Sunday, April 9, 2017

"He Vilambi" Varusha Panchangam release by Brahmin Welfare Association

*He Vilambi*  Varusha Panchangam release :
Brahmin Welfare Association, Triplicane

On 2nd Apr 2017  – divine music, brilliant dance performance and a superb debate on Acharya Sri Ramanujar’s qualities  outpoured at Mahakavi Barathiyar Illam  at Thiruvallikkeni.  Music is heavenly when it is purely devotional – it started with the special bajans of Soundarya Rathnamala Isai kuzhu; followed by a scintillating dance drama of ‘Sri Andal Thirukalyanam’ by Nruthya Kala Mandir students. 

14th Apr 2017 would mark the starting of Tamil new year ‘ He Vilambi’ and naturally everyone is curious to know how it is to be.  Do you know …: “ Vilambi, Vikari, Saarvari, Bilava, Subakruthu, Sobhakruthu, Krothi, Visuvavasu, Parabava, Pilavanga -   …………. On Sunday, 22nd Mar 2015, it was a grand gathering at Gangai Kondan Mandapam in Thiruvallikkeni…….. reason… ‘Panchangam release of ‘Brahmins Welfare Association’, Triplicane and Yours Truly was on stage compering.

In the ‘Vaivasvatha Manvantharam, after passage of 27 Maha Yugas ~ now in the 28th Mahayuga – after passage of 3 Yugas ~ in the Kali Yuga – after passage of 4 lakh 28 thousands of years – in the year 5117~ Salivahana Saha  1939 – Dunmukhi Varusha Meena maasa Punguni 20th (2.4.17) …… should go the lengthy introduction exactly describing the day on which the  He Vilambi  Varusha Panchanga release function was held’.
A panchāngam (பஞ்சாங்கம்) is not simply  a Hindu calendar and almanac, but more important book that follows traditional units of Indian timekeeping, and presents important dates and their calculations in a tabulated form. Panchāngams are published in India by many learned authors, societies, academies, and universities. Different publications differ only minutely, at least for a casual or un-trained reader. They forecast celestial phenomena such as solar eclipses, forecast weather (rain, dryspells) as well as more mundane occurrences. The study of Panchāngams involves understanding Rasi phalan, the impact of the signs of the zodiac on the individual. Astrologers consult the Panchāngam to set auspicious dates for weddings and the like. 

Panchangam literally translates to having five parts [angas].  They are :
•        Tithi - Ending Moment (EM) of elongation of the Moon, the lunar day, the angular relationship between Sun and Moon
•        Varam – the weekday ~ the seven days of the week
•        Nakshatra - the stellar mansion in which Moon is located for an observer at the center of the Earth. There are 27 Nakshatras.
•        Yoga - EM of the angular relationship between Sun and Moon
•         Karana - EM of half of a Tithi. One Karaa equals 6 degree difference between Moon and Sun.

At 06.30 om  the function started.   On the podium were :
·        Pundit Sri Kallappur Pavamanachaar, Bengaluru
·        Sri U. Ve. Dr MA Venkata Krishnan, MA, M.Phil., Ph.D., D. Litt., [ Retd. Prof & Head, Department of Vaishnavism, University of Madras]; Thiruvallikkeni Adhyapakar
·        Thiru Pammal Ramakrishnan, State President, Tamilnadu Brahmins Association.(Regd.)
·        Mr KV Rangarajan, President, Brahmin Welfare Association, Triplicane.
·        Mr Venkatesan, Inspector of Police, D3 PS

Yours Truly welcomed the audience, introduced the Guests and compered the event.

Panchangam was released by Pundit Sri Pavamanachaar received by Dr MA Venkatakrishnan – copies handed to other special guests on the dias.   While it is Day : 24 hours : 60 Minutes : 60 seconds ….. the calculations are much more minutely accurate in Vedic and computation of Panchangam ~ it is 48 minutes = 1 muhurtham; 24 minutes = 1 nazhigai; 60 nazhigai = 1 day; 2 ½ nazhigai = 1 hour…….. 15 days is = 1 paksham; 2 months = 1 ruthu;….and minutely …. 1 Paramaanu = 0.0002 seconds  … the book contains so much of useful information and should be treasured in every Brahmin house.

Kanchi Krishna, Secretary was honoured on the dias for preparing this panchangam. Vittal Narayanan had provided eye-capturing backdrop and was honoured on stage for his work.  TJ Ramani coordinating all the work and who completed 60 recently was also honoured.  D3 Inspector Mr Venkatesan, recently has been promoted and he was honoured on stage.

It is the year of Swami Ramanujar whose 1000th year – the whole World is celebrating.  May 1, 2017  is Chithirai Thiruvathirai – the day of his Sarrumurai.  There was an enthralling patti mandram  with an unique title.  Sri U. Ve Dr M A Venkatakrishnan was the Judge for the debate titled ‘which quality of Swami Ramanujacharya outweighs others – is it ‘Saranagathi Thatthutam (doctrine of surrender) or Samutha Seerthirutham (his Social reforms).  As Dr MAV rightly put it was not about which is better but which of the quality is more pronounced in our Acharya who was endowed with so many great virtues and who directed  lakhs of His devotees in the right path of Sri Vainavam.

On Saranagathi, Sri UVe Gomadam Madhavachariyar and Dr (Mrs) Sathyabama Parthasarathi spoke; while on Social reforms it was Sri UVe MA Madusudhanan and Mrs Krishna Krupa (grand daughter of Puttur Swami) – those of us who heard the enrapturing debate were benefitted by hearing and learning more about our greatest Acharyar, who transformed the lives of millions of us. 

In all, it was a grand show organized by Brahmin Welfare Association of Triplicane.  Copies of new  panchangam were distributed to all those present at the mantap.  The list in the initial para ‘Vilambi .. …. .. to Pilavanga’  ~ are the names of the 10 years that are to follow the present year.   Here are some photos of the function taken by Thirumazhisai Kannan and rest taken by me.

With regards – S. Sampathkumar.

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