Saturday, November 2, 2019

அசார்யர் ஸ்வாமி மணவாள மாமுனிகள் சாற்றுமுறை 2019 : திருக்குடை கைங்கர்யம்

அசார்யர்  ஸ்வாமி மணவாள மாமுனிகள் சாற்றுமுறை 2019
திருக்குடைகள் அணிவகுப்பு !  ~  குடை கைங்கர்யம்

Life in a divyadesam is always exciting ! ~ it provides ample opportunities to be with Emperuman and do kainkaryam .. .. the primary challenge is one of involvement and being with Lord for long hours -  one can involve oneself in so many forms of Kainkaryams – there is the glorious Archaga kainkaryam, arulicheyal kainkaryam, sripadham kainkaryam, kainkaryam to bagavathas and those involved in service to Emperuman,  financial kainkaryam for specified projects, offering beautiful jewels, vasthrams,  doing service, providing floral garlands, providing fruits and offerings, cleaning, regulating, painting, and so many more avenues ~ some are physical and requires extraordinary commitment .. .. I have never tried this but have  always observed from close quarters wondering how difficult it is – ‘thirukudai kainkaryam’ – lifting the thirukudai is a massive effort – the weight is at the top as one controls and manages its weight (more so with wind blowing ferociously) as one walks closer to Emperuman covering Him !!

In Sept of 2019, two satellites approximately 200 miles above the planet’s surface were zooming toward each other at a breakneck speed of 32,000 miles per hour. One was the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Aeolus Earth observation satellite and the other was one of SpaceX’s  Starlink satellites, and with them both speeding toward the same region of space, scientists estimated a 1 in 1,000 probability that they would collide.  If the satellites had crashed, both would have been utterly obliterated — and the impact would have thrown millions of small and large pieces of debris spinning off into space. Imagine the opening scene from the film Gravity, and now amplify that by an order of magnitude.  All of this discarded material is collectively known as space debris. It’s the junk that we’ve left in the space around our planet, and it’s growing every year ~ Earth badly requires an Umbrella for protection. 

People for sure have seen this – in India when dignitaries and politicians come, if it rains, the Officer in Special duty would hold out umbrella ! .. .. one would feel sad, on a high commanding Officer doing a trivial job .. ..  Away in US as per  Marine Corps uniform regulations, the men are not allowed to carry or use umbrellas while in uniform. Female Marines can carry “an all-black, plain standard, or collapsible umbrella at their option during inclement weather” but not with combat uniforms. All of which means that when Marines stand sentry outside the White House, they often get wet.  Yet in an instance, Ex President Barack Obama asked his bodyguard to hold the umbrella which raised many debates ! 

In our culture – we welcome rains [rain, rain go away is not our tradition] – it has been raining quite heavily this fortnight.  Chennai requires water, so does other parts of Tamilnadu – still we wanted respite this day, as we wish celebrating this day in grandiose manner.  Those who ventured to Triplicane this morning would have wondered what was happening – it was a procession of umbrellas, nay not the black one that humans use when it rains– but spotless white parasols – the divine kodais    ~ 10 sets of them – the divine kodais 20 in no.  - some huge – ranging from 14 to 18 jon kudais - and alongwith that hundreds of Thennacharya Srivaishnavaites, most of them sporting the traditional ‘ dwadasa Urthva Pundram – the Pannirandu Thiruman”

The grand occasion 1.11.2019 is ‘Aippasi Thirumoolam’  hailing the birth of our Supreme ‘non-pareil’ Acarya Swami Manavala Mamunigal’.  On His Sarrumurai day in the morning Mamunigal has  grand purappadu with Sri Parthasarathi Perumal having  20 kudais.  The kudais  ~ white kudais (parasols) look great and are great attraction of Thondai mandalam Thirukachi, Thiruvallikkeni, Thiruevvul and many other divyadesams – in there places there will be no purappadu in divyadesams for Emperuman without kudai (for us Adisesha is the divine kudai for Emperuman)..

So the divine grace of Acaryar Swami Manavala Mamunigal – it was such a grand purappadu.  It was made merrier by those rendering service (kudaikarargal) – a group had descended from nearby temple too .. here are some photos of the people who walked gleefully on the mada veethis of Thiruvallikkeni carrying the umbrellas for Emperuman.~   .. .. and look at the smiling faces revealing their enjoyment in doing this kainkaryam..

My small concern is I could have left out unintentionally some of the kainkaryabarar and some of the regulars like Kudai Raja could have just allowed others to do the kainkaryam on this glorious day ..

Pranams to all those who do kainkaryam to Emperuman ~ it is these people with selfless devotion who embellish every activity in Temple

Azwar Emperumanar Jeeyar thiruvadigale Saranam
Swami Manavala Maamunigale Innumoru Noorrandu Irum

~adiyen Srinivasadhasan [Mamandur Veervalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar]

1st Nov 2019.

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