Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sri Thirumalai Ananthazhwan at Thiruvallikkeni Nampillai Sannathi 2018

Chithirai 14, Friday -27th apr 2018 is a day of significance in Triplicane !

Thirumalai Ananthalwan, a great Acharyar did great service for Thiruvengadamudayan, about 1000 years ago.  Ordained by Sri Ramanujacharya, Ananthazhwan did floral service at the holy Thirumalai, at a time when walking on the dense hills was fearsome and staying there was extremely difficult.   The garden created by Ananthazhwaan is now known as ‘Puraisaivari Thottam’.  It lies on the back side of the temple near Chinna Jeeyar Mutt and one can reach this place through the Thirumala Library also.    Now there is a beautiful brundavanam at this place maintained by the descendents of Thirumalai Ananthazhwaan.  The lake created by him now stands majestically as ‘Ramanuja lake” replete with water on the hill !!   Twice in a year,  Sri Malayappar visits this place and honours Ananthazhwaan now in the form of Magizha maram.  ‘Sri Venkatesa Ithihasa maala’ is considered the best amongst the many works of Thirumalai Ananthazhwaan

Sri Nampillai, in our  Acharya paramparai is known for his scholastic excellence.  In the Guru parampara lineage, he was the disciple of Sri Nanjeeyar and acharyar of Vadakku Thiruveethipillai. His commentary on Thiruvoimozhi known as Muppathu Aarayira(m)ppadi -  is considered as the best amongst the vyakyanams; considered equivalent to Thiruvoimozhi itself and  is celebrated as “Eedu”.  Nam Swami was born as “Varadhacharyar”, lived a life of 105 years in this world – from  1147 AD – 1252AD.    His life time was during the era of Chola dynasty and he was a witness to its glory, disintegration, defeat and annexation to Pandya kingdom. His Eedu also chronicles some part of the history of his time, as they are related to the temple of Srirangam.

Nampillai discoursed the lectures of Parasara Bhattar to his disciples Periavachaan Pillai and Vadakku Thiruveedi Pillai -  who in turn employed them in their respective commentaries. “Muppathu aarayirappadi” of Vadakku thiruveethipillai based on the discourses of Swami Nampillai is considered the best.  Nampillai of this fame has a sannadhi at Triplicane, situate at the front of Sri Bhandaram Committee place commonly known as “Komutti bungalow”. Around 100 years earlier, there was a great person by name Yogi Parthasarathi Iyengar and his wife was Yogi Singamma. Sri Yogi Parthasarathi Iyengar in his wisdom created a press for re-publishing on paper edition,  the great granthams of our Vaishnavaite mahans and in this venture established a press and persons to take care known as -  “Saraswathi Bhandram Committee” – saraswathi bhandaram meaning ‘library / treasure house’ of the works of Goddess of Learning Saraswathi. He spent his fortune towards establishing this and on this place built a temple for Sri Nampillai as the rightful person to own this treasure house. The idol of Namperumal was also installed alongside. He ensured that there would be festivities at least once a year.

Now this place stands pristine, renovated by a Committee in which Dr MA Venkatakrishnan Swami is the Jt Secretary.  A beautiful vigraham of Sri Ananthazhvan is to be installed  at Nampillai Sannathi Thiruvallikkeni and from 23.4.18, there is Nalayira divyaprabandha goshti.  The consecration will take in Mithuna lagna between 9.40 – 10.30 am on 27th Apr 2018.

All are invited ..  photos of the goshti taken this morning and the vigraha of Sri Ananthazhwan are posted here.

~ adiyen dhasan – S. Sampathkumar
Srimath Parahamsa Sriperumpudur Yathiraja Jeeyar Swami

~the attractive vigraham of Sri Ananthazhwan.

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