Monday, June 1, 2015

Sri Varadha Rajar Garuda Sevai 2015 ~ Sri Doddayachar sevai !!

The annual brahmothsavam of Sri Varadharaja Swami  is now on and today (Monday 1st June 2015) being day 3 -  is the famous Garuda Sevai – when Lord is taken in procession on vahanam of Garuda also known as Periya Thiruvadi.

Garuda Sevai purappadu last year !

 Garuda Seva is grand, majestic and  has special significance at  Kanchi’s link with Sholinghur because of Swami Doddayachaaryar.    Even in Kali Yuga – Perumal had direct interaction with Thirukachi Nambigal and our Thoddachar Swami, whose lineage is doing great kainkaryam to Sri Akkarakkani Emperuman at Cholasimhapuram.  Forefather of the present day Acharyar, who lived during 16th century, was an ardent devotee of Lord Varadharaja and did many kainkaryams to Him. He was a regular in the annual Vaikasi Garuda Sevai of Devathirajar. Legend has it that on a particular year, he was not well and could not attend the Garudothsavam at Kachi. He was feeling desperate about his misfortune of not being able to have darshan of PerArulalar at Kachi on Garuda vahanam. He lamented standing near the Thakkan kulam at Cholasimhapuram (Sholinghur]. He composed hymns on Varadharaja, known as Sri Devaraja Panchakam. He longed for the Lord's sevai and these outpourings were a direct result of his bakthi and state of mind.

Emperuman will never let his ardent bhaktha down. He came down to Sholinghur and gave darshan to Dhoddacharyar - seated on Garuda vahanam. Such is the mercy and leela vinotham of PerArulalar.   Even today, on VaikAsi GarudOthsavam day, there is the  tradition known as Doddayachaaryar  Sevai, when the archakas hide Lord Varadhar at the western gate for a short time with two umbrellas just before He leaves the temple. It is believed that Lord goes to Sholinghur for giving darshan to Dhoddacharyar. The mangala aarathi takes place thereafter.
Today on the glorious Garuda Seva time, we remember the great Acharyar and fall at the feet of the Acharyars through whom only we can reach our Emperuman.  At Thriuvallikkeni divyadesam, due to mada veethis under repairs, there was no vahana purappadu and Lord Varadharajar had purappadu in kedayam.  Here are some photos taken this morning.

The groups of Bhagavathas ensemble at Thirukachi is to be seen to be belived.  Here is a photo of  Thirukachi Varadharajar [credit : Bharathwaj Balaji] and the crowds at gopura vassal [thanks to VN Kesavabashyam]

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

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