Thursday, November 26, 2015

Karthigaiyil Rohini Naal ~ ThirupPanazhwar Sarrumurai 2015 : கார்த்திகையில் ரோஹிணி நாள்

கங்கையில் புனிதமாய காவிரி நடுவுபாட்டு;
பொங்கு நீர் பரந்து பாயும் பூம்பொழில் அரங்கம்

River Cauvery is considered most sacred ~ in the words of Thondaradipodi Azhwar – ‘more sacred than the Sacred Ganges’…. ~ and in that beautiful island formed by Cauvery [Kaveri and Kollidam] reclines Lord Ranganathar.  Azhwars, many sages and saints have left a rich treasure for posterity, in the form of classics containing all information about God and how He is ready to respond to the devotees' sincere pleas. 

The sacred Cauvery flowing across enriched all areas on its banks ~ the Chozha empire flourished due to that.  Historically, Uraiyur [also spelt Woraiyoor] was  the capital of the Empire at some point time  – it  had big palatial buildings and bigger choultries feeding the poor all the time.   Woraiyur figures prominently in the Sangam works like Pattinapalai and Purananuru. According to the former, Karikala Cholan beautified its fortifications, gateways, tall mansions and temples.  Uraiyur over the period is known by various names such as ‘Thirukkozhi, Nikalaapuri, Uranthai, and Kozhiyur’. The word Urayur in Tamil literally means "the residence" ~ perhaps meant to be the abode of the Lord Himself.  Legend has it that ‘cock attacked the elephant of the king’ and realizing the valour, the place came to be known as ‘Kozhiyoor’ too.  ~ it is here Thiru PaanAzhwar was born…

ஆபாதசூடம்  ~ from the feet to the crown, perhaps was his resolve when he started singing, but he cannot take his eyes off the Thiruvadi.   Such was his bakthi – it Sri Thirup Paanazhwar whose thirunakshathiram “ Rohini in Karthigai month” – that we are celebrating today (26th Nov 2015).   In Thondai mandalam, the moolavar will be anointed with ennai kappu from  Tthiru karthigai day and there will not be purappadu after. Hence generally, there will not be sathrumurai purappadu for Thiru Panazhwar. This year, Karthikai deepam is being  celebrated today - yesterday was Sarrumurai vaibhavam of Thirumangai Mannan.  The Azhwar,  an amsam - Sri Vatsa of Sriman Narayana was born at Uraiyur and brought up by Panars who sung mellifluous paeans in praise of Lord.  Such was his blemishless devotion to Lord Aranganathar that he claimed that he does not want to see anything else with his eyes that saw the most benevolent Lord Arangar. ~ அண்டர் கோன் அணியரங்கன் என்னமுதினைக் கண்ட கண்கள்மற்றொன்றினைக் காணாவே.

Thirupanalwar used to come to the banks of Cauvery, deeply imbued in bakthi he would sing with deep anubhavam about the kalyana gunams of the Lord every morning. In the divine Naalayira Divya prabandham, his contribution is Amalanadhipiraan – ten in number. His prabhandham is different from the rest in a way that it does not contain any upadesams or anything else but only hymns in praise of Lord Ranganatha alone. Those well versed in sampradhaya state that they are aanandha-lahari (limitless outpourings of the bliss of aanandham) at the anubhavam of the Soundharyam of Arangar.

Here is  one of his immortal verses:
அமலனாதிபிரான் அடியார்க்கென்னை ஆட்படுத்த*
விமலன் விண்ணவர்கோன் விரையார் பொழில் வேங்கடவன்*
நிமலன் நின்மலன் நீதிவானவன் நீள்மதிள் அரங்கத்தம்மான்*
திருக்கமலபாதம் வந்து  என்கண்ணினுள்ளன ஓக்கின்றதே.

