Sunday, May 5, 2019

Sri Udayavar Uthsavam ~ Kolangal 2019

Uthsavams are festivities ~ at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, there are so many Uthsavams and purappadus.  Primordial among them is the 10 day long annual  Brahmothsavam, initiated by Brahma himself at Thirukachi.  At Thiruvallikkeni it is Chithirai Brahmothsavam for Sri Parthasarathi and Aani brahmothsavam for Sri Thelliya Singar.  Sri Parthasarathi brahmothsavam just concluded and just a day after it was 10 day uthsavam for Bashyakarar – Sri Ramanujar – and there are purappadus in the morning and evening.

Triplicanites are enjoying it .. .. there are various levels of involvement – the streets are clean and tidy – before every purappadu – beautiful kolams are drawn.  Kolam (கோலம்) is a form drawn by using rice flour.  Theoretically, it is a geometrical line drawing composed of curved loops, drawn around a grid pattern of dots – in effect, they are passionately put on the street as offering to Lord.  Kolams are thought to bring prosperity to homes. Every morning devout  women draw kolams on the ground with white rice flour.  The floor is readied by cleaning with water and in earlier days cow dung was used.    The rice powder also invites birds and other small creatures to eat it, thus welcoming other beings into one's home and everyday life: a daily tribute to harmonious co-existence.

For those involved, it is a  matter of pride to be able to draw large complicated patterns without lifting the hand off the floor or standing up in between.  Whilst there are many capable ladies, this man Sri Murali Bagavathar beats them all ~ he primarily makes line drawings and at times the vahanam of that particular day – today being Vellai Sarruppadi and kuthirai vahanam for Sri Ramanuja, his horse and a small cow too infront of Sri Vanamamalai Mutt was appreciated by one and all.

Here are some photos of kolangal at Thiruvallikkeni photographed in recent purappadu. (the ones below are drawn by others on various dates)

~adiyen Srinivasa dhasan – S. Sampathkumar
5th May 2019

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