Saturday, June 20, 2020

Emperuman who came as Vamanan will save the Universe always

Scientists and medical researchers have for years have differed over the exact definition of a pandemic, but one thing everyone agrees on is that the word describes the widespread occurrence of disease, in excess of what might normally be expected in a geographical region. Thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe, the Plague of Justinian was an outbreak of the bubonic plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port cities, killing up to 25 million people in its year long reign of terror.  There have been pandemics, epidemics, spread of diseases – becoming brutal killers in human history.  .. .. … but society has survived !!

As the number of global coronavirus cases continue to rise, health experts fear a fresh Covid-19 surge as economies and states reopen more aggressively. The number of infections has topped 8.5 million with over 460,000 fatalities. The United States of America continues to be the worst affected with over 2.2 million cases and 119,112 fatalities. In hospitals where there are a surge in cases, health professionals have started prescribing dexamethasone, which was recently found to reduce the coronavirus death rate. Brazil’s cases, which are rapidly increasing, crossed the one million mark Saturday. It is the second-worst affected country.

The number of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases in Delhi crossed the 50,000-mark on Friday, with 3,137 new cases over the past 24 hours, as per the city government’s daily health bulletin. Friday’s surge, the highest in a single day as well, took the city’s total to 53,116. The city added 10,000 cases in five days, with total cases reaching 41,182 on June 14, when Delhi recorded 2,224 cases in a single day.

Perhaps what the Nation needs to understand is – this is no scientific formula or mathematic calculation in estimating projections.  Media reports have been portraying one bad after the other stating that cases would spiral up in a week / fortnight and so on ….   On  June 8, when Unlock 1.0 came into force, the number of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases in the metropolis were going up and above. The unlock guidelines, crucial to restart economic activities and prepare the country to learn to live with Covid-19, has led to a spurt in cases in most states. Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai however, account for more than half of the total cases in the country today. These cities are among the 65 most critical Covid-19 affected districts in the country, according to the latest analysis of the health ministry shared with state governments.

Chennai, by comparison, has fewer cases than Mumbai, but it accounts for 70% of the total cases in Tamil Nadu. The State government, on June 15, announced a complete lockdown starting Friday and till the end of the month in Chennai and three adjoining districts, Chengapattu, Thiruvallur and Kancheepuram. The lockdown was enforced after there was a steady rise in cases, an increase in deaths and lack of public cooperation in maintaining social distancing and wearing masks. “The lockdown is like a speed breaker. We have implemented it so that people can stay indoors. This will also help the authorities go door to door, check people for symptoms and if necessary provide them necessary treatment. This lockdown is not to trouble anyone, but to stop the spread of the virus. If those with symptoms go out, it will spread to others as well. If people stay inside during the lockdown, there won’t be a spread of the virus,”  CM Mr Edappadi  Palaniswami said.

The State government is taking all preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19 and the Greater Chennai Corporation has readied 17,500 beds and medical facilities if cases go up. “Only God knows when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. This is a new disease for which no cure has been found. But we are treating patients and have shown a recovery rate of 54%,” Mr. Palaniswami added, after visiting a 350-bed hospital facility for COVID-19 set up at the Guru Nanak College in Chennai.  The chief minister sought the cooperation of people and opposition parties to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Perhaps what he meant was ‘none could now say with any amount of certainty when Corona will end – this is the status globally too’ – hopefully media and opposition don’t make much ado of his statement.  

சுவாமி நம்மாழ்வாரின் அற்புத வரிகள் - பெரிய திருவந்தாதியில் இருந்து இங்கே :

சீரால் பிறந்து சிறப்பால் வளராது, பேர்வாமனாகாக்கால் பேராளா,-  மார்பாரப்
புல்கி  நீ   உண்டுமிழ்ந்த பூமி  நீரேற்பரிதே?    சொல்லு  நீ யாமறியச் சூழ்ந்து.

இந்த பூவுலகத்தை, படைத்தது, காப்பவன் ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணன்.  இவ்வுலகத்தில் உள்ள அனைத்துமே அவனுக்கே ஆட்பட்டது.  எல்லா விதங்களிலும்  தனக்கே அஸாதாரணமாக உரிமைப்பட்டதான இப்பூமியை  மாவலியிடமிருந்து பெற வேண்டில், அதற்காக யாசகனாக வரவேண்டுமோ?  எல்லோரும் கண்டு ஏசும்படியான குள்ள வடிவமெடுத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டுமோ? அவனது புகழுக்கு பல்லாயிர நாமங்களிருக்க வாமனன்  திருநாமமும் தரிக்க வேண்டுமோ? ஸ்ரீராமனாகப் பிறந்து வளர்ந்த காலத்தும் ஸ்ரீகிருஷ்ணனாகப் பிறந்து வளர்ந்த காலத்தும் எவ்வளவோ சீராகப் பிறந்து எவ்வளவோ சிறப்பாக வளர்ந்தவனன்றோ நம் எம்பெருமான். 

கொரோனா மட்டுமல்ல ! ~ எந்தவித கஷ்டங்களில் இருந்தும் நம்மை காக்க வல்லவன் நம் எம்பெருமான் ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணன் ஒருவனே.  அவனடி பணிந்து, அவனிடத்தில் நாம் யாசித்து, நம்மையும் இவ்வுலகையும் காத்து அருள  பிரார்த்திப்போமாக  !

On the positive side, Countries and Scientists have been working on remedies.  Glenmark Pharma's antiviral drug Favipiravir (branded as FabiFlu) for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 patients in India is expected to be available from Saturday evening. Each tablet is priced at Rs 103. It will be available at hospitals and at chemist shops and will be sold under medical prescription.

Here are some photos of Sri Parthasarathi perumal siriya mada veethi purappadu way back in 22.6.2009.

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar

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