Azhwar totally immersed with bakthi, refers to the Lord as Vimalan, glorifying His blemishlessness and magnanimity.  The immaculate  Lord Ranganatha [Arangathamman]  cleanses the massive dirt of ignorance of the worshippers and imparts purity to them. Indeed He is the purest of the pure and the most auspicious among the auspicious.   The Lord “Nimalan” is the one who bestows boons on his devotees even unasked and unsolicited, enhancing His greatness still further. And when someone thinks of such magnanimous Lord – the Lotus feet – the very thought gets ingrained in the eyes of Azhwar who could see nothing else and melts with the benevolence of Lord Ranganatha. 

Today at 8 pm, Sri Parthasarathi had purappadu on the occasion of Deepa Uthsavam after lamps were lit all over the temple and in all sannadhis.  The highlight of the day is the lighting of ‘chokka panai’ – a structure made of palmirah trunk and leaves stuffed with rice bran etc., ….. people put fireworks also into this bonfire.  This symbolizes burning of bad behavior and unwanted elements ~ the lamps symbolize blossoming knowledge.

From midnight of today, there will be thailakappu for Moolavar and there will be no darshan of moolavar in Sri Parthasarathi temple.  This period is known as ‘Anadhyayanam’ ~ a period whence Divyaprabandham and Veda will not be recited in Temples and at homes.  This tradition is followed in all Divyadesams.   At Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam,  from tomorrow during Nithyapadi [daily rituals] only Upadesa Rathinamalai will be recited and in addition, Thiruvaimozhi Noothandhadhi of Swami Manavala Mamuni will be  recited on the Thiruvadhirai and Moolam days.  From the Danur masam [margazhi] Thiruppavai will of course be recited. 

The Adhyayana Uthsavam i.e, Pagal Pathu and Irapathu Uthsavam start on 11th Dec itself.  On the 6th day of Pagal Pathu falling on 16th Dec 2o15, Thirumangai Azhwar’s Thirumozhi will be recited and at the time of rendering of Sthala pasuram ‘Virperu Vizhavum Kanjanum Mallum’ – screens will be off and from then on devotees will have full darshan of Sri Venkata Krishnan, the moolavar and other moolavar idols.   This year on that day Danur masam [margazhi] is also born.

For 4 more  days till Vaikunda Ekadasi, falling on 21st Dec, devotees can have darshan of Sri Venkada Krishnan without His trademark moustache………….

Here are some photos of Thirupanazhwar with Sri Parthasarathi taken during today’s purappadu – also some photos of the ‘chokkapanai’ being lit for the Karthigai deepam.  It is the day for us to fall at the glorious Lotus feet of Sriman Narayana,  get rid of our sins and concentrate on doing kainkaryam to the Lord and his devotees. 

கார்த்திகையில் ரோஹிணி நாள் –
திருப்பாணன் பொற்பதங்கள் செகதலத்தில் வாழியே.

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

“Kaisika Dwadasi” ~ significance and greatness of 'Kaisika puranam" - 2015

“Kaisika Dwadasi” ~ significance and greatness of 'Kaisika puranam" - @  Thiruvallikkeni

"ஊன் மல்கி மோடு பருத்தவனுக்கும்..... நினைந்து,  நினைந்து  உள்கரைந்துருகி இளைத்தவனுக்கும்' நடந்த சத்திய போராட்டம் “கைசிக புராண மகாத்மியம்.”

(the battle of wits beween a Rakshas who got fat eating meat and the baktha who became leaner living  thinking, and singing paeans of God all the time)

