Monday, May 6, 2019

*பூங்கமலத்தேனதிபாய்வயல்* ~ Sri Udayavar Pushpa pallakku 2019

A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen. Most flowers attract humans (read women !).  In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans to bring beauty to their environment, and also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and as a source of food.

We never quite know when a particular flower will choose to bloom, but bloom they inevitably will. From vibrant tulips to delicate orchids, flowering plants cover the planet. It’s easy to be swept away by their fragrance and appearance; these buds hold more power than a muse to our poetic whimsy. Practically speaking, they form the foundational food source for ecosystems around the world.

Spring has sprung, and in few places more dramatically at the Keukenhof—the world’s largest flower park, located in South Holland, whose 79 acres are now blanketed with vivid blooms.  Keukenhof also known as the Garden of Europe, is one of the world's largest flower gardens, situated in Lisse, South Holland, Netherlands. According to the official website for the Keukenhof Park, approximately 7 million flower bulbs are planted annually in the park, which covers an area of 32 hectares (79 acres).  The park opens its gates for just eight weeks every year. Over 7 million bulbs spring to life from March to May, flooding the park with streams of color.About 100 different suppliers send over their bulbs in the fall so they can show off their finest florals to the visitors who flock to Keukenhof once spring rolls around.

For us ‘flowers’ are of different significance. Today,  6th May 2o19    is day 7 of Swami UdayavarUthsavam ~ in the morning it was pallakku and in the evening the fragrant ‘pushpapallakku’ (palanquin made of flowers).  Flowers are fragrant and are naturally attractive – the pushpapallakku – with many strands of jasmine pervading  is unique as it is a treat to mind, eyes and ears.

The most learned, most humble and most kind Sri Ramanujar showered us with his munificence .... here is how ThiruvarangathuAmuthanar hails the unswerving commitment of Ramanujar to the Lord Ranganathar at Thiruvarangam. In his words

“*பூங்கமலத்தேனதிபாய்வயல் தென்அரங்கன் கழல் சென்னிவைத்து
தானதில் மன்னும் இராமானுசன்*”...

.Udayavar has in his heart the lotus feet of Arangar, the Lord of Srirangam, whose golden feet  is flooded and cleansed  by honey gotten from the lotus flowers......... we also need to have Sri Ramanujar in our heart and be attached to the feet of our Acharyar.

Here are  some photos taken during today’s evening purappadu ‘Pushpapallakku’ of Swami Ramanujar.

~adiyen Srinivaadhasan.

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