Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sri Parthasarathi Kodai Uthsavam day 5 - 2014

Another hot day in Chennai ….  Whether it is hot or cold, for us it is always the Lotus Feet of Sriman Narayana which is the shelter.  At Thiruvallikkeni, the Kodai uthsavam is on and today (1st July 2014)  is day 5 for Sri Parthasarathi.  As written earlier too, in this Uthsavam, Sri Parthasarathi and Ubaya Nachimars have purappadu in separate kedayams.

Today it was glorious magudam which adorned Sri Parthasarathi as the headwear – being the 5th day  - it was Nammalwar’s Thiruvirutham in the goshti.  Swami Nammazhwar starts this divyaprabandham stating:

பொய் நின்ற ஞானமும்  பொல்லா ஒழுக்கும்  அழுக்குடம்பும்,
இந்நின்ற நீர்மை இனியாமுறாமை, உயிரளிப்பான்
எந்நின்றயோனியுமாய்ப் பிறந்தாயிமையோர் தலைவா
மெய்நின்று கேட்டருளாய்,அடி யேன்செய்யும் விண்ணப்பமே.

Though one bestowed with great knowledge and more importantly the chosen one by Emperuman, Nammalwar still expresses his humility stating that we possess knowledge which is of no good, we possess no discipline, we are born in womb and are dirty -  and for protecting souls like us, the greatest Lord of Celestials takes birth to guide us and lead us to salvation.  Azhwar prays to Lord seeking His attention and beseeching grant that one may not be born again in state of faulty knowledge, wicked actions and filth-ridden body.  The posterity knows that Azhwar was granted all wishes and was taken along by Perumal – for us the path is certain and easy – follow what Azhwar did and surrender to the Lotus feet of Emperuman.

Azhwar Emperumanaar Thiruvadigale Saranam

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

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