Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Thiruvallikkeni Masi Magam Sesha vahanam 2021 - Super blood Moon

26th May 2021 was Pournami – lunar eclipse – and people in many parts of the globe could see ‘Super moon’ – though the eclipse was not visible in India, the moon looked far brighter and of a red tinge !  Colours are one way for our brains to interpret variations in the physical properties of light. These same properties cause each colour of light to behave differently when passing through a substance like air.   We have seen clear blue skies, have savoured fiery Sunsets, and it was sort of Orange moon yesterday !  and being Pournami (full moon) – it was delightful to see a full round moon !!

Exactly 3 months ago it was Masi Magam - 27.2.2021 - a day on which the Ocean (Bay of Bengal) becomes much happier – for Sri Parthasarathi Emperuman visits bay of Bengal at Marina beach.   .. ..  could not forget remembering the past –  the year before -  Masi magam purappadu for Sri Parthasarathi occurred on  9.3.2020; then there was Gajendra varadhar thavanothsavam, Sri Azhagiya Singar thavanothsavam (3 days)    15.3.2020   –   then Corona struck .. .. for months together there was to be no purappadu  ! .. this year after Masi Magam, there was Azhagiyia Singar brahmothsavam, Theppothsavam, Thavanothsavam .. .. but no Sree Rama Navami celebrations.  On Apr 9, 2021, Udayavar had purappadu in the evening – on day 1 of His Thiruvavathara uthsavam and .. .. after that no purappadu.  From 26.4.2021, Temples are closed to devotees and we are not in a position to have darshan of Emperuman.  Sad !!

Even Corona could not stop celestial celebrations .. .. this monrh brought the  “most super” of the year’s supermoons, and on top of that, a total lunar eclipse. On  May 26, 2021, the full moon entered  Earth’s shadow — and, when the Moon is not in our planet’s shade, it  appears  even bigger and brighter than usual.

The Moon travels around our planet in an elliptical orbit, or an elongated circle. Each month, the Moon passes through perigee (the point closest to Earth) and apogee (the point farthest from Earth). When the Moon is at or near its closest point to Earth at the same time as it is full, it is called a “supermoon.” During this event, because the full moon is a little bit closer to us than usual, it appears especially large and bright in the sky.

When the full moon and perigee are close, it is called a "supermoon" — though definitions aren't consistent as it isn't an astronomical term. Ordinarily the moon is an average of 240,000 miles (384,500 kilometers) from Earth, but its orbit isn't perfectly circular. So the distance varies slightly. When it reaches perigee this month, the moon will be 222,022 miles (357,311 km) from Earth, per Heavens-Above.com calculations. The moon does appear slightly larger when it is closer, but the difference is small, and it takes a very observant skywatcher to notice.  

Unlike a solar eclipse, which is only visible along a narrow track, lunar eclipses are visible from the entire night side of the Earth; this entire eclipse takes about five hours from start to finish. The timing depends a lot on what time zone you are in, relative to what is called Universal Coordinated Time (effectively the hour in Greenwich, England).  

The moon turns red because of the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere tends to scatter blue light — it's one reason the sky appears blue from the ground. As the Earth passes between the sun and moon, the light from the sun passes through the Earth's atmosphere and the blue light is scattered. In addition, the light is refracted, or bent, and focused on the moon. In that sense, the Earth's air is like a giant lens. The light hits the moon and is reflected back to us — and we see the moon turn blood-red.  

Here is a brilliant photo of sequence of Super moon taken in Sydney and posted by the Australian Embassy in US @AusintheUS – this epic shot shows last night's moon Crescent moon in all her glory passing through her phases from a bright orange glow on the horizon through to the blood red orb during the full lunar eclipse.

Moving away, for us Srivaishnavas, kainkaryam unto Him is the purpose of life.  Of those who render service to MahaVishnu, Ananthan – the AdiSesha serves Him in the best possible manner that one could visualize.   Our Boothath Azhwar urges us all to chant His name always !  .. .. He laments to say that those who allow themselves to forget His names are not human beings worthy of a birth in this World.  Lord Senkanmal is the only Saviour.  Always firmly believe that Madhava is the bearer of Dharma – we need to follow Dharma and make it habit to chant His names ever.

திருப்பாற்கடலில் பள்ளி கொள்ளும் பெருமானுக்கு 'சேஷசாயி' என அழகான  திருநாமம். அந்த அரவணையானின் பாதங்களை    தொழுது ஏத்துபவர்கள்  என்று  என்றும் குறைவிலர் !..

சிறந்தார்க்கு எழுதுணையாம் செங்கண்மால் நாமம்,

மறந்தாரை மானிடமா வையேன், அறம்தாங்கும்

மாதவனேயென்னும் மனம்படைத்து, மற்றவன்பேர்

ஓதுவதே நாவினால்  உள்ளு.


எம்பெருமானிடம் அடிபணிந்து அவனுக்கு கைங்கர்யங்கள் செய்து உகக்கும் ஸ்ரீவைஷ்ணவோத்தமர்களுக்கு உஜ்ஜீவந ஹேதுவான துணையாகின்ற திருநாமத்தை மறப்பவர்களை, இப்பூவுலகில் மனுஷ ஜென்மத்தில் பிறந்தவர்களாகவே  என்னெஞ்சில் கொள்ளமாட்டேன் ! தர்மஸ்தாபநம் பண்ணவல்ல திருமாலே!“ என்று கூவியழைக்கும்படியான,  செந்தாமரைக்  கண்ணனான எம்பெருமானுடைய உயர்ந்த  திருநாமத்தை நாவினால் எப்போதும் சொல்லுவதையே (ப்ராப்தமென்று) அநுஸந்தித்திரு !  (நெஞ்சமே! ) என்று நமக்கு வழி காட்டுகின்றார் நம் பூதத்தாழ்வார்.  

Reminiscing the near past, in the evening of Masi Magam on 27.2.2021  there was grand periya mada veethi purappadu in Sesha vahanam and here are some photos of the purappadu.


adiyen Srinivasa dhasan (Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar)

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