Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sri Parthasarathi Perumal Brahmothsavam day 2 : Sesha vahanam

Phase 3 of lockdown is totally confusing – from Monday onwards, more people are on the streets.  Some offices have reopened and many shops are open – people are loitering on the streets even as the no. affected is going up.

The special nodal officer coordinating the battle against Covid-19 in greater Chennai, Dr J Radhakrishnan, urged the people not to get panic in the wake of 'aggressive testing' of people in and around the Koyembedu wholesale market, the felt latest infection hub, even as the city accounted for 266 of the 527 new positive cases Tamil Nadu added on Monday. The state-wide total of positive Covid-19 patients touched 3,550. In the last few days, officials reckon by a quick estimate that some 7,500 'mandi' workers, traders and their contacts including family members in and around Koyembedu market have left for their home districts, mainly Cuddalore, Villupuram, Tiruvannamalai, Vellore and Permbalur. So a huge contact tracing effort is on, to then test and isolate those persons who test positive.

Optimism that the US-China trade deal could salvage bilateral ties has begun to fade in aftermath of the coronavirus.  A dramatic deterioration in US-China relations in recent days has convinced current and former government advisers on both sides that bilateral ties have plummeted to their lowest point in decades. Over the past week, the Trump administration has threatened to scrap the phase one trade deal and increase tariffs on China, backed tough new export controls for Chinese firms buying American tech products, and continued to push theories claiming the coronavirus was man-made and leaked from a laboratory in the city of Wuhan.  The White House is also “turbocharging” an initiative among “friendly nations” to push manufacturing supply chains out of China, according to Reuters, while a leaked report from the US Department of Homeland Security accused Beijing of covering up the severity of the virus so it could hoard medical supplies at the start of the year. China’s state media and “wolf warrior” diplomats have ratcheted up social media attacks on US political figures in response. 

Back at our divyadesam the grand Chithirai brahmothsavam of Sri Parthasarathi Perumal should have commenced on 5.5.2020 and today would have been Sesha vahana purappadu in the morning.

Of those who render service to Emperuman Sriman Narayanan – Ananthan, the AdiSesha serves Him in the best possible manner that one could visualize. Ananthazhwaan is ever at the service of the Lord in every possible manner. In our Sampradhayam, Ananthan is reverred.  Sesha is the King of all Nagas who holds an exalted place in puranas.  Anantha Sesha would mean endless or the first Sesha –  Maha vishna at Thiruparkadal reclines on him.  His is a massive form, shown as  five headed or more.  He was born to Sage Kashyapa and his wife Kadru. 

To praise more of his attributes, Adi Sesha never gets separated from Sriman Narayana. When Maha Vishnu took the exalted avathars, Adisesha too accompanied Him and did continued service.  He never thinks of his own comfort – in the Ramayana, Ilayavar Lakshmana (adi sesha) seldom took rest, did not sleep a wink, stood guard remaining ever vigilant.  In Krishnavathara, Balarama cared more for his brother.  Our Acarya Ramanujar is reincarnation of Sesha and our Acarya Swami Manavala Mamunigal was another reincarnation of Adi sesha and did yeoman service to Emperuman.    

                        திருப்பாற்கடலில் பள்ளி கொள்ளும் பெருமானுக்கு 'சேஷசாயி' என அழகான  திருநாமம். அந்த அரவணையானின் பாதங்களை    தொழுது ஏத்துபவர்கள் என்று  என்றும் குறைவிலர் !..  . Here is one of the verses of Boothathazhwar:  
திரிந்தது வெஞ்சமத்துத் தேர்கடவி, அன்று
பிரிந்தது சீதையை  மான் பின்போய், - புரிந்ததுவும்
கண்பள்ளி கொள்ள அழகியதே, நாகத்தின்
தண்பள்ளி கொள்வான்  தனக்கு ..         
                                                                       ~  which would mean  :

பல்லாயிரக்கணக்கானோர் மாண்ட கொடிய மஹா பாரத யுத்தத்திலே,  நம் பார்த்தசாரதியாய் - பார்த்தனான அர்ஜுனனின்   தேரை நடத்திக் கொண்டு, பீஷ்மர் போன்றோரின் அம்புகளை தான் தாங்கியதும்,  அதற்கு முந்தைய காலத்திலே, ஸ்ரீ இராமனாகத் திருவவதரித்து  மாயமானின் பின்னே சென்று, சீதையை பிரிந்ததும்,
தரையிலே பள்ளி கொள்ள  ஆசைப்பட்டதும் போன்ற திருவவதார லீலைகள் எல்லாம் - திருவனந்தாழ்வான் மேலே குளிரப்பள்ளி கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டிய பெருமானுக்கு ஏற்றவை தானோ ? - என வினவுகிறார் நம் பூதத்தாழ்வார்.

The Lord who reclines on a cool serpent bed went about driving a chariot in war. He followed a deer and lost his Sita, and slept on the hard floor.  What an irony. though! who are prostrate and worship with most fragrant flowers,  the Lotus feet of the Lord reclining in the Milky Ocean,  will get the benefit of reaching that great Emperuman residing in Paramapadam  ~ the feat that is available to those bright sacred souls of Nithya suris, which is not even available to those like Indira and other devas.

Here are some photos taken during Sesha vahana purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni  a deacde ago, yes in 2010 with a Canon powershot AS1100 (almost all of them at Gangaikondan mantap)

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan. (Mamandur Srinivasan Sampathkumar)

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