Saturday, August 15, 2020

Celebrating Indian Independence Day ~ Aadi Thiruvathirai Swami Ramanujar

Today 15.8.2020 is Aadi Thiruvathirai – monthly thirunakshathiram of Swami Ramanujar – hailed as “Yathi Rajar”  .. today is our Indepedence Day.

WE are celebrating  the 74th  INDEPENDENCE DAY of the Nation ~ the great day of 15th August when BHARAT was liberated from foreign rule. .. .. often described in a terse statement, India achieved freedom ‘without battle or shedding blood’ – Indian freedom struggle was far different perhaps – thousands sacrificed and more number underwent innumerable difficulties for that magic freedom, which we happily enjoy .. .. .. and, Indian History does not have much written about those great martyrs. 

On 15 August 1947, the first Prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, raised the Indian national flag above the Lahori Gate and spoke those immortal words – ‘Long years ago... we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge’.  Every year on India's Independence Day, the Prime minister hoists the Indian "tricolour flag" at the fort's main gate and delivers a nationally broadcast speech from its ramparts.  .. ..   Red Fort [Lal Qila]    is associated with history.  In Nov  1945, the Red Fort was selected as the venue for the court martial of  three token individuals, selected from the many thousands of Indian officers and troops who had joined the Indian National Army and fought against the British during the Second World War.  

President Ram Nath Kovind on the eve of 74th Independence Day extended his greetings to the countrymen. Addressing the nation, the President expressed his gratitude towards the freedom fighters who struggled for India's Independence and reminisced the sacrifices they made.  Protecting the borders, our brave soldiers laid down their lives. The entire nation pays tribute to the sacrifices of the Galwan Valley. Every Indian expresses gratitude towards their family members. We are proud of our armed forces, police and paramilitary forces, which guard the borders, and ensure our internal security.  He thanked the Covid warriors.  He said that :  We have learnt some tough lessons in the year 2020. The invisible virus has demolished the illusion that human being is the master of nature. I believe, it is still not too late for humanity to correct its course and live in harmony with nature.  The second lesson is that we are all equal before Mother Nature and we primarily depend on our fellow residents for survival and growth. Coronavirus does not recognize any artificial divisions created by human society.  The third lesson relates to strengthening healthcare. Public hospitals and laboratories have taken the lead in confronting Covid.  The fourth lesson relates to science & technology. During unlocking, info. and communication technology has emerged as an effective tool for governance, education, business, office work and social connect.   He categorically stated that “ Everyone should be happy, all disease-free, everyone should focus on the good, and no one has to suffer. This message of the welfare of the entire world is a unique gift of India to humanity”.

'கண்டவர் சிந்தை கவரும் கடிபொழில் தென்னரங்கன் * தொண்டர் குலவும் இராமானுசன்' - என எழில் வாய்ந்த திருவரங்கத்தில் வாழும் பெரிய பெருமாளுடைய தொண்டர்களால் கொண்டாடப்பட்டவரும், வேதங்களை இப்பூவுலகிலே ஓங்கி வளரச் செய்த பரம உதாரருமான ஸ்ரீ ராமானுஜரின் திருவவதார உத்சவம்,  திவ்யதேசங்களில் மிக சிறப்பாக கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது.

The greatest reformer Sri  Ramanuja gave us many vedantic treatises:  Sri Bashyam, Vedartasangraha, Vedanta deepa, Vedanta sara, the three Gadyams and more. Our darsana Sthapakar, Sri Ramanujar is rightly reverred as ‘YathiRajar’ ~ the king among yathis [hermits and sages],  it is our Acharyan who showed us the right direction to follow.   His birth is celebrated grandly with 10 day Uthsavam.  On day 9 -  there  would be grand twin purapaddus – in the morning it would be siriya thiruther and pushpa pallakku in the evening at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam.  The greatest reformer he was, Ramanuja toured the entire Country, making the Srivaishnavatie tradition flourish in all his path.  He was a great administrator too.  He created flawless systems, corrected the administration of Sri Rangam ensuring the proper maintenance of the wealth of Lord Ranganatha and creating teams to properly continue all kainkaryams to the Lord. 

 யோநித்யம் அச்யுத பதாம்புஜ யுக்மருக்ம

வ்யாமோஹதஸ் ததிதராணி த்ருணாய மேநே **

அஸ்மத் குரோர் பகவதோsஸ்ய தயைகஸிந்தோ: * 

ராமாநுஜஸ்ய  சரணௌ ரணம் ப்ரபத்யே

அழிவற்ற கலக்கமே இல்லாத அச்சுதன் எனும் எம்பெருமானிடத்தில் அளவிட முடியாத பிரேமை கொண்ட  ஸ்ரீராமாநுஜர் உலகத்திலுள்ள பொருட்களையும் ஆசைகளையும் ஒரு புல்லுக்கு சமானமாகவே கருதினார். கல்யாண குணங்களை கொண்டவரும், எல்லையில்லா தயையின் கடலுமான அவரே நமக்கெல்லாம் குரு.  ஆச்சார்யர் உடையவரது  திருவடிகளே நமக்கு சரண். [எம்பெருமானார் தனியன் கூரத்தாழ்வான் அருளிச்செய்தது].. .. ..  

On this historic day, we look back with pride India’s achievements in the 7 decades after Independence and remember those martyrs whose blood and sacrifices ensured our breathing fresh and free air.

 Here are some photos  of Udayavar Thiruther on 8th May 2019.

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan

Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar


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