Sunday, April 15, 2018

Mangalasasansana vaibhavan of Swami Emperumanar 2018

Mangalasasansana vaibhavan of Swami Emperumanar 2018

The birth of our matchless Acharyar Swami Udayavar is being celebrated in grand manner and at Thiruvallikkeni, it is a 10 day Uthsavam with purappadus in the morning and evening as well…. – there is more to that - Thirumanjanam, Thiruppavai sarrumurai,  Mangalasasanam, Thiruvaimozhi sarrumurai and Sri Ramanujar would take rest in the kannadi arai. 

Everyday after the morning Purappadu, our Acaryar Swami Emperumanar has maryathai at Sri Parthasarathi sannathi.  After thiruppavai sarrumurai – Swami has purappadu to every sannathi in a vaibhavam known as ‘mangalasasanam’ – and from Perumal and Azhwar – Acharyars – there would be Sri Sadagopam and garland for Acaryar Swami Ramanujar –  this evening had the fortune of worshipping during Udayavar mangalasasanam at all sannathis inside the temple and then the evening purappadu in Yali vahanam.

இராமானுசனை அடைந்த பின்  என் வாக்குரையாது;
என் மனம் நினையாதுஇனி மற்று ஒன்னையே!

To conclude with the words of Thiruvarangathu Amuthanar – once we think of and get closer to the feet of Acharyar Ramanujar, there will not be words about anything else, mind will not think of anything else than Swami Emperumanaar.

Here are some photos taken during mangalasasanam in front of Sri Nammalwar sannathi.

adiyen Srinivasadhasan
15th Apr 2018

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