எம்பெருமானிடம் பக்தி கொண்டவர்கள் - சகல உயர்வும் பெற்றவர்கள்.  திருக்குறுங்குடி திவ்யதேசத்தில் மகேந்திர மலையில் நடந்த இந்நிகழ்வு அனைத்துக்கும் சிகரம் வைத்ததை போன்றதாகும். கார்த்திகை மாதம் சுக்ல பக்ஷ ஏகாதசி இரவு அன்று ஸ்ரீமன்நாராயணின் பரமபக்தனான நம்பாடுவான் திருக்குறுங்குடிநம்பி பெருமாள் கோவிலை நோக்கி செல்கிறான். அந்த இரவு நேரத்தில் அவன் செல்லும் வழியில் ஒரு ப்ரம்மரக்ஷஸ்(பிசாசு) அவனை வழி மறித்து அவனை பிடித்துக் கொள்கிறான். ப்ரம்மரக்ஷஸின் தேகமோ கொழுத்து பெருத்த தேகம். நம் பாடுவானோ மிகவும் இளைத்து மெலிந்த தேகம் உடையவன். அதனால் ப்ரம்மரக்ஷஸின் பிடியிலிருந்து தப்ப இயலாதவனாக இருந்தான். ஆனால் பயப்படவில்லை. ப்ரம்மரக்ஷஸை பார்த்து, "நான் ஏகாதசி விரதமிருந்து நம்பெருமாளை துதிக்க சென்று கொண்டிருக்கிறேன் என்னை விட்டு விடு என் விரதத்திற்கு பங்கம் செய்து விடாதே என்று கெஞ்சினான். எனது இந்த அற்புதமான விரதத்தை கோயிலின் வாசலில் வீணையை மீட்டி  நம்பி பெருமாள் முன்பே பண்ணிசைத்து திருப்பள்ளி எழுச்சி பாடி எனது விரதத்தை முடித்து விட்டு வருகிறேன் பிறகு நீ உன் இஷ்டம் போல் என்னை புசித்துக் கொள் என்று வேண்டினான். அதற்கு ப்ரம்மரக்ஷஸ் பலமாக சிரித்து, "யாரவது தானாக வலிய  வந்து உயிரை மாய்த்துக்  கொள்வாரோ ?  நீ என்னிடமிருந்து தப்ப பொய் சொல்கிறாய்; நீ  இந்த வழியே வராமல் வேறு வழியில் சென்று தப்பிவிடுவாய்" என - அதற்கு நம் பாடுவான் பதினெட்டு விதமான ப்ரதிக்ஞைகளை செய்கிறான்.

லோகம் உண்டானதும் சத்யத்தாலே என வாக்கை காப்பாற்றி  திரும்பிய நம்பாடுவானிடம் ராக்ஷஸ் கடைசியில் கீத பலத்தையாவது தருமாறு கேட்டு, சத்தியத்தின் பெருமையை உணர்ந்து, அவனிடமே சரணாகதி அடைந்து மோக்ஷம் அடைந்தது. இந்த சிறப்புதான் கைசிக மகாத்மியம்**

Monday, 23rd Nov. 2015    is an all important day for Srivaishnavaites– ‘shukla paksha’ dwadasi of the month of Karthigai.  [shukla paksham is the waxing phase of Moon and dwadasi is the 12th day – the day following Ekadasi].  It is the day of “Kaisika Dwadasi”.  In Divyadesams, most importantly at Thirukurungudi, Thiruvarangam,  Azhwar Thirunagari, Thirukachi,  and in Thiruvallikkeni – ‘kaisika puranam’ is read before the Lord.  ~ if you wondering of the significance of ThirukKurungudi…. Do read on ….

சங்கினோடும் நேமியோடும் தாமரைக் கண்களொடும்;
செங்கனி வாயொன்றினொடும் செல்கின்ற தென்நெஞ்சமே.

Swami Nammalwar describes this Divyadesa Emperuman thus – that upon seeing His most beautiful thirumeni,  Azhwar’s thoughts are with the Emperuman and he cannot think of anything else…..  it is the divyadesam hailed as most proximate to Lord Mahavishnu’s abode of Sri Vaikundam [~calling distance from here~] – the most sacred place located around 40 kms from Thirunelveli…… 11 km from the seat for Thennacharya Sampradhayam “Nankuneri aka Vanamamalai – Thirusirivaramangai” and on the other side lying closer is another divyadesam called ‘ThiruvanParisaram [Thirupathisaram]’.

