Saturday, April 13, 2024

Ornate Ganapathi ! ~ பழமறையின் அருளுருவைக் கணபதியைப் பணிமனமே.

பிள்ளையாரு சுழி போட்டு காரியத்தை தொடங்குவோமே, ஜெயமோடு ஜெயம் வந்து சேர்ந்திடுமே !


Stunned by the intricate carving and beauty of this Simhamuga Ganesha.  Have seen Vinayaka in various forms but this wooden carving (originating from Bali) seen in the collection of Sri MA Narasimhan at Triplicane is mind blowing with its intricate carving  !!


எழிலொழுகும் தடவிழியும் தழைந்தசையும் இருசெவியும்

புழையுறுகைக் கயமுகமும் பொழிகருணை மழைமதமும்

செழுமலரின் விரைகமழும் திருவடியும் திகழ்வுறுமோர்

பழமறையின் அருளுருவைக் கணபதியைப் பணிமனமே.


Veera Vigneshwara  rides on a mighty, fearless and formidable lion, and transmits power and confidence to the devotees. He is fair-complexioned, looks uniquely different having the thumbikkai (the trunk of an elephant) and the face of a Lion.    


The Sritattvanidhi (Treasure of Realities) an important iconographic manual of the late 18th century, was commissioned by the Maharaja of Mysore State, Krishnaraja Wodeyar, to preserve and protect traditional knowledge of iconography in the southern Indian subcontinent. Within the text 32 icons of Ganapati are described, including Simha Ganapati. He is shown more often simply riding a lion. However, in this remarkable form, Ganesha’s face has merged with that of a lion. His huge bulging eyes, ears and sharp fangs are all depicted extraordinarily ornate.


Many many thanks to Sri Mandayam Narasimhan for showing this rare Ganapathi and allowing it to be photographed

With regards – S Sampathkumar

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