Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hamsa vahana purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni - Sri Parthasarathi Brahmothsavam day 3 Eve (2014)

I had posted this earlier, yet am repeating ..... Bago Region  is an administrative region of Burma, located in the southern central part of the country.  Might wonder what it has to do with this Temple related post….

Today 17th April 2014 is the third day of the Chithirai Brahmothsavam of Swami Parthasarathi.  It was Garuda vahanam in the morning and in the evening it was ‘Hamsa Vahanam’.  At Thiruvallikkeni, Hamsa vahanam is one of the heaviest among the vahanams.  The bird is known for its purity and powers.  Thirumangai Mannan in his ‘Thirunedunthandagam’ draws a reference to the Hamsa bird.:

“மின்னுமாமழை தவழும் மேகவண்ணா *  விண்ணவர்தம் பெருமானே! அருளாயென்று
அன்னமாய் முனிவரோடு அமரரேத்த *   அருமறையை வெளிப்படுத்த அம்மான் தன்னை"........ சர்வேஸ்வரன் முனிவர்களும் தேவர்களும் ஸ்தோத்திரம் செய்ததற்கு இணங்கி ஹம்சரூபியாய் அவதரித்து அருமையான வேதங்களை வெளிப்படுத்தி அருளினார். 

The Hamsa is a familiar leitmotif in Indian art, literature, sculpture and textiles. It is an aquatic bird that resembles a goose or a swan. It is reputed to eat pearls and to be able to separate milk from water and drink only pure milk.  The Hamsa represents the perfect  harmony between spirituality and life. When the word ‘hamsa’ is constantly repeated, it changes to ‘Soaham’ meaning ‘That I am’. Thus the hamsa is often identified with the Supreme Spirit or Brahman. The flight of the Hamsa also symbolises the escape of the soul from the cycle of samsara.

A large volume of corpus of folklore and literature has grown around it, and a distinct mythology has evolved around the Hamsa.  Hamsa signifies  strength and virility. Hamsam is attributed qualities of  purity, detachment, divine knowledge, cosmic breath (prana) and highest spiritual accomplishment. Here are some photos taken this morning.

The seal of Bogo division has ‘Hamsam’…….

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.

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