It is “ThirukKurungudi” located on the  foot of the Mahendra Hill on the Western Ghat. Here is the most majestic temple of Azhagiya Nambirayar Thirukovil  ~ sung by Periyazhwar,  Thirumazhisaippiran, Thirumangai Azhwar and Swami Nammazhwar.   The famous ‘Kaisika puranam’ is associated with this temple and is read on ‘shukla paksha’ dwadasi of the month of Karthigai, known as ‘Kaisika Dwadasi.   

The World exists on promises and fulfillment of them and the story of Nam Paduvaan only describes the greatest virtues of those devoted and committed to the kanikaryam (service) to Lord.  The ardent devotees of Sriman Narayana will never err or sin in life.   There cannot be a better example than that of ‘Nampaduvaan’.  The story of Num Paduvaan can be best summarised as “the fight between ‘Padi Ilaithavan and Pasiyale Ilaithavan’ [one who leaned by fasting in the vratha of Singing paeans and one who was starved off food].  Legend has it  that on every Kaisika Ekadasi day, Nampaduvaan, an ardent devotee of the Lord Maha Vishnu  used to do Namasankeerthanam for Emperuman at Thirukurungudi.  This Nampaduvan Charithram was narrated by Sri Varaha Perumal to Bhoomi Pirarttiyar in Varaha puranam.

The gist of the story as heard from Sampradhaya Periyarvargal and as heard at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam in earlier years  (read out by Dr MA Venkatakrishnan) is given here :

Nampaduvaan, a great bhagavatha at Thirukurungudi used to observe ‘jakratha vratham’ without sleeping full night singing the glory of the Lord and thinking only about Him. ‘Ninainthu nainthu ul karainthu urugi’ ena he keeps singing the glory of Lord Sriman Narayana.  This went on for many  years…..

On a  particular  year while on the way to the temple of  Thirukurungudi, (Malai Nambi sannathi atop Mahendra parvatham),  situate on the hills in dense forestry; where even today ordinary mortals find it somewhat difficult to access, Nampaduvan was confronted by a Brahma Rakshas. This Rakshas who has been starved off food, tells Nampaaduvaan that he would devour him. Nampaduvan humbly requests that he has the duty of nama sankeerthanam. Nampaduvan pleads with the rakshas that he would return back after his vratham and darshan of Kurungudi Nambi. The rakshas naturally was not prepared to believe  and asks whether in this material World  would  come back as food ‘when death is certain’  and asks : is there any possibility that a deer could escape after it was caught up by a lion ? 

Nampaduvan has nothing else in life but his sincere devotion to Lord Nambi. He promises that he would indeed return; he mentions of the various sins that he would get, if he were not to return.  He tells the Rakshas that the World revolves on Sathya, the truth and if he were to act against his dharma, he would be getting the results of worst sins; some of which are stated to be : ‘taking food without taking bath on important days such as Sashti, Amasvayai, Chathurthasi’;  ‘reclaiming the land donated’; ‘to differentiate between self and the visitor when eating food’; ‘chasing away the herd of cows when they are thirsty’ ~~.. and more….

When he says that he has been rendering this for 10 years, the brahmarakshas says that it had been without food for 10 days and is so hungry that it immediately wants to devour the flesh and blood of the devotee.  Nampaduvaan finally convinces the rakshas to release him for a while.  With intent will, he goes straight  to Thirukurungudi temple renders pasurams on Sri Vadivazhagiya Nambi; Kaisikam is a kind of music composition (called பண் in tamil)

Completing his vratham with the singular determination,  he returns as stated back to Brahmarakshas.   While returning Nampaduvan is interrupted by Thiruk Kurungudi Nambi Himself in the disguise of an old man advising him to take alternate route escaping the rakshas.  Nampaduvan firmly tells that he will keep his promise, would stand by his dharma and would go back to the rakshas.  He even says that if the rakshas is not found in the appointed place, he would further go in search of the rakshas.  Such is his commitment that he indeed fulfills his vow and presents himself  before the Brahma rakshas.

