Monday, November 1, 2021

Lord Srinivasa Temple at Sripuranthan needs to be built ! - kainkaryam of a determined individual !!

அக்டோபர் 18 ஐப்பசி பிறந்தது .. .. அடிக்கடி மழை பெய்கிறது.. .. சீதோஷ்ணம் மிதமாக உள்ளது - மொத்தத்தில் ஒரு சந்தோஷ சூழ்நிலை.  ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவம் எனும்  ஆலமரம் தழைக்க இராமானுஜரின் மறு அவதாரமாக தோன்றினவர்  நம் ஆச்சார்யன் ஸ்வாமி  மணவாள மாமுனிகள் ~ அவரது திருவவதாரத்தால் இந்த ஐப்பசி மாசம் சிறப்புற்றது.    நம் ஆசார்யன் உத்சவத்தில் நல்ல மழை பெய்து நாட்டையே வளப்படுத்தும்.

ஆக்கையின் வழி உழல்வேன் என்ற பாசுரம் காதில் ஒலித்தது.  இதோ இங்கே ஒரு கிராம கோவிலிலே நம் ஆசார்யன் ஸ்வாமி இராமானுஜரும் நம் பொய்யில்லாத மணவாள மாமுனிகளும் !!

Recently went on a pilgrimage covering 5 beautiful Temples – darshan at these places was soul-satisfying and made me feel very happy !  .. .. every morning in various social media, I write about my trips !; my observations !; my photos !; my feelings! My learnings ! – and more of ME  !!  - and as I post on social media, I receive more than my share from others too .. a friend of mine had been sending some posts calling for participation in kainkaryam and today suddenly felt that one should be appreciating people like him more and partaking in the various activities that he has been undertaking ..

How many villages do we visit, do we go to lesser known temples, or for that matter Temples which in the past hogged all glory, but now is uncared for ! – would we put up couple of bricks or lit an oil-lamp in thousands of such temples – thoughts, guilt and more haunt me !

ஆக்கை   பெயர்ச்சொல்லை அதிகம் கேள்வியுற்று இருக்க மாட்டீர்கள் !  (அருகிவரும் வழக்கு) - பொருள் :  உடம்பு.   யாக்கை என்பது உடலும் உயிரும் கட்டிக்கொண்டு இருக்கும் நிலைமை. எலும்பு, தசை, நரம்பு முதலான நிலப் பொருள்களும், குருதி போன்ற நீர்ப்ப் பொருளும், சூடு போன்ற நீப்பொருளும், மூச்சோட்டமாகிய காற்றுப் பொருளும், உயிரோட்டமாகிய ஆகாயப் பொருளும் என ஐம்பூதப் பொருளும் ஒன்றோடொன்று கட்டிக்கொண்டு இயங்குவதை யாக்கை என்பது தமிழ்நெறி.

We are in the state of extreme Bliss !  - the adjective ‘blissful’ would mean -  Extremely happy; full of joy; experiencing, indicating, causing, or characterized by bliss.  .. .. it is the month of Aippaisi and it heralds  rains in Tamil Nadu .. .. it is a time of bountiful goodness – Srivaishnavaites are extremely blissful as alongside Deepavali festival comes sarrumurai of Muthal Azhwargal (Thiruvonam, Avittam & sadayam)  and Thirumoolam marks the birth celebrations of our Matchless AcaryaSwami Manavala Mamunigal.  From today 30.10.2021  starts the glorious 10 day celebrations – Deepavali is on day 6 of the Uthsavam 4.11.2021; Annakkoda uthsavam, the next day and Sarrumurai celebrations (Aippaisi Thirumulam) on Monday, 8.11.2021.

Devotees may bleed in their heart to see Emperuman Lord Srinivasa in such a position in a remote village !

For a Srivaishnavaite, Kainkaryam is essential; Selfless and unconditional “kainkaryam i.e., service to Lord” cleanses the soul of the performer. One must adore and be attached to their Acharyan and only the direction of Acharyar will lift us from all earthly evils. 

