Friday, May 25, 2018

Thirukachi DevapPerumal Thirumanjanam 2018

From 27th of May 2018 ~ it is Brahmothsavam at Thirukachi divyadesam for Sri Devathi Rajar. 

On 4th Mar 2018  ~ had the fortune of having darshan of Lord DevapPerumal ~ Devathi Rajar, (Sri Varadharajar) and Perundevi thayar  at Thirukachi divyadesam. Had darshan of thirumanjanam to Devapperumal also. For Sri Vaishnavaites,  reverence is :   ‘Kovil~Thirumalai~Perumal Kovil’ – [referring to the Divyadesams of Thiruvarangam, Thirumala Thirupathi and Kanchipuram, respectively]

The area where Sri Varadharaja Perumal temple is located is now known as Vishnu Kanchi.  Kanchi has a rich history and was associated with the Pallava dynasty as the Pallava rulers ruled the Thondai mandalam for long.  Pallavas established their capital at Kanchi (modern day Kanchipuram famous for weaving and silk sarees) which gradually became popular and famous for its temples and as centre of Vedic learning. There are so many Temples inside Kanchi and many of the Sri Vaishnava divyadesams are located in Kanchi.  The city famous for silk sarees and  is called as "City of 1000 Temples"; a famous Sanskrit poem ascribes it as ‘nagareshu kanchi’ – the best of the cities.

The Pallava Empire was the largest and most powerful South Asian state in its time, ranking as one of the glorious empires of world history. The Pallavas gained prominence after the eclipse of the Satavahana dynasty.   The history of Pallavas depicts continued war of ascendance with Chalukya empire.   Of the many Kings, Mahendravarman I (600–630 CE) was very prominent and it was during regime, Pallavas fougth Chalukyas – Pulikesi – the Vengi wars.  Mahendravarman was succeeded to the throne by his more famous son Narasimhavarman I. Narasimhavarman 1 fondly known as ‘maamallan’ shared his father’s love of art and completed the work started by Mahendravarman in Mahabalipuram.

Pallava Kings were patrons of Srivaishnavism and built many temples for Sriman Narayana.  There are references to Pallava Kings in divyaprabandham too.  Pallavas for a major part of their tenure ruled from Kanchi.    From ancient times, our lives are intrinsically mingled with temples which are the torch bearers of our glorious heritage – the hindu way of life. Obeisance to God, Acharyas and those involved in temple work is our primordial duty.  Kanchipuram has been the repository of many magnificent temples.

Temples in kanchipuram are torchbearers of the glorious heritage of the Kanchipuram District and are repositories of the magnificient art forms that evolved over several centuries. One of the oldest cities in South India, this has been a learning centre for linguists. This area is also known as thondaimandalam in tune with Thondaimans who ruled this land and have had constructed many temples of yore.

ஸ்ரீவைஷ்ணவர்களுக்கு 'பெருமாள் கோவில்' என்றாலே 'திருக்கச்சி தேவப்பெருமாள் சன்னதி' தான்!  பிரம்மன் மோக்ஷபுரியில் அஸ்வமேத யாகம் செய்யும் போது யாக குண்டத்தில் இருந்து சங்கு சக்கரங்களுடன் தேவாதி ராஜர் எழுந்து அருளி, அவருக்கு பிரம்மா ஏற்பாடு செய்த உத்சவமே பிரம்மோத்சவம் என ஐதீஹம். 

Here are some photos taken during my visit (for the upanayanam of Chi Athreyan, s/o VN Kesava bashyam)

~ adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.

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