The Brahma rakshas is startled by the return of Nampaduvaan and offers to free him,  if he were to transfer the fruits of his dharma;  Nampaduvaan retaliates saying that he had agreed to offer himself and is for the taking.  Awe struck the rakshas asked for the palan(fruit) of the pasurams Nampaduvan had rendered; then least the fruits of song rendered during one yamam [a measure of time]  and in the series of discussions that went on rakshas wanted at least the palan of the last kaisika pan.

It gets  revealed that the Brahmarakshas was a vidwan by name Soma Sharma who was cursed by Devas arising out of his ahankaram.  He also incurs soola dosham as he dies without completing a yagna. Despite all this, the palan of pun (the song) relieves him of the curse.   This occurred thousands of years ago and few hundred years ago,  on Kaisika Dwadasi day, Sri Parasara Bhattar chanted kaisika puranam before Lord Ranganatha;  a tradition continuing till date with the descendants of Bhattar remndering  the puranam on kaisika dwadasi day at Srirangam.

This puranam is  read out in characteristic manner by Sri U.Ve M. A. Venkadakrishnan Swami at Sri Parthasarathi Swami temple.   It is stated that the story of Nampaduvaan is in the 48th chapter of Sri Varaha Puranam,;  explains and emphasizes the importance of singing the glory of Lord Sriman Narayana.     Sri Varaha Purana is considered one of the major eighteen Mahapuranas. 

It is believed that those who go to temple on this holy Kaisika Dwadasi day and read ‘kaisika purana’ will be showered with  munificence of Lord…. For us hearing the Kaisika puranam in Divyadesam nearer will give us all benefits of a good pure happy life ; those who hear ‘kaisika purana’ will get His choicest blessings and perhaps all of us who read and think of Nampaduvaan and Lord would also be getting the bountiful blessings of Lord Sriman Narayana,

ஸ்ரீ வராஹப் பெருமாள் பிராட்டியிடம் உரைத்தது : " யார் ஒருவன் கார்த்திகை மாதம் சுக்ல பக்ஷ  த்வாதசி நாளில் -  நமக்கு முன்பாக கைசிக மகாத்மியம் வாசிக்கின்றானோ, வாசிப்பதை கேட்கிறானோ - அவன் நமக்கு என்றும் திருப்பல்லாண்டு பாடியபடி இருக்க கடவன்". இப்படி ராகம்/பக்தி  மூலமாகவே எம்பெருமானை அடைவதற்கான உபாயம்  உள்ளது.

Azhwar Emperumanaar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam. 

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

Nov. 2015.

 Thirukurungudi Nambi [above]
and Sri Parthasarathi [2013 Kaisika dwadasi purappadu]

Thiruvallikkeni Kaisika Ekadasi Purappadu 2015

கைசிகப் பண் பாடிய ஏகாதசி கைசிக ஏகாதசி.

Ekadasi is an all important day ~ today 22nd Nov. 2015 assumes greater significance for today is Kaisika Ekadasi.  On days of Ekadasi – fasting, worshipping Sriman Narayana and listening to religious discourses are all valued.  Upavavasa could mean ‘remaining by the side of the Lord’ – and on these days, we should eat only food that is offered to Perumal, medidate, recite and think of Sriman Narayana all the time. 

I have been writing about “Kaisika Mahatmiyam” and the story of Nampaduvaan.  Of the many Ekadasis, the one occurring in the Shukla paksha of Karthigai month is very important.  Kaisika is ‘Punn’ [raga / tune] – the legend of Kaisika puranam is associated with Numpaduvan at Thirukurungudi – which I am posting in detail separately.   Sri Parasara Bhattar, son of  Sri Kurathazhwan  has written a lucid commentary to the Kaisika Mahatmyam . According to him, singing about the glory and good of Narayana at the Brahma muhurtam , especially on Kartika Ekadasi marking the Lord’s waking up, brings enormous punya.  At Thiruvarangam understand that on this day,  NumPerumal has  thirumanjanam performed in the Santhanu Mandapam and returns to the sanctum.

Today at Thiruvallikkeni – in the evening there were no rains and Sri Parthasarathi Perumal had periya mada veethi purappadu.  Here are some photos taken during the purappadu.