ஸ்வாமி நம்மாழ்வாரின் பாசுரத்திலே "ஆக்கையின் வழி உழல்வேன் " - நீ ஒன்றை நினைத்துத் தந்தாய்; நான் சரீரத்தின் வழியே போந்தேன். ‘தெப்பத்தை நூக்கிச் சென்று பெருமாளைச் சேவிக்கலாயிருக்க, ‘சரீரம் பாங்கன்று’ என்று நீரின் வழியே சென்று கடலிலே புகுவாரைப் போலே, இதர விஷயப் பிராவண்யத்துக்கு உறுப்பாக்கிக் கேட்டினை விளைத்துக்கொண்டேன்,’ என்கிறார் என்பர் எம்பார்.

முந்நீர் ஞாலம் படைத்த எம் முகில்வண்ணனே,

அந்நாள் நீ தந்த ஆக்கையின்வழி உழல்வேன்,

வெம்நாள் நோய் வீய வினைகளை வேர் அறப்பாய்ந்து

எந்நாள் யான் உன்னை இனிவந்து கூடுவனே? 

‘முந்நீர்’ எனப்படும் கடலால் சூழப்பட்ட இந்த உலகத்தைப் படைத்தவனே, எங்களுடைய முகில்வண்ணனே! நான் எப்போதோ செய்த வினைகளுக்காக, நீ எனக்கு இந்த உடலைக் கொடுத்து விட்டாய். அது என்னை எந்தப் பக்கம் இழுத்துச் செல்கிறதோ அந்தப் பக்கம் நான் சென்று சிரமப்படுகிறேன். பிறவி என்கிற இந்தத் துன்பம் எப்போது தீரும்? என்னுடைய வினைகள் வேரோடு அழிவதுஎன்றைக்கு? யான் உன் பாதத்தில் சேரும் நாள் எப்போது வரும்?  - என வினவுகிறார் நம்மாழ்வார்.  ஆனால் நாமோ, யார் பெரியன், எனது செல்வம் என்ன, செருக்கு என்ன, மூளை என்ன, அறிவு என்ன என சிந்தையில் வழுக்கி வாழ்கிறோம்.

Have read a book  called ‘Ego is the Enemy’ – wherein there is compelling argument on why ego hurts us, and also shares some practical suggestions about how we can manage our ego.  Most of us would admit having been a victim of ego in the past.  Perhaps we have also observed others (close friends, relatives  and colleagues) who have made poor decisions, or have generally been unhappy, because of their ego. So this thought strongly resonates with me.  Pride and Ego – think about their incredible power. But gone wrong, what might they have cost and lost you?  Many a times,  we have allowed inflated ego’s and pride that has simply “gone too far” becoming  destructive forces! – killing energies, countless relationships, opportunities and initiatives of greater value. All that we have allowed stubbornness  to over-rule common sense.  Being stubborn on principle is welcome but not overreliance on self !!  

Life at Thiruvallikkeni offers chance to mingle with scores of people who are selflessly doing kainkaryam to Emperuman in various forms [be it Arulicheyal, Sreepadham, or many many forms in direct service to Emperuman and more to those serving Him] and various other community service, social service and more.  This person is less than 40, works in an IT company,  married, has kids and has every other distraction that all of us have !  .. .. have been watching his transformation – at the time of doing Sreepadham kainkaryam, he was into various activities like cleaning the tank, helping others – now he has been transforming various things and touching the lives of people. He conducts Ramanuja yatras too !

This gentleman Srikanth Pakshimannar is really doing exceptionally appreciable kainkaryam, visiting various villages, spreading noble thoughts, and bakthi cult and taking care of temples hitherto standing uncared for.  In doing kainkaryam purposefully and in a structured manner, he has created a trust - Sri Ramanujarya Divyagnya Seva Trust- in case you felt moved by the ruins and present looks of this temple – We may join Srikanth in renovating this temple, brick by brick and putting up first a shelter for Emperuman.

