Friday, June 29, 2012

Sri Azhagiya Singar Uthsavam- Day 2 Morning – Sesha Vahanam

Sri Azhagiya Singar Uthsavam- Day 2 Morning – Sesha Vahanam

சென்றால் குடையாம் இருந்தால் சிங்காசனமாம்,
நின்றால் மரவடியாம் நீள்கடலுள், - என்றும்
புணையாம் மணிவிளக்காம் பூம்பட்டாம் புல்கும்
அணையாம், திருமாற் கரவு.  – Muthal Thiruvanthathi, Poigaiazhwaar.

Of those who render service to Maha Vishnu, Ananthan – the snake serves Him in the best possible manner that one could visualize.  When Thirumal is moving, Thiruananthazhwaan hoods him like a parasol,  when God sits,  Seshan is  settee – the seat of comfort;  when Lord stands,  the snake serves Him as footwear ; in the Thiruparkadal where Lord reclines to take rest, he becomes the silken bed – he gleams with light and provides handrest too.   The serpentine Ananthazhwaan is ever at the service of the Lord in every possible manner. 

On day 2 of Brahmothsavam of Sri Azhagiya Singar at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, it was ‘Sesha Vahanam’ and it was indeed a grand purappadu this morning.  Here are some photos for our joy.

With regards – S. Sampathkumar.

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