Saturday, June 2, 2018

Sri Varadha Rajar Thiruther @ Thiruvallikkeni 2018

Thiruther is a grandeur occasion ~ thousands of devotees assembled at Kanchipuram to have a glimpse of Sri Devathi Rajan on thiruther.

'தேரு வருதே'  - திரும்பி படிக்கவும் ..  இது -   மாலைமாற்று அல்லது இருவழியொக்கும் சொல் (Palindrome) - பின்புறமிருந்து படித்தாலும் முன்புறம் படித்ததைப்போலவே பொருள் கொண்ட சொல், தொடர் அல்லது இலக்கம் ஆகும்.

தேர் (திருக்கோவில் உத்சவங்களில் திருத்தேர்) - பண்டைய காலத்தில் இருந்தே மக்களை கவர்ந்து வந்துள்ளது.  மஹாபாரதத்தில் காணப்படும் ‘’ரத, கஜ, துரக, பதாதி’’ என்னும் நால்வகைப் படைகளைக் மிக விவரமாக குறிப்புட்டுள்ளனர்.  பாரதப்போர் தனிலே,  இருதரப்பின் பெரிய மற்றும் அற்புதமான படைகளும்,  தங்கத்தால் அலங்கரிக்கப்பட்ட யானைகளும், தேர்களும், மின்னலுடன் கலந்த மேகங்களைப் போல, அபரிமிதமாக நின்று கொண்டிருந்த தேர் படையணிகள் நகரங்களைப் போலத் தோற்றமளித்தனவாம்.

Today, 2nd June 2018  is day 7 of Sri Varadharajar   Brahmothsavam – and it was thiruther.  At Thiruvallikkeni  the grand big  Thiruther [chariot] rolls twice – one for Sri Parthasarathi and again for Sri Thelliya singar ….. one will realise its grandeur that of rolling juggernaut, if one were to stand near as the 8 or 9 feet wheel rotates by.  Thiruther is a grand occasion of togetherness of people.  Today it was siriya thiruther for Sri Varadhar ~ at Kanchi the events are much bigger – have heard till a decade or so ago, it would take days for the thiruther to return and it would be a holiday in Kanchi district on the occasion. 

Chariots are impressive  - On screen,  we have seen many – one got enamoured by the scene of Arjuna wading through the forces in Mahabaratha  - those chariots were quite attractive.  Ratha is not only fleet-footed mode during war, it symbolizes energy and zeal to move forward.  It was on the chariot steered by Lord Krishna, Geethopadesam occurred to Arjuna, the mighty warrior.  The rath itself according to legend was given by Agni.  The battle formation was unconceivably bigger ~ by some accounts an Akshauhini is described as a formation consisting of 21870 chariots, 21870 elephants, 65160 cavalry and more than a lakh of infantry.

some 60 km from Delhi, at Sanauli in Uttar Pradesh’s Baghpat, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has stumbled upon archaeological evidence  with remains of chariots dating 2000BC-1800BC. The first-of-its-kind findings in the Indian sub-continent dating back to the Bronze Age suggest that people of that era belonged to the warrior class and were living a highly sophisticated lifestyle.

Archaeologists involved in the excavation that started three months ago are excited about the findings. They said the recovery is set to give new dimension to our history and date of the Mahabharata period, and further into the origins of chariots and horses in the Harappan age. SK Manjul, director of Institute of Archaeology under the ASI, and co-director Arvin Manjul, who led a team in excavating the site, said, “The new findings will shed light on India’s place in the ancient world history. Previously, chariots were found to be a part of Mesopotamia, Georgia, Greek civilisations. Now they have been found at Sanauli too.  This is  the first time that chariots have been discovered alongside the burial pits.  “It is confirmed that they were a warrior class. The swords have copper-covered hilts and a medial ridge making it strong enough for warfare.

On being asked whether bull or horse was used in chariots, Manjul said, “This is debatable, it could be a bull or a horse, but having said that the preliminary understanding points to the horse. The chariot has  solid wheel with no spokes.

There have always been evidences that our ancestors were advanced and lived a sophisticated yet contented life .. .. the slow unearthing of evidence only confirms their superiority ..   

Here are some photos of Sri Varadhar purappadu to thiruther and thiruther purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni ~ the last photo is the grand thiruther at Thirukachi – pic credit :  Mr Girivel.

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

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