Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Sri Parthasarathi Perumal thirutherukku purappadu 2023

Sri Parthasarathi Perumal  thirutherukku purappadu 2023

                          In the ongoing Chithirai  Brahmothsavam for Sri Parthasarathi Emperuman   at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam today  10.5.2023    is the seventh  day – a very important day ~ it is Thiruther  for Perumal.

This morning Sri  Parthasarathi Perumal   started from His sannathi – had siriya mada veethi  purappadu to Thiruther @ 05.00   am  - here are some photos of the purappadu through Peyalwar koil street.  In  a couple of  hour’s time, there would be the grand thiruther purappadu – all are invited to be at Triplicane and have the blessings of our Emperuman.. .. ..  thiruther vadam @ 7 am.

It is always a mystic experience ~ Perumal coming out of the sannathi – ther mallari being played  and the rhythmic manner in which He is taken in purappadu .. .. and there were hundreds waiting to have this darshan.

நம்மாழ்வாரின் அற்புத வரிகளில் :

“அடங்கெழில் சம்பத்து* அடங்கக்கண்டு* ஈசன்

அடங்கெழில் அஃதென்று* அடங்குகவுள்ளே”

~ Can there be more bliss than looking at and understanding the radiance and opulence of Sriman Narayana, enjoy His great qualities and merge into Him !

Here are some photos taken a few minutes ago.  

adiyen Srinivasadhasan.
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar
 @ 05.30 am 10th May 2023.


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