Monday, March 25, 2019

Thirumayilai Sri Adhi Kesavar Garuda Sevai ~ the people : 2019

Today is day 3 of the ongoing annual brahmothsavam at Thirumayilai Sri Adhi Kesava Perumal Thirukovil.

In the grand Brahmothsavam, each Vahanam, every purappadu has its  own charm, yet, if one were to ask the most majestic and most crowd-pulling ones,  it would be Thiruther and Garuda vahanam. !!  .. .. ..  Besides inscriptions, iconography and literary works surrounding Mylapore,  the divine locality boasts of Kapaleechvaram and Sri Adhi Kesavaperumal thirukovil. Ptolemy, the Creek Geographer referred to Mylapore in his books as ‘Millarpha;,. It was apparently a weel-known sea port town with a flourishing trade. Saint Tiruvalluvar the celebrated author of Tirukkurl, the Wordl-famous ethical treatise, lived in Mylapore nearly 2,000 years ago.

Today  (25.3.2019) it was Garuda vahanam at thirumayilai, hundreds of devotees waited early in the morning to catch glimpse of the Lord Adhi Kesava  as he came out of the gate (Gopura vassal darsanam). The first among the devotees was Thamizh Thalaivar Sri Peyalwar Himself.    On Garuda Sevai day, people from far and away come to the temple, offer vasthram (new clothes), place before Lord -  cocoanut, fruits & other offerings and have darshan of Lord in Garuda vahanam.

It is a day of masses ~ teeming crowds, chanting the name of Lord Sriman Narayana – all roads would read Madaveethis as people rush to have darshan of Lord on Garuda and enjoy the aesal and other festivities.  This morning around the mada veethis of Chithirai kulam, Sri Adhi Kesava Perumal had purappadu on Garuda Sevai as Sri Peyalwar accompanied Him .. here are some photos of people of Thirumayilai.

adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.

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