Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Aani Punarvasu - Sri Ramar @ Thiruvallikkeni 2020

2020 has been a very different year ~ lives have changed totally.  People are confined to homes, no economic activity and more than everything else, people fear their lives (still some covidiots were busy moving out on the streets, partially responsible in clusters and spread of dreaded corona virus).

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported the largest single-day increase in new COVID-19 cases Sunday: over 183,000. Brazil and the U.S. showed the biggest jumps – at 54,771 and 36,617 cases, respectively. More than two-thirds of new deaths were also reported in the Americas.  In the United States, the virus appears to be spreading across the West and South. Arizona reported over 3,100 new infections, just short of Friday’s record, and 26 deaths. Nevada also reported a new high of 445 cases.  US has been a great Education centre - as colleges prepare for the fall, their approaches are as diverse as the roughly 3,000 four-year colleges and universities that span the United States. Administrators know reopening is a risk, but colleges – many facing tough financial times – need students on campus to stay afloat. Some reopening plans include set shower times, single rooms in dorms and hotels and required face masks.

Mumbai may be past its Covid-19 peak and numbers hereon will keep registering a decline, according to the state govt-appointed Task Force head Dr Sanjay Oak. Dr Oak, who was appointed to head the Task Force when Mumbai’s death rate was rising rapidly, said all indicators – number of new cases, doubling rate, recovery rate, and death rate – have been positive for three weeks, pointing to a remarkable recovery from May when everything was all gloom and doom. He, however, warned that the rains could derail the recovery if every individual is not extra careful and the health infrastructure not at its best. He also conceded that rising numbers in some new pockets, including some of Mumbai’s plushest localities, remain a concern.

The position is changing in Tamil Nadu too – now for the past one week or so, the numbers affected are around 2500 per day – once it was 75% contribution from the State Capital; while the nos. of Chennai have not dwindled, no. of cases are getting reported from many other parts of the State too.  With nearly 4,000 new cases, Delhi on Tuesday witnessed the highest single-day spike in novel coronavirus cases ever, taking the Covid-19 count in the national capital over 66,000. A total of 3,947 fresh coronavirus cases reported in the last 24 hours, the total number of positive patients in the national capital surged to 66,602, according to concerned authorities.  Delhi has regained the top post, pushing TN down marginally and is now 2nd after Maharashtra.  No comparisons as thousands of people were pushed out of the State to neighbouring UP and other States and the population is much lower as compared to TN, Maharashtra, UP.  The  death toll in Delhi has also increased to 2,301 after 68 more virus-related fatalities were reported in the national capital since Monday, the authorities added.

Today 23.6.2020 is a great day ~  Aani Punarvasu nakshathiram – generally on Punarvasu day at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam there would be  purappadu of Sree Ramapiran with Sitadevi and Lakshmana at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam.  In testing times, we pray to Sri Rama Piran for saving us all from Covid and all other troubles.

Lord Rama descended on earth for the purpose of upholding righteousness and rewarding virtue. His life is the subject of The Ramayana. Rama lived the life of perfection and responsibility exhibiting glorious traits of wisdom and conscientiousness.  

The greatest Ithihasam ‘Sri Ramayanam’ accurately depicts without an iota of exaggeration,  the life and journey of the immortal Maryadha purush - perfect man’s adherence to dharma despite harsh tests of life and time. Lord Rama is the epitome of all virtues and the perfect human being who abandoned the throne and served exile in the forest for the sake of honour of his beloved father.

In the epic, His glory is described by Sage Valmeeki as :

यावत्स्थास्यन्ति  गिरयस्सरितश्च महीतले । तावद्रामायणकथा  लोकेषु प्रचरिष्यति ॥

~  that as long as the hills remain and streams add life by their flow on earth, so long shall the true story of Rāma prevail.  **

The appearance of Lord Rama on earth is a day of great of celebration, widely celebrated as ‘Sri Rama Navami’ – On all monthly thirunakshathirams, there will be purapadu of Sri Rama.  It will give immense punniyam (spiritual gain) - not only in the present world but would also help in the other world also, whenever we think and utter the name ‘Rama’.

Here are some photos of Sri Ramar purappadu on 22.10.2016

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan. 
Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar
** credits : ReadRamayana.org

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