Monday, February 17, 2014

Masi Magam purappadu ~ congregation at Bay Of Bengal

14th Feb 2014  is Masi Magam.  I had posted about the grand purappadu of Sri Parthasarathi Perumal in Garuda vahanam to Marina and the theerthavari at Bay of Bengal.  To have darshan of Perumal and be along with him, hundreds of bakthas accompanied Him to the beach and had bath in the sea.   Read the earlier post at :

This morning, the beach presented a holy sight of GODs ….         ~ the  vast expanse of Marina daily has so many people visiting starting with the early morning walkers to those who spend time happily in the evenings… but this day, the crowd was far different … they were the worshippers – those seeking divine blessings accompanying the Lord and had come for holy bath in the sea on the auspicious day of ‘masi magam’ ; the sea which was blessed with the Divine intervention was perhaps showing its happiness on seeing the holy crowd with huge tidal waves.

Alongside Sri Parthasarathi Perumal were many other Perumals including ~ Srinivasa Perumal  from Egmore on Garuda Vahanam;  Mylai Sri Madha Perumal  and this year there was Perumal from Mogappair.   Here are photos of Srinivasa Perumal of Egmore and Mylai Madhava Perumal. There was congregation Perumals ~ and heads of Bakthas who took holy bath in the sea.  Here are some photos taken at Marina beach this morning.

 Sri Chakkarathazhwar above and
Sri Srinivasa Perumal of Egmore

Thiru Mayilai Sri Madhava Perumal

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.
14th Feb 2o14

PS: Mylai Madhava Perumal Photo courtesy : Bharathwaj Balaji Swamin.

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