Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Kodai 6 2021 ~ சொல்லில் குறைஇல்லை* சூதறியா நெஞ்சமே,*

நாம் வாழும் புண்ணிய பூமி திருவல்லிக்கேணி திவ்யதேசத்தை  மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யும் போது திருமங்கை மன்னன் : எம்பெருமானை புகழ்ந்து, அவன் உறையுமிடத்தை 'மயிலை திருவல்லிக்கேணி' எனும் க்ஷேத்ரத்தை "மன்னுதண் பொழிலும் வாவியும் மதிளும் மாடமாளிகையும் மண் டபமும்" - என விளக்குகிறார்.  ஆழ்வார் காலத்தில்  நமது பகுதி,  நித்தியமாய் குளிர்ந்த சோலைகளும், நீர் நிலங்களும், மதில்களும், மாட மாளிகைகளும், மண்டபங்களும் பரவி இருக்குமாறு அமைந்து இருந்ததாம். 

Housing has always been a primary concern for mankind – in good olden days, perhaps the tent was the first form of housing.  A tent illustrates the basic elements of environmental control that are the concern of construction. The tent creates a membrane to shed rain and snow; cold water on the human skin absorbs body heat. The membrane reduces wind speed as well; air over the human skin also promotes heat loss. It controls heat transfer by keeping out the hot rays of the sun and confining heated air in cold weather. It also blocks out light and provides visual privacy. The membrane must be supported against the forces of gravity and wind; a structure is necessary. Membranes of hides are strong in tension (stresses imposed by stretching forces), but poles must be added to have structural stability. 

Over centuries Building construction, the techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures, primarily those used to provide shelter have improved in a big way. The history of building is marked by a number of trends. One is the increasing durability of the materials used. Early building materials were perishable, such as leaves, branches, and animal hides. Later, more durable natural materials—such as clay, stone, and timber—and, finally, synthetic materials—such as brick, concrete, metals, and plastics—were used. Another is a quest for buildings of ever greater height and span; this was made possible by the development of stronger materials and by knowledge of how materials behave and how to exploit them to greater advantage. A third major trend involves the degree of control exercised over the interior environment of buildings: increasingly precise regulation of air temperature, light and sound levels, humidity, odours, air speed, and other factors that affect human comfort has been possible.

Modern methods of construction (MMC) has long been hailed as the answer to our housing crisis, by improving construction productivity in housing delivery using offsite and modular building techniques. Despite this, current use of MMC is still relatively low, and whilst the benefits associated with these methods are becoming more popular, one of the more pressing matters across the sector, is the need to adopt more eco-friendly construction solutions. 

The landscape of Thiruvallikkeni has changed a lot – in the recent half-century itself. In 1970s, there were some big houses but most of the houses were lengthy, extending from one street to another. They used to be tenancy models with so many tenants happily co-existing in one building – now they are gone totally and in their places have come apartments.  The earlier double bed-room flats were of 550 SFT !! – and today, those co-habit in a building would not know thy neighbour.

Triplicane had so many old vintage houses – almost all of them razed down giving way to modern apartment complex in the recent couple of decades.  There are still a row of houses in Kairavini kulakkarai known as ‘Gate aam’ – one entrance is at Tank Square and the other is at the other end – Venkatrangam Street – during Kodai uthsavam, Perumal has purappadu through this gate !!..   Kodai Uthsavam occurs in  the Tamil month of Aani and is a 7 day uthsavam.  Till a decade ago,  Sri Parthasarathi used to visit Vasantha Bungalow. During Kodai Uthsavam, Sri Parthasarathi and Ubaya Nachimar have purappadu in separate kedayams… in those days when He visited Vasantha bungalow, there would be Unjal and on return Perumal and Nachimar would be together in the same kedayam.   

Today 15th July 2021 would have been day 6 of the Kodai uthsavam 2021.. it would have been Swami Nammazhwar’s periya thiruvanthathi in the goshti. – and here is a pasuram from ‘Periya thiruvanthathi’ :-

சொல்லில் குறைஇல்லை*  சூதறியா நெஞ்சமே,*

எல்லி பகல் என்னாது எப்போதும்,*-தொல்லைக்கண்-

மாத்தானைக்கெல்லாம்*  ஓர் ஐவரையே மாறாக ஆக,*

காத்தானைக் காண்டும்  நீ காண்.

ஸ்வாமி  நம்மாழ்வார் பெரிய திருவந்தாதி


மனித மனம் எளிதில் குழம்பும் தன்மை உடையது. நம்மாழ்வார் அருள்கிறார் -   செய்ய வேண்டியது இன்னதென்றறியாமல் தளும்புகிற மனமே!;  எம்பெருமானை பற்றி அவனது கல்யாண குணங்களை பற்றி  பேசினால் பேச்சில் குறையில்லை; நம்மை காப்பான்  எவன் என கலங்கவும் வேண்டா  ! ~ ஸ்ரீமன் நாரணனது பாத கமலங்களை பற்றிய  நமக்கு எந்த குறையும் இல்லை.   அநாதியான இப்பூமியில் பாண்டவர்களை லட்சக்கணக்கானோர்  (துரியோதநாதிகளுடைய)  சேனையில் எதிர்கொண்டனர்.   பல்லாயிரம் போர்வீரர்கள் திரண்டு கிடக்கிற சேனைகளுக்கெல்லாம் எதிர்க்கக்ஷியில் பாண்டவர்கள் ஐந்துபேர் மாத்திரமே நின்று வெற்றி பெற்றார்களென்று உலகில் புகழ் கிளம்பும்படி ரக்ஷித்தவன் நம் . எம்பெருமான்தானே !  இரவுபகலென்று பாராமல் ஸர்வ காலத்திலும் பாண்டவர்களை ரக்ஷித்துக்கொண்டிருந்தவனை நாம்  இரவு பகல் வாசியின்றி எப்போதும் பூஜிக்க நமக்கு எந்த குறைவும் வாராது. 

Swami Nammalwar (in his Periya thiruvanthathi pasuram)  makes us understand : by telling his own heart - Nothing wrong in telling you, O innocent Heart! – the mighty Emperuman’s protection is available throughout – be it Night or day – there is no lull no  interruption, at all times, the Lord offers protection.  Lest one forgets, the Pandavas who fell at the feet of Lord Krishna had to face the wrath of mighty army of marauders.  Millions fought against them, yet Lord Krishna protected them – and all that we need to do is to surrender and take His Lotus Feet.

Reminiscing good olden days, here are some photos of Kodai uthsavam day 6 at Thiruvallikkeni divaydesam on 8/7/2019.

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar

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