Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thiruvallikkeni Irapathu 7 - Perumal Muthangi ~ Azhwar Nachiyar Thirukolam 2015

Thiruvallikkeni Irapathu 7 - Perumal Muthangi ~ Azhwar Nachiyar Thirukolam

Wonder which Thayar is this ? ….

Today 27th  Dec 2015 is day 7 of ongoing Irapathu Uthsavam and at Thiruvallikkeni, Sri Parthasarathi Swami blessed His bakthas adorning Muthangi.  It was indeed a feast to the eyes to have darshan of Paripurnan wearing a dress beautifully woven with pearls still unable to match the blemishless beauty of Perumal.

Swami Nammalwar in Nayika bhavam gave darshan in ‘Nachiyar Thirukolam’ dressed as the woman [Parankusa Nayaki]  hailing the greatness of Sriman Narayana.

கங்குலும் பகலும் கண்துயிலறியாள் கண்ணநீர் கைகளால் இறைக்கும்*,
சங்குசக்கரங்கள் என்று கைகூப்பும் தாமரைக்கண்ணென்றே  தளரும்*,
எங்ஙனே தரிக்கேன் உன்னை விட்டு என்னும் இருநிலம் கைதுழாவிருக்கும்*,
செங்கயல்பாய்நீர்த் திருவரங்கத்தாய்இவள்திறத்து என்  செய்கின்றாயே?

Swami Nammalwar praises the Lord at Thiruvarangam, the place which abounds with beautiful  fishes in the holy river Thiru Cauvery.  Thinking of the Lord holding the Conch and Chakram, she doles out tears  handful  ~ knows not sleeping,  thinking of Him through day and night  and cannot imagine  a living without Him.

Here are some photos taken during today’s  purappadu.

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 6 ~ 2015

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 6 : 26-12-2015  
திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து  உத்சவம் 6

அத்யயன உத்சவம் அனைத்து ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவ கோவில்களிலும் சிறப்புற நடந்து வருகிறது. இன்று திருவல்லிக்கேணி திவ்யதேசத்தில் இராப்பத்து உத்சவத்தில் ஆறாம் நாள். ஸ்ரீபார்த்தசாரதி, நம்மாழ்வாருடன் பெரிய மாட வீதி புறப்பாடு  கண்டு அருளினார்.  ஸ்ரீபார்த்தசாரதி, சங்கு சக்கரதாரியாய்   திருவேங்கடம் உடையான் திருக்கோலத்தில் அதி அற்புதமாக சேவை சாதித்தார்

file photo of 2012

Today on day 6 of Irapathu uthsavam at Thiruvallikkeni, Sri Parthasarathi Swami blessed devotees  in  ‘Thiru Venkadam Udaiyan” Thirukkolam.  Even to those who are used to having darshan of Lord Parthasarathi,  He appeared more of the Lord of Seven Hills in tune with the sarrumurai pasuram of Thiruvaimozhi 6th canto ‘Ulagam Unda Thiruvaaya’ pasuram. Swami Nammalwar graced ‘Savari kondai’ usually worn when astride horse.

உலகம் உண்ட பெருவாயா! உலப்பில் கீர்த்தியம்மானே!
நிலவும் சுடர் சூழொளிமூர்த்தி,  நெடியாய் அடியேனாருயிரே!
திலதம் உலகுக்காய் நின்ற திருவேங்கடத்தெம் பெருமானே!
குலதொல்லடியேன்  உன்பாதம் கூடு மாறு கூறாயே.

உலகுக்கெல்லாம் திலகம் போன்றதான திருமலையிலே விளங்குகின்ற; (பிரளய காலத்தில்) உலகங்களையெல்லாம் அமுது செய்த திவ்ய ஸ்வரூபியான நெடியவனாய் நிற்கும் அந்த திருவேங்கடவனை என்றென்றும் நினைத்து, அவரது தாள்   பணிந்து தொழுவோம்.

Thiruvengadam (Sri Venkatachala Hill of Thirumala) stands prominent as ‘Thilakam’ – the shining glory of entire Universe.  Lord Srinivasa, the bestower of all boons, the Lord who ate the Universe and who is closest to our hearts stands tall at Thirumala – let us fall at His feet, think of Him all the time and do good to all His followers. 

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.

PS : Adiyen could not attend and missed His darshan ~ the photo here is one take in 2012.  Swami Nammalwar painting as it appears in Thirukadigai [Sholinghur] Sri Akkarakani sannidhi. 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Irapathu uthsavan day 5 (2015) - @ Thiruvallikkeni Divyadesam

Irapathu uthsavan day 5 (2015) -  @ Thiruvallikkeni Divyadesam

Irapathu Uthsavam is being celebrated in Divyadesams and today is day5.  Those who have darshan of Sri Parthasarathi yearn more – everyday,  He looks fresh and more radiant shining with the apt sarruppadi of battars.  Today it was Pandian Kondai and Sengol  [the kireedam known as Pandian kondai as it replicates the one worn by Lord NamPerumal rendered to him by a Pandian King known as Sundara Pandian and the scepter worthy of an Emperor].  Swami Nammalwar had dazzling muthu kondai.

In decad 5 Swami Nammazhwar assumes the form of Parankusa Nayaki (Azhvar's bridal self). 

In his golden words : ** மாசறு சோதியென் செய்ய வாய்மணிக் குன்றத்தை;  ஆசறு சீலனை ஆதிமூர்த்தியை நாடியே** -   Azhwar directs us to the complete Sriman Narayana whose radiance is flawless;  the One possessing the red-lipped; One more pure than spotless mountain gem  ~  to the feet of the One possessing Great qualities totally devoid of any blemish –  that Original One – we must pray, fall, follow and submit to the lotus feet – which only will protect us from all sins.

