Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Swami Ramanujar pallakku - day 8 Prapanna pagai 2022

 For Srivaishnavaites, life is blissful – we are fully engrossed in the Sahasrabdi Thiruvavathara mahothsavam of the greatest Saint Swami Ramanujar.  Today 3.5.2022  is day 8 of the Uthsavam and Udayavar had purappadu in Golden pallakku. 

                  For those of you, having darshan of Emperumanar all the days and those following my posts, would observe the decorating ornate crowns adorning Nummi Ramanusan .. today it is the brilliant ‘prabanna pagai’ (பிரபந்ந பாகை). A beautifully made kireedam in the shape known as ‘prabanna pagai’ adorned Emperumanaar (யதி என்பதால் சிகப்பு பட்டு) (மற்றும் துரா பதக்கங்களையும் இப்படத்தில் காணலாம்). 

In the Srivaishna sampradhayam, Bhagwad Ramanuja with his aesthetic beautiful interpretations occupies the central place.  Sri Ramanujar hailed as Udayavar, Emperumanar, Bashyakarar,Ilayazhwaar amongst other names was born in the year 1017 at Sri Perumpudur on ‘Thiruvathirai’ thirunakshathiram in the month of Chithirai. The grand sarrumurai ‘Chithiraiyil seiya Thiruvadirai’  [ThiruvadhiraiNakshathiram in the Tamil month of Chithirai] falls on  5th May 2022.  

Today is “Akshaya Tritiya”  the day when Lord Parashurama, is celebrated to have been born. It is considered one of the most auspicious days in the year and, as such, people not only buy jewellery but also perform all 'shubh karya' on the day.  One of the most important legends associated with observing Akshaya Trithiya is that of Lord Krishna and Kuchela. Another significant mythology is that of the Pandavas receiving the Akshay Patra from Krishna.  In the recent past, marketeers have converted this to be a day of buying gold ornaments and silver ~ making it a great day for the Sellers.  The word "Akshaya" means the never diminishing in Sanskrit and the day is believed to bring good luck and success. Traders have made it appear that it is the day when one must make purchases   This is no post on Gold or Silver – but on our Acharyar Emperumanaar. Today, is  8th day of the Uthsavam, by sheer coincidence, it is Golden pallakku in the morning and the big Golden ‘yaanai vahanam’ in the evening.  Come have the blessings of Emperumanar, there is no other wealth. 

The greatest reformer Sri  Ramanuja gave us many vedantic treatises:  Sri Bashyam, Vedartasangraha, Vedanta deepa, Vedanta sara, the three Gadyams and more. Our darsana Sthapakar, Sri Ramanujar is rightly reverred as ‘YathiRajar’ ~ the king among yathis [hermits and sages],  it is our Acharyan who showed us the right direction to follow. The greatest reformer he was, Ramanuja toured the entire Country, making the Srivaishnavatie tradition flourish in all his path.  He was a great administrator too.  He created flawless systems, corrected the administration of Sri Rangam ensuring the proper maintenance of the wealth of Lord Ranganatha and creating teams to properly continue all kainkaryams to the Lord.  

யோநித்யம் அச்யுத பதாம்புஜ யுக்மருக்ம

வ்யாமோஹதஸ் ததிதராணி த்ருணாய மேநே **

அஸ்மத் குரோர் பகவதோsஸ்ய தயைகஸிந்தோ: *

 ராமாநுஜஸ்ய  சரணௌ ரணம் ப்ரபத்யே!! 

அழிவற்ற கலக்கமே இல்லாத அச்சுதன் எனும் எம்பெருமானிடத்தில் அளவிட முடியாத பிரேமை கொண்ட  ஸ்ரீராமாநுஜர் உலகத்திலுள்ள பொருட்களையும் ஆசைகளையும் ஒரு புல்லுக்கு சமானமாகவே கருதினார். கல்யாண குணங்களை கொண்டவரும்எல்லையில்லா தயையின் கடலுமான அவரே நமக்கெல்லாம் குரு.  ஆச்சார்யர் உடையவரது  திருவடிகளே நமக்கு சரண். [எம்பெருமானார் தனியன் கூரத்தாழ்வான் அருளிச்செய்தது].. .. ..   

Blessed are the people, who regularly recite the 108 songs rendered by his disciple ThiruvarangathuAmuthanar known as “Ramanuja Noorranthathi”. Here are some photos taken in today’s morning purappadu 

~ adiyen Srinivasadhasan.
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar
3rd May 2022


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