Sunday, May 8, 2016

Udayavar Yaanai vahanam - day 8 (இராமானுசமுனி வேழம்) 2016

Gold traded near a 15-month peak on last Monday as a tumble in the dollar and weakness in global equities pushed up the metal to near USD 1,300 an ounce. Spot gold was little changed at USD 1,292.27 an ounce by 0322 GMT, after climbing to USD 1,296.11 on Friday, the highest level since January 2015.

You are reading this, for, tomorrow (9th May 2016) -  is “Akshaya Tritiya”  the day when Lord Parashuram, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is believed to have been born. It is considered one of the most auspicious days in the year and, as such, people not only buy jewellery but also perform all 'shubh karya' on the day.  One of the most important legends associated with observing Akshaya Trithiya is that of Lord Krishna and Kuchela. Another significant mythology is that of the Pandavas receiving the Akshay Patra from Krishna.

I have posted earlier  on how marketeers have converted this to be a day of buying gold ornaments and silver ~ making it a great day for the Sellers.  The word "Akshaya" means the never diminishing in Sanskrit and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. Traders have made it appear that it is the day when one must make purchases ~  over the last week, snapping its four-day rising streak, gold retreated from a two-year high, falling Rs 100 to Rs 30,200 per 10 grams at the bullion market, owing to slackened demand by jewellers at existing levels even as the precious metal firmed up overseas. Silver also eased by Rs 150 to Rs 41,700 per kg due to reduced offtake by industrial units and coin makers. Traders said fall in demand from retailers at the existing level mainly caused the decline in gold prices, but a firm trend overseas capped the losses.

Last week, Silver prices were up by Rs 59 to trade at Rs 41,625 per kg in futures trading today as participants indulged in enlarging positions amid a firm trend in precious metals overseas. In futures trading, silver for delivery in May was up by Rs 598, or 0.14 percent, at Rs 41,625 per kg at the Multi Commodity Exchange, in a business turnover of 58 lots.  It is not Gold and silver alone, the  number of rigs drilling for natural gas in the United States fell by 1 this week to 87, data from oil services firm Baker Hughes showed on Friday.  Saudi Arabia's oil output will edge up close to record highs in coming weeks to meet summer demand for power but is unlikely to be pushed to the limit and flood global markets, Saudi-based industry sources said

This is no post on Gold or Silver – but on our Acharyar Emperumanaar. Today, (8th May 2016) the 8th day of the Uthsavam, by sheer coincidence, it was ‘yaanai vahanam’ for Udayavar in the evening; and the yaanai in Thiruvallikkeni is silvery.   Swami Emperumanaar had purappadu on the silver elephant and the oozing grace simply outweighed the serenity and beauty of the moon – one could see only the kindness and glory of Swami.  Here are some photos of Swami Yathirajar on Yaanai vahanam.

பண்தரு மாறன் பசுந்தமிழ் * ஆனந்தம் பாய்மதமாய்
விண்டிட எங்கள் இராமானுசமுனி வேழம் * மெய்ம்மை
கொண்ட நல்வேதக் கொழுந்தண்டம் ஏந்திக் குவலயத்தே
மண்டி வந்து ஏன்றது வாதியர்காள் உங்கள் வாழ்வு அற்றதே.

திருவரங்கத்து அமுதனாரின் அனுபவம் :  எம்பெருமானார்  தன்னை அண்டியவர்களைக் காப்பாற்றுபவராகவும், தான் விரும்பியவர்களுக்கு  நல்ல நெறியை காட்டிதருபவராகவும், அழகான யானை போன்று   உள்ளார்.  நம்மாழ்வார் அருளிச்செய்த, அழகான பண்களுடன் கூடிய, தெளிவான தமிழில் உள்ள திருவாய்மொழி,  ஸ்ரீமந் நாராயணன் என்னும் கடலில் இருந்துஆழ்வார்கள் ஆசார்யர்கள்  வழியாக  எம்பெருமானாரை அடைந்து, ஸம்ஸாரிகளைக்  காக்கிறது.  கம்பீரமான யானை போன்ற எம்பெருமானாரின் வாதங்களை எதிர்த்து வாதம் செய்பவர்கள், வாழ்வு பயன் எம்பெருமானை அடைவதே என உணர்ந்து அவரிடமே உபதேசம் பெற்றனர்.

அடியேன் ஸ்ரீனிவாச தாசன்

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