Here are some photos of today’s purappadu 

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan                                                                                      25th Dec 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Thiruvallikkeni Irapathu day 4 ~ Hanumath Jayanthi 2015

In Periyazhwar Thirumozhi, in the hymns celebrating the power of Govardhana Giri, Azhwar says  that in the Greatly reverred hill, female monkeys in singing lullabies to their kids, mention the heroic deeds of Hanuman, whose valour completely destroyed the city of demons – the Lanka :   **அடங்கச்சென்று இலங்கையையீடழித்த அனுமன் புகழ்பாடித் தம்குட்டன்களை* குடங்கைக் கொண்டு மந்திகள் கண் வளர்த்தும் கோவர்த்தனமென்னும் கொற்றக் குடையே **”.

                 Acharyar Nathamunigal codified the treasure of the most divine ‘Nalayira Divya Prabandham’. He also revived the Adhyayana Utsavam instituted by Thirumangai Azhwar. From the day of Vaikunda Ekadasi, Iraapathu utsavam starts. Each day in the night – Thiruvoimozhi is recited. In Divyadesams like Thiruvallikkeni, in the evening purappadu – Upadesa Rathnamalai rendered by Sri Manavala Mamunigal is recited by the Divyaprabandha goshti on mada veethis.

The festivity of Adhyayana Uthsavam is enthralling and today is day 4 of  Irapathu Uthsavam.  Today is more special – ‘Hanumath Jayanthi’.  The most sacred  Ithihasa purana ‘Sri Ramayanam’  is the undiluted history of the Greatest Person who descended on this Universe, on the banks of river Sarayu, in a prosperous country called ‘Koshala’.   Totally committed to this Master, thinking of His welfare alone – unassuming, yet capable of telling the right things at the right moment – is Pavana Puthra Hanuman – Aanjaneya, who is called ‘siriya thiruvadi’ – who carried Rama on his shoulders during the war in which the demon was killed.   

At Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam,   right in front of the Sri Ramar Sannathi, Sri Aanjaneya resides. Once in a year, there will be purappadu for this Utsavamurthy and  today it was Grand Purappadu for  Sri Parthasarathi Perumal with   Sri Hanumar and Swami Nammalwar. [there is another Thiruvadi kovil at East Tank Sq!] According to the legend,  Lord Hanuman is present wherever the story of Lord Rama  is recited.  Let us prostrate  at the feet of  Jai Hanuman ~  here are some photos of the purappadu.

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan

24th Dec 2015.

Irapathu uthsavam ~ divine purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni 2015

Thiruvallikkeni is a wonderful divyadesam ~ there will be purappadus on so many days – different Uthsavams throughout the year.

Now Adhyayana Uthsavam – Irapathu is on and today is day 4 – Hanumath Jayanthi too. Thus there was purappadu of Sri Parthasarathi, Nammazhwar and Aanjaneyar.

As Emperuman comes on the Veethi giving darshan to people, hundreds of people are blessed.  .. .. .. one can blissfully witness

Sripadhamthangis [the people who carry the Lord on their shoulders]

Bhattargal [Archakargal]

Divyaprabandha goshti

Veda Parayana goshti
~ and many others offering service to God.

Here are some photos of today’s purappadu.

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan

24th Dec 2015.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 3 - 2015

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 3  -  2015
திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து  உத்சவம்  (3)

The festivity of Adhyayana Uthsavam is enthralling and today (23.12.2015)  is day 3 of Irapathu Uthsavam.  During Irapathu, everyday   at around 0545 pm,  Sri Parthasarathi Perumal reaches the Paramapada vasal, where Nammalwar waits for the doors to open and have darshan of Lord coming through the entrance. Devotees throng to have darshan of this significant  event.

திருமால் அடியார்களுக்கு ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணனே சகலமும் **~ ஸ்வாமி நம்மாழ்வார் அருளிச்செய்ததது போல  "நாவினுள் நின்றுமலரும் ஞானக்கலைகளுக்கு   எல்லாம், ஆவியுமாக்கையும்தானே "- நாவினில்  நின்றும்,  மலரும், பரவுகின்ற எல்லா  கலைகளுக்கும் -அவனே காரணன்....  திருவாழி திருச்சங்குகளைத்  தரித்து இருக்கும் அழகியதிருமேனியினன்  நமக்கு  எல்லா நலன்களையும் தர வல்லன்

Here are some photos of today’s grand purappadu.      Adiyen Srinivasadhasan 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 2 – 2015 - திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து உத்சவம் 2

Thiruvallikkeni - Iraapathu Uthsavam 2 – 2015  
திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து  உத்சவம் 

The great epic Mahabaratha is seen by ordinary as a war memoir ~  the epic is purveyor of morals, the several kinds of dharma.  The Supreme Lord as Sri Krishna chose to live in this earthly World, guided people, gave us the great Bhawat Gita as informing warrior Arjuna. 

On day 2 of Irapathu Uthsvam at Thiruvallikkeni, Lord who charioted Arjuna -  Sri Parthasarathy shone in radiance  as ‘Sri Venugopalar ‘ – the cowherd - -  one with the Flute and Cows.  Let us surrender at the golden feet of the Lord of Vaikundam, the eternal, faultless, immeasurable, ever blissful land. Here are some photos of Perumal taken during today’s evening purappadu.  

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan

22nd Dec 2015.