Thursday, January 9, 2020

Hanumath Jayanthi 2020 ~ Irapathu day 4

Hanumath Jayanthi 2020 ~ Irapathu day 4 

There is only one by name Sri Rama, born in the lineage of Ikshwaku.  He is totally balanced, one in complete control of His words, thoughts and deeds; a man of great valour ~ a person of steadfast character and radiant countenance – Lord Sree Rama*

सर्वदाऽभिगतस्सद्भिः समुद्र इव सिन्धुभिः ।
आर्यस्सर्वसमश्चैव* सदैकप्रियदर्शनः ॥

His great qualities are such that noble persons all over the World are drawn to Him like rivers finding their way to the Ocean.  He conducts himself equably all the time and he is extremely charming ! – the great Sri Rama.

9th Jan 2020 was day 4 of Irapathu Uthsavam ~ on all days of Irapathu, Swami Nammalwar accompanies Sri Parthasarathi. Today in addition there was Sri Anjaneyar too as today8 is   celebrated at Hanuman Jayanthi, the birthday of Lord Aanjaneya.  Though Hanumath Jayanthi is celebrated on various dates at various places, at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, it is celebrated on chathurthasi / Pournami  and would fall on 4th day of Irapathu Uthsavam.

Think about Hanuman,  what strikes immediately is his unparallelled devotion for Lord Rama and his unrivalled physical strength.  Hanumar, by various names Aanjaneyar, Chiranjeevi, Vayu Puthirar, Anjani Mainthan is associated with celibary, wrestling, physical power, intense concentration, mental toughness, single minded devotion and more.  Hanumar is remembered for his spirit of ‘selfless service’; and is believed to be present wherever, whenever there is recitation of the name of Lord Rama.  Hanumath Jayanthi is celebrated in various time of year in various places. 

~ in the great Ithihasa “Sri Ramayana” -  there is a great character – a warrior, mightily powerful, whose body was as hard as a diamond, whose speed equalled those of fastest flying eagles, who possessed great wisdom, who could organize a group of roaming ones, who can jump hundreds of miles, yet who remained at the feet of his Master, totally committed thinking of their welfare alone – unassuming, yet capable of telling the right things at the right moment – that is Pavana Puthra Hanuman – Aanjaneya, ‘thiruvadi’ – bearer of Lord Rama – who carried Rama on his shoulders during the war in which the demon was killed.

At Thiruvallikeni divyadesam, there is sannathi fro Hanumar right in front of Lord Rama and is on the way to the Moolavar Sri Venkatakrishnan sannathi.  This Hanumar has purappadu once in a year and hence rare to get his darshan on the thiruveethi and photograph him too.

Rarer still is the kulakkarai Anjaneyar.  The sannathi for siriya thiruvadi at East Tank Square St is attached to the Temple. In every purappadu, there would be sri sadagopam maryathai for Anjaneya too.  This Hanumar never comes out and hence more tougher to have a photograph. 

On 22nd Aug 2016 occurred samprokshanam – and Anjaneyar who was in the temple during balalayam had purappadu back to his place and photo taken at that time is pasted below.

~adiyen Srinivasadhasan

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