Friday, January 1, 2016

Sri Parthasarathi Theppothsavam - day 1 - Neeratta Mandapam

In the divyadesam of Thiruvallikkeni, there is a small Neeratta mandapam, exactly opposite to Periya Thiruther.  Sri Andal during the Neeratta Uthsavam in Margazhi has thirumanjanam here.

The annual float festival [Theppothsavam] is being celebrated at Thiruvallikkeni Divyadesam and I have posted about the day 1 festivity along with photos.  After the 5 rounds in the Theppam, Sri Parthasarathi had mandakapadi at the neeratta mandapam.

After there was to be purappadu in ‘siriya Thiruther’ ~ as the mada veethis are being relaid, the roads have been dug up and there could not be the ‘car festival’ as scheduled.  Sri Parthasarathi, had periya mada veethi purappadu in the kedayam.  Here are photos of the mantap as also Perumal having rest at the Mantap.

Adiyen Srinivasa Dhasan                                                                                           1st Mar 2014

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