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Swami Manavala Mamunigal Sarrumurai 2015 : அழகு திகழ்ந்திடும் ஐப்பசியில் திருமூலம் ***

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha:
Srimath Varavara Munaye Namaha:

விண் இன்று பொய்ப்பின் விரி நீர் வியன் உலகத்து* உள் நின்று உடற்றும் பசி.
இம் மண்ணுலகம் கடல் நீரால் சூழ்ந்தது ஆயினும் -  மழை இல்லையெனின்  பசியின் கொடுமை உலகை வாட்டக்கூடும் - என்பது திருவள்ளுவர் வாக்கு.  Rains are needed ~ they are but common in the Tamil month of Aippasi – but it has been raining so heavily that the downpours are causing trouble to people of Tamilnadu – many roads have water stagnation, vehicles getting struck, bridges broken at some places, some lives lost and normal life has been thrown out of gear.  When it rains, it is common to see people walking with umbrellas of various hues.

This morning, things were different at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam – in the morning, devotees had the fortune of seeing ‘Kaithala Sevai’ ~ [Lord Parthasarathi and consorts being carried in the hands of the battars] – then the umbrellas were getting opened up – not the usual two or four – but 10 pairs, yes twenty of them, nay not the black one that humans use -  spotless white parasols – the divine kodais and along with that hundreds of  Srivaishnavaites, many of them sporting the traditional ‘Urthva Pundram – the Pannirandu Thiruman” – for today is the most important day for us all – ‘Thirumoolam in Aippasi’  the day commemorating the birth of divine Acharyar Swami Manavala Mamunigal.

ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவத்தின் சொர்க்க பூமியான  பூலோக வைகுண்டத்தில் நிகழ்ந்த  முகம்மதியர் படையெடுப்பால் பல்லாயிரக்கணக்கானோர் கோயிலையும், நம்பெருமாளையும் பாதுகாக்கும் பணியில் ஈடுபட்டு இன்னுயிர் ஈந்தனர்.  சுமார் அறுபது ஆண்டுகளுக்கு மேலாக கோயிலும், கோயில் நிர்வாகமும் ஸ்தம்பித்த வரலாறும் ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவத்தின் ஏடுகளில் ஓர் இருண்ட காலமாகும்.  இதனால் பாழ்பட்டு இருந்த இக்காலத்தில் ,பழைய பெருமைகளை மீண்டும் ஒளிர, ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவம் என்னும் ஆலமரம் தழைக்க ராமானுஜரின் மறு அவதாரமாக தோன்றினார் ஸ்ரீ மணவாள மாமுனிகள்

Mamunigal is fondly known as ‘Yatheendra Pravanar’ arising out of his irresistible attachment to the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujar [Yatheendrar].  Sri  Manavala Mamunigal is the incarnation of Adisesha.  He was born in Sikkil Kidaram in AD 1370.  At birth he was known as ‘Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Nayanaar’.  Later he was hailed in very many names such as ‘Yatheendra Pravanar’, Ramyajamathru, Saumyajamatru, Visada-Vak-Sikhamani , Varayogi, Varavaramuni and more…..

His parents were   Thigazhakidanthan Thirunaveerudayapiran Thatharannan,  a disciple of Sri Pillailokacarya, and Sriranga nachiyar..  He became a sishya of Tiruvaimozhip pillai. Manavala mamuni's devotion to Nammalvar, Ramanuja and to his own Acharya grew as he studied the Alwar's hymns and rahasyas at Alvar Thirunagari.  He lived for 73 years on this earth performing many Kainkaryams  at Sri Rangam and undertook many pilgrimages to many  Sri Vaishnava Divyadesams spreading knowledge and bakthi culture.   His patent style was to elucidate the pramanams fully   ‘following the words of the Purvarcharyas without deviating a wee bit’.   He filled  his vyakhyana granthas with the words of purvAcharyas.  As followers of Mamunigals, duty thus is cast on us to understand the significance of preserving, maintaining, supporting and following the rituals and customs associated with all our traditional Temples. 

