Friday, December 30, 2011

Cyclone Thane brings water to Kairavini Pushkarini - Sri Parthasarathi Swami Temple tank

This place has significant attachment with the birth of the greatest Acharyar ‘Shri Bhagawad Ramanujar” – the reincarnation of Adi Seshan. The great scholar Asuri Sarvakruthu Keshava Dikshithar better known as Keshava Somayajiaar performed yagnam at the temple tank of Thiruvallikkeni and Sri Ramanujar was born to him and Kanthimathi.

In most traditional temples, one would find temple tanks in front of the temple.  Bathing in sacred waters of these tanks is believed to cure diseases and get rid of sins.  Temple tanks are wells or reservoirs built as part of the temple complex in Indian temples.  In Hindu way of life, water is considered sacred and pureficatory.  Protection and management of water supplies helped the Society at large.  The underlining the importance of temple tanks is not their sanctity alone, they serve  a very practical purpose - that of maintaining ground water tables and replenishing community water supplies.
The divyadesam of Thiruvallikkeni derives its name from the holy pond known as “kairavini pushkarini’ – the pond of lily flowers.  Sri Parthasarathi is Kairavani nathar.  

The holy tank of Lord Sri Parthasarathi – the ‘kairavini pushkarini’ was laid with cement in the mid 1970s.  In the recent years, SYMA was instrumental in implementing rain water harvesting.  There existed channels which brought the water from the temple – now there are more channels bringing in rain water to be preserved and raising the water table. 

Cyclone Thane did cause damage to parts of Tamil Nadu but copious water is flowing into the tank and the water level has risen well.  Here are a couple of photos of the Temple tank taken this morning

With regards – S. Sampathkumar.

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