Thursday, August 12, 2021

Aadi Hastham 2021 ~ நெஞ்சத்துப் பேராது நிற்கும் பெருமானை

Many a times human ego makes them feel big !  .. .. but what is the reality ? .. .. you do not need Science or logic to confirm that ant is small and Elephant is very big !  .. .. that is visualized by naked eye.  Huge tuskers are really big, much much bigger and bulkier than humans and so we fear them ! .. .. yet – do we understand that any standard definition can go awry ! – it is not only the blindmen who failed to see !!

Humans cannot see objects too close – imagine moving your hand closest, at some point your eyes see only a tiny part of the hand and not he hand itself, we cannot see even a big elephant if it were to be say 500 meters or beyond ! – and one may not comprehend that not everything is visible to human eyes ! .. . then there are so many vast things that human mind cannot even imagine or comprehend.  You live in apartments of 800SFT or so, a palace of 5000 SFT and beyond is BIG and palatial – then your city is several thousand times bigger, then your State, your Nation, the Earth, Sky, Oceans, the Galaxy !!

Only 5 percent of the universe is normal, observable matter. Within this small fraction, the human eye can only perceive matter that emits light within a certain frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum. While birds can perceive magnetic fields and snakes can image in the infrared, we can detect only visible light. This range determines our picture of space, Science explains. Our picture of space is, in that sense, a direct product of the human mind.  Rather than assume our picture wholly captured the universe, astrophysicists “started wondering whether there might be other things filling our galaxies and universe that we cannot see.” They designed telescopes to detect frequencies of light that lie beyond human perception, such as those of x-rays and radio waves. With these instruments, our picture of the universe became 5 percent complete.

The universe is all of space and time  and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the universe. According to estimation of this theory, space and time emerged together 13.799±0.021 billion years ago, and the universe has been expanding ever since. While the spatial size of the entire universe is unknown,  the cosmic inflation equation indicates that it must have a minimum diameter of 23 trillion light years,  and it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe, which is approximately 93 billion light-years in diameter at the present day.

Their tales of discovery made it clear that we often take our knowledge of the universe for granted. After all, the universe was not built for the human mind to understand. When we look up at the night sky, we see only a tiny fraction of what is out there. It is the task of the astrophysicist to develop a picture of the universe despite our overwhelming blindness.  Sure, stars are huge. But the Milky Way is, once again, mind-bogglingly bigger. This rendering, which shows the galaxy in its entirety, is a way of seeing that.  For all its vastness, the Milky Way is just one of billions of galaxies in the universe. Recently, scientists mapped the 100,000 or so galaxies near the Milky Way and found that it's part of a broader supercluster called Laniakea. This supercluster is made up of several forks, with the Milky Way lying on one distant fringe of it. What's more, it borders another supercluster (called Perseus-Pisces) that's moving in the opposite direction, and both seem to fall in a broader web, made up of dense supercluster networks alternating with relatively empty voids.

Though gifted with eye-sight, we cannot comprehend the place we live and often live with false perceptions ensconced as sound scientific ideas – the Universe is very very vast and our Emperuman Sriman Narayana is extremely to be comprehended – He is Unique, vast than the Universe, infinitely superior and His acclaims are much more than what humans can decipher and describe – though Emperuman is difficult to contemplate and measure by mind, devotees continue to speak, praise and sing His glories.  The most merciful Sriman Narayana immediately appears in the heart of such devotees and remains there. So our thoughts, actions, words and action should steadfastly remain on Him – guides the greatest Tamil Saint Sri Peyalwar.

எம்பெருமானையே எப்போதும் நினைத்திரு ! -  அவனது அளப்பரிய புகழ்களையே எப்போதும் பாடியிரு ! அவனது திருவடிகளையே  எப்போதும் தஞ்சமாக பற்றியிரு !  - என தம் நெஞ்சிற்கும், ஸ்ரீவைணவ உலகத்திற்கும் அறுதியிட்டு வழிகாட்டுகிறார் நம் தமிழ் தலைவன் பேயாழ்வார்.  இதோ இங்கே அவர்தம் மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி பாசுரம்: - 

நெஞ்சால்  நினைப்பரியனேலும்*  நிலைபெற்று  என்

நெஞ்சமே பேசாய் நினைக்குங்கால், நெஞ்சத்துப்

பேராது நிற்கும் பெருமானை என்கொலோ,

ஓராது நிற்பது   உணர்வு. 

என் நெஞ்சமே [ஆழ்வார் தம் மனதை விளிக்கிறார்] -  சர்வவல்லமை பொருந்திய எம்பெருமான் ஸ்ரீமன் நாரணன்  நெஞ்சாலும் நினைத்து  மாள  முடியாத பெருமை வாய்ந்தவனேயாயினும், அவனது ஆற்றல் அளப்பரியது ஆயினும்,  அவனுடைய பெருமையை நினையாமல், அவ்வெம்பெருமானது  பரம எளிமை தன்மையான ஸௌலப்யத்தையே நினைத்து,  காலூன்றி நின்று, அவனது புகழ்களையே பேசப் பார்ப்பாயாக !  அப்படி நினைக்குங்கால்  நம் நெஞ்சுதன்னிலே விட்டுநீங்காமல் நிலைத்து நிற்கின்ற  எம்பெருமானை, நமது நெஞ்சானது  அநுஸந்தியாமல் வாளாவிருப்பது ஏனோ?  மனம், வாக்கு கர்மம் ஆகிய எல்லாமே எம்பெருமானையே நினைத்து செயலாற்றவேண்டும் என வேண்டுகிறார்  மயிலை ஆழ்வார்.

Today 12th Aug 2021 is Aadi Hastham – masa Thirunakshathiram and at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam there would be siriya mada veethi purappadu of Sri Varadharaja Perumal.  Reminiscing the good olden days, here are some photos of Sri Varadhar purappadu on 4th Sept 2016 – which was the first purappadu after samprokshanam on 22.8.2016 and Devarajar had purappadu in golden Tholukku iniyan, newly made and submitted at that time.

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar


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