Srikkanth and others in kainkaryam during Deepavali purappadu earlier  !

Chola dynasty ruled our land well and  for long. The heartland of the Cholas was the fertile valley of the Kaveri River.  The Cholas left a lasting legacy. Their patronage of Tamil literature and their zeal in the building of temples has resulted in some great works of Tamil literature and architecture. The Chola kings were avid builders and envisioned the temples in their kingdoms not only as places of worship but also as centres of economic activity. The Chola period is also remarkable for its sculptures and bronzes.  One such temple exists in Sripuranthan too.

Away from the complex cities is Sripuranthan, a dusty village in the Ariyalur district of Tamil Nadu.  It is around 250 kms away from Chennai.  There will be muddy path winding across parched lands, scraggy cattle, suddenly enthused village elders, frolicking children – old Temple – all signs of any village scene of South India.  ~ and this village was in global news –  the Lord of Cosmic Dance (Nataraja)  from this village travelled thousands of kilometers smuggled from out his pedestal to the National Gallery of Art Canberra, Australia – by unscrupulous idol dealer Subhash Kapoor,  reportedly bought by NGA for Rs.31 crore in 2008.  Subhash Kapoor is not alone nor or idols from Temple ..... in that maze of network some missing Gods have landed up in foreign lands at private collections and art galleries. Fortunately, this Nataraja idol  was recovered from Australia. 

Sadly there are more sordid stories – there is another temple of Lord Srinivasa, Venkateswarar – Moolavar idol in standing posture – temple not even in a dilapidated condition, sort of non-existent; Uthsavar idols perhaps stolen languishing elsewhere. Our friend is now on a project to construct a small temple a la shelter / roof over Emperuman idol.   Seeing the Moolavar, the temple perhaps has antiquity of few centuries, the least !!


His communiqué says it would required around 300 blocks + 30 sacks of cement + one truck load of Msand; wall flooring and plastering work with 5 day 3 men labour – electrical wiring and all put together less than 1 lakh! – sounds incredibly simple and more importantly participation in kainkaryam at a lesser known place.  Here are details of the trust : -

Sri Ramanujarya Divyagnya Seva Trust

SBI, Wallajah Road Branch, Triplicane, Chennai 600005.

Account No.36898050995

IFSC code sbin0016556

Here is a video of the temple in its present form :


Elders say that we do not own, but are custodians of wealth bestowed by Emperuman – perhaps if few of us could contribute little and channelize them through Sri Pakshimannar Srikanth, sooner there would be a Temple – not only here we can support glorious kainkaryabarargal like Srikanth engaged in preserving our rich heritage and culture.  One gets more astonished and over-awed to know that since past few years, he has been running a small Ashram at Thirumandangudi (Thondaradipodi azhwar avathara sthalam) a facility where yatrikas can stay and providing daily breakfast to around 30 school children and offering Prasad daily at Mamunigal thiruvarasu at Thiruvarangam. 

Pranams to all those involved in kainkaryam in every form and appreciations to my friend Pakshimannar Srikanth, who now lives in Peyalwar Koil Street, Thiruvallikkeni and fanning out to many places for kainkaryam


adiyen Srinivasadhasan
Mamandur Srinivasan Sampathkumar
1st Nov 2021.

நேர் சம்பந்தமில்லாத பின்குறிப்பு :  யாக்கை (yaakkai) என்பது 2017ம் ஆண்டு வெளிவந்த   தமிழ் திரைப்படம் ஆகும். இதில் கதாநாயகனாக கிருஷ்ணாவும், கதாநாயகியாக சுவாதி ரெட்டியும் நடித்து  இருந்தனர்.  யுவன் சங்கர் ராஜாவின் இசை