Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sri Ranganathar - Thiruther - Pallava Uthsavam 2017

                           At Boologa Vaikundam ~ Thiruvarangam is the beautiful Temple where Lord Ranganathar in reclining posture provides all goodthings to his devotees.   அணியினார் செம்பொனாய அருவரை அனைய கோயில்என்னும் நம்பெருமாள் இனிதுறையும்பெரிய கோயில்

Thiruvarangam divyadesam is sung by all Azhwars [excepting Madhurakavigal, who did not sing of any divyadesam]; our Greatest Acharyar Sri Bhagawath Ramanujar lived here, did yeoman service at this divyadesam and codified the religious rituals.  In this great place lived Great Acharyars including Periya Nambigal, Battar, Nampillai, Pillai Logachariyar and more…. It was at this Temple that Manavala Mamunigal rendered discourse on Thiruvaimozhi and Namperumal Himself concluded it with His Thaniyan.  There is also the most intricate hall of 1000 pillars [called Aayirankaal mandapam] which actually has 953 dating back to Vijayanagara era. 

As the Temple is a massive structure enclosed by seven prakarams [mathils / concentric walls], the Ther Thiruvizha [Car festival] occurs at different prakaram on different time.   In the tamil  month of ‘Thai’ – the Ther festival is held in Uthara veethi; the Chithirai Thiruther occurs in ‘chithirai veethi’. 

Back home at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, it was Thiruther for Sri Ranganathar during Pallava Uthsavam – here are some photos of the purappadu of Mannathar to siriya Thiruther and ther purappadu.

..adiyen Srinivasadhasan

8th Apr 2017.

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