Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Irapathu 4 2023 - Greek God 'Adadnadinakhe,' - நின்ற ஆதிப்பிரான் நிற்க !!

இன்று  இராப்பத்து  உத்சவத்தில் நான்காம் நாள்.  வீதி புறப்பாட்டில் ஆசார்யரின் உபதேச இரத்தினமாலையும், திருக்கோவில் உள்ளே திருவாய்மொழி நான்காம் பத்தும் சேவிக்கப் பெறுகின்றன.   ஸகலஜகத்காரணபூதனான ஸர்வேச்வரன் திருநகரியிலே எளியனாய்க் காட்சி தந்தருளா நிற்க, வேறுதெய்வத்தைத் தேடி ஓடுகிறீர்களே! இது என்ன அறிவு கேடு! என்று வெறுக்கிறார் - ஸ்வாமி நம்மாழ்வார்   

Archaeologists in Iraq have unearthed twin temples built on top of each other. The newer, Hellenistic temple dates to the fourth century B.C. and may have a link to Alexander the Great.  The temple contained a fired brick with an Aramaic and Greek inscription that references "the giver of two brothers" — a possible reference to the Macedonian king, who conquered much of the known world during his 13-year-reign from 336 B.C. to 323 B.C.  

Archaeologists from the British Museum in London discovered the older temple while conducting excavations at Girsu, a Sumerian city now known as Tello in southeastern Iraq. The excavations are part of an ongoing venture conducted by the museum known as The Girsu Project that focuses on learning more about the city’s storied history.  Remnants of the older, Sumerian temple were found buried "on the exact same spot" as the newer construction, which was dedicated to the "Greek god Hercules and his Sumerian equivalent, the hero god Ningirsu [also known as Ninurta]," Sebastien Rey, an archaeologist and curator of Ancient Mesopotamia at the British Museum who led the excavation, told Live Science in an email.  

The fact that a temple was raised on the same site where one stood 1,500 years earlier was no coincidence, and the site must have held some significance to the people of Mesopotamia, the researchers said. "It shows that the inhabitants of Babylonia in the [fourth] century B.C. had a vast knowledge of their history," Rey said. "The legacy of the Sumerians was still very vibrant."  

While exploring the dual temple site, archaeologists discovered a silver drachm (an ancient Greek coin) buried beneath an altar or shrine, as well as a brick with the two brothers inscription. "The inscription is very interesting because it mentions an enigmatic Babylonian name written in Greek and Aramaic," Rey said. "The name 'Adadnadinakhe,' which means 'Adad, the giver of brothers,' was clearly chosen as a ceremonial title on account of its archaizing tone and symbolic connotations. All the evidence points to the fact that the name was extraordinarily rare."  

The inscription itself is a nod to Zeus, the Greek sky god, who is often symbolized by a lightning bolt and an eagle. Both of these symbols can be found on the coin, which would've been struck in Babylon "under Alexander the Great's authority," Rey said. "It shows Hercules in a youthful, clean-shaven portrait that strongly recalls conventional representations of Alexander on one side, with Zeus on the other." Zeus also "famously acknowledged Alexander as his son through the agency of the Ammon oracle,” Rey said. It is not clear or evident whether Alexander himself could have visited this temple !!!! 

There are excavations and discoveries – here in this Punniyaboomi Baratham, we live by Ithihasa puranams Sri Ramayanam and Maha Baratham – and live happily chanting the Nalayira divyaprabantham rendered by Azhwars. Adhyayana uthsavam is one where the entire 4000 is recited.

Adhyayana Uthsavam is a great time – 10 long days of Pagal pathu, followed by 10 days of Irapathu – so much of darshan of Emperuman, hearing arulicheyal.  On day 4 of the Uthsavam occurs Hanumad Jayanthi.   On all days of Irapathu purappadu , it is Swami Nammalwar and  Sri Parthasarathi. On day 4  in addition   Sri Anjaneyar too  as the day is  celebrated as  Hanuman Jayanthi, the birthday of Lord Aanjaneya.  Though Hanumath Jayanthi is celebrated on various dates at various places, at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, it is celebrated on chathurthasi / Pournami  and would fall on 4th day of Irapathu Uthsavam.  

At Thiruvallikeni divyadesam, there is sannathi of Pavana guru  Hanumar right in front of Lord Rama and is on the way to the Moolavar Sri Venkatakrishnan sannathi.  This Aanjaneyar  has purappadu once in a year and hence rare to get his darshan on the thiruveethi and photograph him too.  Rarer still is the kulakkarai Anjaneyar.  The sannathi for siriya thiruvadi at East Tank Square St is attached to the Temple. In every purappadu, there would be sri sadagopam maryathai for this Anjaneya too.  This Hanumar never comes out and hence more tougher to have a photograph, perhaps the only occasion being His balalayam for renovation when HE comes to the main temple and goes back on Samprokshanam day.  

ஆழ்வார் திருநகரியென வழங்கப்படும்  திருக்குருகூர் நவதிருப்பதிகளில் ஒன்று.  ஸ்வாமி நம்மாழ்வார் அவதாரஸ்தலம்.  தல அதிபதியான ஆதிப்பிரானை அடையும்படி ஆழ்வார் நமக்கு அளிக்கும் அற்புத அறிவுரை :  

ஒன்றுந் தேவும் உலகும் உயிரும் மற்றும் யாதுமில்லா*

அன்று, நான்முகன் தன்னொடு தேவருலகோடு உயிர்படைத்தான்,*

குன்றம் போல்  மணிமாடம் நீடு திருக்குருகூரதனுள்,

நின்ற ஆதிப்பிரான்  நிற்க,  மற்றைத் தெய்வம் நாடுதிரே !!!. 

At a period when there were none in existence – nobody  else -  any God, Devas, earthly humans, other living 0rganisms, and nothing existed – Sriman Narayana, created Brahma and with him the other Gods, Devas, Worlds, all living things.  When that supreme Lord stands as Aathippiran  at Thirukkurugur where jewelled houses rise like mountains;  is there is sense or need to think of any other God as savior ?  - asks Nammalwar.  

வானத்திலே வலம் வரும் தேவர்களும், அவர்களுக்கிருப்பிடமான உலகங்களும்.மனிதர் முதலிய உயிர் பிராணிகளும், மற்றுமுள்ள அனைத்தும், சிறிதுமில்லாத அந்த ஊழிக்காலத்திலே, நான்முகனையும், தேவர்களையும்,  உலகங்களையும், அவ்வுலகில் உள்ள உயிரினங்களையும் படைத்தவனும், வேத சாஸ்த்ரங்களில் நிலைத்திருப்பவனுமான ஆதிநாதனென்றும் எம்பெருமான், மலைபோன்ற       திருமாளிகைகள் உயர்ந்திருக்கப்பெற்ற திருகுருகூர் திருநகரியிலே காட்சிதந்து கொண்டிருக்கும் போது, வேறு  தெய்வங்களை தேடியோடும் மானிடர்களை       நினைத்து எப்படி கவலை கொள்வது  ?  அவர்களை எப்படி திருத்துவது ?? – என  கவலை கொள்கிறார் சுவாமி நம்மாழ்வார்.

Here are some photos of Irapathu purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni today evening.


adiyen Srinivasadhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar

தமிழ் விளக்க உரை :  திருக்கச்சி ஸ்ரீ காஞ்சி பிரதிவாதி பயங்கரம் அண்ணங்கராசாரியார்

Acknowledge with thanks www.dravidaveda.org. 

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