Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Emperumanar Uthsavam 4 2020 - Karthigai REvathi Purappadu

Life has suddenly changed – on one side you have violators known as Covidiots and on the other truthful followers, who are afraid of the future ! – there is solution.

The  novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic has spread across 185 countries and territories. Today is the 29th  day of India’s nationwide lockdown, which has been extended till May 3. Confirmed COVID-19 cases in India stand at 20,471 ! . The death toll from the outbreak in India is at 652. Maharashtra, Gujarat and Delhi have reported the highest number of cases.  Amidst all this  Bill Gates  has commended the leadership and the proactive measures  taken by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji.  He has appreciated the measures of the government to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 infection rate in India, such as adopting a national lockdown, expanding focused testing to identify hot spots for isolation, quarantining, and care, and significantly increasing health expenditures to strengthen the health system response and promote R&D and digital innovation. 

Hopefully, all this would end sooner and life would limp back to normal – for most industries could be seeing a new normal in the post COVID-19 world, including a cut on business travel and a re-look at existing products and services.  .. .. and thousand years ago ! – when none of the facilities existed, when there were forests, animals and more – our Great Acarya Swami Ramanujar visited so many places by foot – setting up beautiful standards / agamas for the temple and its kainkaryabarars.  What a visionary He was .. .. 

The ThiruAvathara Uthsavam of the Greatest Acharyar ~ Nammiramanusar   – is now on and today  22.4.2020  is day 4.  ‘YathiRajar’ ~ the king among yathis [hermits and sages],   travelled all the way by foot to far-flung places making the Srivaishnavatie tradition flourish in all his path.   The more one thinks and reads of him, more one is over-awed by his great qualities and knowledge.

நாம் பெருமை கொள்ளும் நம்மிராமாநுசன் யதிகட்கெல்லாம் அரசனாக விளங்கியதால் 'யதிராஜர்' என கெளரவிக்கப்பட்டவர்.   ஸ்வாமி மணவாளமாமுனிகள்  தமது 'யதிராஜ விம்சதியில்'   "யதிபதி" என்ற பத ப்ரயோகத்தினால் தனக்கு தலைவராக உடையவரைக் கொண்டாடி எம்பெருமானாரிடத்தில் சரணாகதி செய்கிறார்...

ஸ்ரீமாதவாங்க்ரி ஜலஜத்வய நித்யஸேவா ப்ரமாவிலாஸய பராங்குஸ பாதபக்தம்|
காமாதிதோஷஹரம் ஆத்மபதாஸ்ரிதாநாம் ராமாநுஜம் யதிபதிம் ப்ரணமாமி மூர்த்நா||

श्रीमाधवाङ्घ्रि जलजद्वय नित्यसेवा   -  प्रेमाविलाशय  पराङ्कुश  पादभक्तम् ।
कामादिदोष  हरमात्म  पदाश्रितानां  -  रामानुजं  यतिपतिं  प्रणमामि  मूर्ध्ना ।

Our Acaryar Swami Manavalamamunigal says :  “I salute the Emperor of Sanyasis – Swami Ramanuja (Yathipathi !) who had immense vathsalyam for the lotus feet of Swami Nammalwar and our Swami Ramanuja chased away  the blemishes of those who took refuge under his feet.   In his beautiful slokam Yathiraja vimsathi, Varavaramunigal connects Acarya parampara from NumPerumal down to Kurathazhwan, the dear disciple of Ramanuja.  Mamunigal ascribes his devotion to the feet of Ramanuja saying ‘parankusa pada baktham’ – Udayavar’s attachment to the feet of Swami Nammalwar.  For us Acaryar is the chief preceptor and saviour who will lead us to the ultimate salvation by taking us near Emperuman.

.. .. .. and today is REvathi Nakshathiram too .. .. – Chithirai Revathi and I could locate some photos of Karthikai Revathi of 7.12.2019, which I had not posted early. 

திருவரங்கத்து உறையும் என் திருவரங்கனே  ! உன்னையல்லால்
என்னை உய்விக்க வல்லவர் எவர்  உளர்  ??

On  Revathi thirunakshathiram - Sri Mannathar (Sri Ranganathar) had siriya mada veethi purappadu. 

ஊரிலேன் காணியில்லை உறவு மற்றொருவரில்லை
பாரில்நின் பாதமூலம் பற்றிலேன் பரம மூர்த்தி
காரொளி வண்ணனே என் கண்ணனே கதறுகின்றேன்
ஆருளர்க் களைகணம்மா அரங்கமா நகருளானே.

Thondaradipodi Azhwar in his emotive address to Lord Ranganatha laments his misfortune of not having born in divyadesams; has no relatives, nothing to claim for and have acquaintance with the place of the Lord.  Oh Lord of dark radiance, I have not even secured your feet – I scream and call your names and there can be none other that the Great Lord of Thiruvarangam ~ Lord Ranganatha who owns the Universe and resides at Srirangam (described as ‘Arangamaanagar’) who can protect me…

Thinking of the merciful Swami Ramanujar and all graceful Lord Ranganatha raises our self-confidence and makes us feel extremely positive.

~adiyen Srinivasa dhasan [Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar]

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