathiram.  For Rohini there would be siriya mada veethi purappadu and for Ekadasi it would periya mada veethi including kulakkarai thiruveethivula. Cannot but recall that on 20.3.2020 it was Thiruvonam on Ekadasi day ~ but purappadu was cancelled due to Corona.  From that day, it took almost 300 days for another thiruveethi purappadu of Sri Parthasarathi Perumal. 

Reading a book of a famous author that dwells at length on the perceived simmering tension between Science and Religion as   ‘oil and water’, arch enemies.  According to the author, "Since the beginning of history,”  “a deep rift has existed between science and religion" But is it really that simple? If we ignore the first problem with this claim (science has not been around since the beginning of history) is conflict the only manner in which the two are related?  

Not looking them as conflicts – Science has evolved, many of the profound believes have sought to be established by solid theories – and some the factual findings of Science too have been challenged by Science itself, undergoing a radical change conceptually.  .. .. from School children to World famous scientists – life is often sought to be changed by newer experiments.  Some of them have been on natural resources.

A couple of years ago, TN  Co-op Minister was so badly ridiculed, memed and roasted on social media for his experiment on reducing evaporation of Vaigai river water.  Some of the scribes travelled along with him for 70 odd km to Vaigai dam to witness attempt in covering the water surface with sheets of thermocol taped together.   Unfortunately, he did not expect the strong wind to tear his water-shield to shreds. Later, a coracle was sent to place the sheets.  This is no post hailing the Minister but to bring home another fact of another attempt elsewhere, this time, sure to be acclaimed, for it is being promoted by someone else !!

Like our Hinduism, Greek have had great belief in Gods of various astronomical concepts.  Phaethon  was the son of the Oceanid Clymene and the solar deity Helios in Greek mythology.   Phaethon, challenged by Epaphus and his playmates, sought assurance from his mother that his father was the sun god Helios. When the Sun promised to grant him whatever he wanted, he insisted on being allowed to drive the sun chariot for a day. Helios tried to dissuade Phaethon, telling him that even Zeus was not strong enough to steer these horses, but reluctantly kept his promise.  Placed in charge of the chariot, Phaethon was unable to control the horses. In some versions, the Earth first froze when the horses climbed too high, but when the chariot then scorched the Earth by swinging too near, Zeus decided to prevent disaster by striking it down with a thunderbolt. Phaethon fell to earth and was killed in the process.

Moving to Science and modern day reality - "You can't cover the sun with a finger", but maybe with science and technology yes. According to Forbes , Bill Gates is funding a project that would dim sunlight in order to "cool" the Earth. The research called " Stratospheric Controlled Disturbance Experiment " (SCoPEx for its acronym in English) is carried out by scientists from Harvard University and has the purpose of achieving that the sunlight is reflected outside the atmosphere of our planet.  This solution would be achieved by spraying tons of non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) into the atmosphere. "SCoPEx is a scientific experiment to advance the understanding of stratospheric aerosols that could be relevant for solar geoengineering," the project page reads. The project will begin to carry out tests that so far consist of releasing a balloon with scientific equipment, which will not spray CaCO3 but will function as a test of maneuver and to explore communications and operating systems. “We plan to use a high-altitude balloon to lift an instrument package approximately 20 km into the atmosphere. Once in place, a very small amount of material (100g 2 kg) will be released to create a disturbed air mass approximately one kilometer long and one hundred meters in diameter. Then we will use the same balloon to measure the resulting changes in the disturbed air mass, including changes in aerosol density, atmospheric chemistry and light scattering, ”they explain.

According to Forbes , scientific opponents of this project believe that solar geoengineering could bring unavoidable risks and extreme changes in weather patterns that would be no different than current warming trends.

Experiments .. .. could lead to reliable concepts, later turning to factual ones. For us turning to the lotus feet of Sriman Narayana, the eternal saviour is the remedy for all our troubles both in this and the external World. It is always blissful to have darshan of Emperuman and it was a great day for all devotees at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam on Ekadasi purappadu along the mada veethigal.

எம்பெருமான் வடிவழகை இவ்வாறாக ரசிக்கிறார் நம் பேயாழ்வார், தமது மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதியில் : -

கண்ணுங் கமலம் கமலமே கைத்தலமும்,

மண்ணளந்த பாதமும் மற்றவையே,- எண்ணில்

கருமா முகில்வண்ணன் கார்கடல்நீர் வண்ணன்,

திருமா மணிவண்ணன் தேசு.


          எம்பெருமான் ஸ்ரீமன் நாரணன் :  கரிய பெரிய மேகம் போன்ற வடிவையுடையவனும்,  கரியகடல் நீரின் நிறம்போன்ற நிறமுடையவனும்  அழகிய நீலமணி போன்றவனுமான எம்பெருமானுடைய தேக அழகை ஆராய்ந்து நோக்குமளவில்,  அவனது திருக்கண்கள் தாமரைப்பூப்போன்றவை;   திருக்கைத்தலங்களும் அத்தாமரைப் பூப்போன்றவையே; இவ்வையமளந்த  திருவடிகளும் அத்தாமரைப் பூப்போன்றவையே. கண்ணும் கைத்தமும் மண்ணளந்த பாதமும் கமலமே - அவ்வளவு சிறப்பு வாய்ந்த எம்பெருமான் தாள்களையே பணிந்து அவனிடம் சேர்ந்து இன்புறுவோமாக ! 

As we pray our Emperuman Sri Parthasarathi, here are some photos of Ekadasi purappadu this evening.


adiyen Srinivasa dhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar


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