Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Andal Nachiyar masa thirunakshathiram - Avani Puram 2024


Today is September 3 -  the 246th  day of the year (247th in leap years – this 2024 being a leap year) in the Gregorian calendar; 119 days remain until the end of the year. 

The American expression, “time is money,” sits at the core of United States culture. It doesn’t just mean that you can put a price on time “spent” or that you shouldn’t waste time. The copulative use of the verb “to be” in the proverb asserts a semantic equivalence between the two ideas of money and time. Time is money, but equally money is time.  Because time has such a special place in US culture, it’s instructive to see how it may influence discussions both trivial and grave. Take the topic of nuclear weapons, for example. Most other cultures see the very idea of possessing a nuclear arsenal as an existential problem. Most nations question whether nuclear weapons should even be allowed to exist. Americans, in contrast — especially those who have the power to make policy — focus on the real question: how those weapons need to be managed over time.  

Turning the annals of History offers interesting insights !   On this day centuries ago, occurred the Bellum Siculum  (Latin for "Sicilian War"),  an Ancient Roman civil war waged between 42 BC and 36 BC by the forces of the Second Triumvirate and Sextus Pompey, the last surviving son of Pompey the Great and the last leader of the Optimate faction. The war consisted of mostly a number of naval engagements throughout the Mediterranean Sea and a land campaign primarily in Sicily that eventually ended in a victory for the Triumvirate and Sextus Pompey's death. The conflict is notable as the last stand of any organised opposition to the Triumvirate.  

Centuries later, was signed the  Treaty of Selymbria,  an agreement concluded on 3 September 1411 between the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman prince Musa Çelebi, ruler of the European portion of the Ottoman Empire (Rumelia), at Selymbria. The treaty largely repeated previous agreements between Venice and Ottoman rulers, and recognized the possessions of the Republic in Greece and Albania.   Selymbria was a town of ancient Thrace on the Propontis, 22 Roman miles east from Perinthus, and 44 Roman miles west from Constantinople, near the southern end of the wall built by Anastasius I Dicorus for the protection of his capital.  Its site is located at Silivri in European Turkey. According to Strabo, its name signifies "the town of Selys;"  from which it has been inferred that Selys was the name of its founder, or of the leader of the colony from Megara, which founded it at an earlier period than the establishment of Byzantium, another colony of the same Greek city-state.  In honour of Eudoxia, the wife of the emperor Arcadius, its name was changed to Eudoxiopolis or Eudoxioupolis  which it bore for a considerable time. It was still its official name in the seventh century.  

The brutal fact that is borne out is things that were glorious of those eons, have been buried and forgotten and none actually cares for these.  For us life is different – it is about Sriman Narayana and divind kainkaryams – today is Puram, masa thirunakshathiram of Goda devi.  A month ago, 7th Aug 2024 was Thiruvadipuram, celebrations of Andal Nachiyar birth.  

Andal’s birth occurred in the 98th year of Kali Yuga – Nala Varudam – in the month of Aadi – shukla paksham – chathurthasi day.   She was found in a thulsi garden at  Sri Villiputhur by Vishnu Chithar [Periyazhwaar].  Thiruvadipuram [Puram Nakshathiram in the month of Aadi] – a most blessed day for all Srivaishnavaites.   

ஸ்ரீ ஆண்டாள் அருளிச்செய்த பிரபந்தங்கள்  'திருப்பாவை; நாச்சியார் திருமொழி". திருப்பாவை 'சங்கத் தமிழ் மாலை' என போற்றப்படுகிறது. தமது 'உபதேசரத்தினமாலையில்' நம் பொய்யில்லா மணவாள மாமுனிவன்  திருவாடிப்பூர திருநக்ஷத்திரத்தில்  பூமி பிராட்டி ஸ்ரீவைகுண்டத்தில் உள்ள உயர்ந்த அனுபவத்தை விட்டுவிட்டு பெரியாழ்வாருக்கு திருமகளாக இந்த உலகத்தில் நாம் உஜ்ஜீவிப்பதற்கு அவதரித்தருளினதை,  அழகிய ஆடி மாதத்தின் பூர நக்ஷத்திரத்தின் வைபவம் வேறொரு தினத்துக்கு  கிடையவே கிடையாது, என அருளி செய்துள்ளார்..


Praying Andal Nachiyar on Avani Puram today, here are some photos of Andal from Neeratta uthsavam day 8 in Jan 2024.

adiyen Srinivasadhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar 

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