Saturday, April 20, 2024

Chithirai Shukla Paksha Ekadasi 2024 - பள்ளி அடைந்தானை நாளும் அடைந்து.

எம்பெருமானை ஆச்ரயிக்கப்பெற்றவர்களில் ஆரேனும் துன்பப்படுவார் உண்டோ !?!? இன்று சிறப்பு நாள் -  ஏகாதசி – 19.4.2024, வெள்ளிக்கிழமை  (சித்திரை மாதம் 6, சுக்ல பக்ஷ  ஏகாதசி).  திருவல்லிக்கேணியில்  ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி பெருமாள் பெரிய மாட வீதி புறப்பாடு  கண்டருளினார். 


It is summer time and the heat is unbearable !  Over the past couple of weeks, Chennai has been experiencing very hot weather and there were fears of mercury shooting up further  - today was a holiday being Election day at Tamil Nadu -  being first phase of 18th Lok Sabha Elections 2024.   

The Nation has come a long way from the first General elections that were held  25 October 1951 and 21 February 1952.  Voters elected the 489 members of the first Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. Elections to most of the state legislatures were held simultaneously.   Madras was a composite state with many parts of Andhra and Madras was a single constituency.  Mr TT Krishnamachari won – there were 369299 eligible voters of whom 52.9% voted and TTK garnered 195370 votes.  Not many would know that there was a party called -   Commonweal Party that existed in Tamil Nadu between 1951 and 1954,  started by M. A. Manickavelu Naicker.  The party won three seats in the 1952 Lok Sabha election and six seats in the Madras State legislative assembly elections.   

In the Madras Assembly elections, no  single party obtained a simple majority to form an independent government. C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji) of the Indian National Congress became the Chief Minister after a series of re-alignments among various political parties and Independents.  Rajaji resigned in 1954 and in the ensuing leadership struggle, Kamaraj defeated Rajaji's chosen successor C. Subramaniam and became the Chief Minister on 31 March 1954.  

Today the voting was between 7 am to 6 pm – there are couple of Polling booths in the mada veethi – NKT Boys High School and Samarao school – periya mada veethi purappadu started around 5.45 pm.  

ஆரே துயருழந்தார் துன்புற்றார் ஆண்டையார்,

காரே மலிந்த கருங் கடலை,- நேரே

கடைந்தானைக் காரணனைநீரணைமேல் பள்ளி

அடைந்தானை நாளும் அடைந்து. 


மேகங்கள் நிறைந்த பெரிய கடலை தானே முன்னின்று கடைந்தவனும் ஸகல ஜகத்காரண பூதனுமானவனும்திருப்பாற்கடலில்  ஆதிசேஷனாகிற அனந்தன் மேல்  பள்ளிக்கொண்டிருப்பவனுமான எம்பெருமானை நாடோறும் பணிபவர்கள்  ஒருபோதும் ஒருவிதமான துக்கங்களையும் அனுபவிக்கமாட்டார்கள்  - - அவ்வாறு துயருற்றோர் எங்குமில்லை ! யாருமில்லை!!

In this World, there exists sufferings and sorrow ~  Can  there ever be  people bereft of sorrow and  eternally blissful – our Peyalwar shows us the way in his Moonram thiruvanthathi.    Peyazhwar’s advice to the Universe is simple – to those who offer worship everyday to the Lord who reclines in Sesha sayanam,  who churned the ocean, who is the cause of all  - there would seldom by any misery .  

At Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, we are fortunate to have darshan of Emperuman on most days and today being Shukla paksha  Ekadasi in the month of Chithirai  - we were fortunae to have the divyadarshan of Sri Parthasarathi Emperuman

~ adiyen Srinivasadhasan.
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar

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