For a Srivaishnavaite, Kainkaryam is essential; Selfless and unconditional “kainkaryam i.e., service to Lord” cleanses the soul of the performer. One must adore and be attached to their Acharyan and only the direction of Acharyar will lift us from all earthly evils – and for Us fallen at the feet called ‘Ponnadiyam Sengamalam’ – Swami Manavala Mamunigal will direct us and take us to salvation.  Those of us who try and uphold the ideals of our religion and its cultural heritage, will sure be benfitted as it then becomes the responsibility of Acharya to take care of Sishya's Atma guna poorthi. 

Of the many works, ‘Upadesa Rathinamalai’ is one which all of us should know and recite regularly.  There are 73 paasurams + thanian given  by Kovil Kandadai annan and another one rendered by Erumbiappa.   In the introductory remarks, Swami Maamunigal declares that he is performing upadesam for the future generations in strict accordance with the upadesam that he himself received from his Achaaryan, Thiruvaaimozhip piLLai and his AchArya paramparai. 

Here is a pasuram in which our Acharyar richly glorifies our Purvas.  Mamunigal  takes pledge : 
ஆழ்வார்கள் ஏற்றம் அருளிச்செயல்  ஏற்றம்*
தாழ்வாதும் இன்றி அவைதான் வளர்த்தோர் * ஏழ்பாரும்
உய்ய அவர்கள் செய்த வியாக்கியைகள்  உள்ளதெல்லாம் *
வையம் அறியப்பகர்வோம் வாய்ந்து.

……  to celebrate the vaibhavams and commentaries of those imbued in Bakthi, the Azhwargal and those reverred Purvacharyas and always hold them in highest esteem – he says it is his bounded duty to talk of those commentaries to all those people  in seven Worlds for their spiritual  upliftment.

His another magnum open is - Thiruvaimozhi Nutrandhadhi, which presents  essence of Nammazhvar’s Thiruvaimozhi in hundred sweet verses of poetry, with each verse capturing the essence of a decad (a decad comprises approximately ten songs). The literary structure of this work is worth an independent study in its own right. Mamunigal has set this in Venpa style, a metrical prosody comprising four lines; in every song he conveys the essence (tatparya) of a decad of Thiruvaimozhi, in every verse he extols Nammalwar by his various names and yet has striven to  keep the Anthathi style of  composition, thereby beginning each verse with the same word the previous verse ended with.  A real classic !

In the few years that he lived on this earth, Sri Varavara Muni physically ensured renovation of numerous temples, reorganised rituals and set up ways of worship and ensured continuance of traditions  through  his eight famous disciples known as Ashtadiggajas (elephants of the eight directions).  Sri Vanamamalai Mutt at Nanguneri was established by Mamunigal through his first disciple Sri Ponnadikkal Jeeyar in 1410.

At Thiruvallikkeni Divyaesam around 07.45 am – Manavala Mamunigal came out with Sri Parthasarathi for a grand purappadu – the 20 pairs of parasols were getting ready – then it rained and rained so heavily for the next hour or so.  Upadesa Rathinamalai goshti was rendered at gopura vasal before Swami Nammalwar sannithi and there was thiruvanthikappu.   

The last few photos depict what one missed today – the procession of umbrellas for Acharyar.   

இப்படிப்பட்ட கீர்த்திமிகு ரம்ய(அழகிய) ஜாமாதர(மணவாள) முனி(மாமுனிகள்)கள் திருவடிகளுக்கு பல்லாண்டு,பல்லாண்டு பாடுவோம்.

"மன்னுயிர்காள் ! இங்கே மணவாளமாமுனிவன்
பொன்னடியாம்  செங்கமலப் போதுகளை- உன்னிச்
சிரத்தாலே தீண்டில் அமானவனும் நம்மை
கரத்தாலே தீண்டல் கடன்"

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan.  

15th Nov. 2o15.

~~ and what we missed out today – from yesteryears !!!!