Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi at Triplicane : தஸ்மாத்யதீந்த்ர! கருணைவது மத்கதிஸ்தே

‘Ananthah sarasi dhere  Ramye  Bhoothapurivare’ – on the bank of Ananthasaras the temple pushkarini, is the temple of Sri Adhi Kesavar.   Boothapuri, better known now as Sri Perumpudur is the most divine place for us –  the place where our Greatest Acharyar “Emperumanaar, Bashyakarar” the reincarnation of Aadi Sesha and Sri Lakshmanar was born,  in the year 1017  to Kesava Somayaji and Gandhimathi couples.   Worshipping Sri Ramanujar at this temple will cure us of all sins.

Our Srivaishnavism hails Ubhaya Vedabta – there are philosophies restricted to having their scriptures in either Sanskrit or Tamil ~ Sri Vaishnavism has Sanskrit and dravida vedantha in equal parlance. .. .. and we have the noblest of preceptors  - Swami Ramanujar – the King of all hermits guiding us the path.

तस्माध्यतीन्द्र! करुणैव तु मद्गतिस्ते ॥    தஸ்மாத்யதீந்த்ர! கருணைவது மத்கதிஸ்தே ||

He is no ordinary mortal ~ our Acharya through his life showed us boundless mercy to even sinners.  The limitness Karunyam (kind heartedness) shows us the way to Sriman Narayana.   We can take great pride in being ‘Ramanuja dasa’ – the follower of Sri Udayavar without an iota of confusion, as we are assured of a place in SriVaikundam as Ramanuja sambandhi. 

It is our fortune that soon, we would be celebrating the 1000th birth anniversary of our Acharyar Ramanujar.  Sri Ramanuja Sahasrabdi celebrations are on … being celebrated all over the country.   His Holiness Tridandi Chinna Srimannarayana Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamiji  is constructing a statue of Bhagawad Ramanujacharya – the “Statue of Equality”  is being built over 45 acres of land in Samshabad in the outskirts of Hyderabad.  This statue of 216 feet would be the World’s largest sitting statue.  The great project symbolises the equality our Acharyar propounded and would showcase details of 108 Divyadesams; architectural representations of His life and His works; guided insights into cultural heritage of ours and more. 

As part of celebrations, Madras Yathiraja Seva Mahila Mandali organised a yatra in the mada veethigal of Thiruvallikkeni this morning. Thousands of Ramanuja sambandhis in traditional attire singing the glory of Acharyan took part in this procession.  Here are some photos of the Urgolam and revolving,  small size replice of Sri Ramanuja statue

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

23rd Oct 2016.

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