Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sree Rama Navami Uthsavam (2014) - Hamsa vahanam

Today is day 7 of Sree Rama Navami Uthsavam and it should have been Hamsa vahana purappadu in the evening.  Fortunate to recover some Hamsa vahana photos of Sri Rama during 2014, which I had not posted earlier .. …

The World is shaken – some say China has challenged the globe in WW 3 without emitting a single bullet .. .. the  number of confirmed coronavirus cases in India saw their highest single-day surge on Monday as the tally went past 1,250 with 227 new cases being reported. Many of the victims are now zeroed to a religious meeting held in Delhi recently attended by its members all over India – and the Press is shy of mentioning the minority religion .. that is their secularism.

It is apprehended that besides the deaths, lockdown and other difficulties, the Wworld economy will go into recession this year with a  predicted loss of trillions of dollars of global incomedue to the coronavirus pandemic, spelling serious trouble .. In another newer perspective, it is reported that Business process management companies that handle critical functions for some of the world’s largest corporations are being forced to halt large chunks of their operations in India, as the country nears the second week of a nationwide lockdown to stem the tide of Covid-19 infections. Client protocol that disallows transfer to a work-from-home mode coupled with employees’ inability to commute to office is leading to large-scale stoppages, said company executives.  Rules are made for regulating people – rules shall not strangulate – the management experts might come to understand this at some point !!

For us life is simple – surrender to Sriman Narayana – lockdown and being at home presents ample opportunities to be with near and dears, do what one likes, read our religious scriptures and devote time for Emperuman.  In the city of Ayodhya, all celebrated when there 4 Princes born at the same time to King Dasaratha.  Among all of them, Rāma stood out with his supreme radiance and true valour. He endeared himself to everyone like a spotless moon. Being radiant like the Sun and endearing like the Moon is a rare combination.  Sage Valmiki says : -

तेषामपि महातेजा रामः सत्यपराक्रमः ॥ इष्टः सर्वस्य लोकस्य शशाङ्क इव निर्मलः ।
தேஷாமபி மஹாதேஜா ராம: ஸத்யபராக்ரம: ॥
இஷ்ட: ஸர்வஸ்ய லோகஸ்ய ஸஸாங்க இவ நிர்மல: ।

The Moon is so pleasing to everyone, in spite of spots and smears on his face. Imagine how nice and more pleasing the Moon would be, sans those spots and smears? That is what Rāma was, to beholders.

The grand Sree Navami Uthsavam gives us opportunity to recreate the celebrations of the birth of Maryadha Purush Sree Rama.  On Sunday, 6th Apr 2014, it was day 7 and Sri Rama had purappadu astride ‘Hamsa vahanam’.  

Sree Rama is often referred as ‘son of Kausalya’ .. signifying not only His mother Kousayla, but also the kingdom of Kosala and also would refer to his virtues.  Sri Rama is praised for His valour and expertise in archery …. and the bow has another mighty reference too……… Sage Vishwamitra takes to the Mithila Kingdom,  where he breaks the Siva dhanush for marrying Sita devi.   Atop Hamsa Vahanam, Sree Rama even when  holding armoury of  bow and arrow exhibited compassion and serenity for His devotees.

Here are some photos taken during the purappadu whence ‘siriya Thirumadal’ and ‘Periya thirumadal’ were  rendered.  It was thavana uthsavam too and hence Sri Ramar had mandagappadi at thavana uthsava bungalow.

adiyen Srinivasadhasan.
Photos of 6.4.2014 posted now on 31.3.2020.

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