Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sri Manavala Mamunigal Sarrumurai - Evening purappadu 2014

The annual Utsavam of our Greatest Acharyar which was celebrated for the past 10 days, concluded today,  being ‘Thirumoola Nakshathiram’ in the month of Aippasi – the birth star of Swami Manavala Mamunigal. 

At Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam, after the grand purappadu in the morning of Sri Manavala Mamunigal with Sri Parthasarathi, garnished by 10 pairs of divine umbrellas – there was the grand purappadu in the evening of Acharyar Swami Manavala Mamunigal with Lord Parthasarathi.   In the morning goshti, it was Upadesa Rathinamalai and now in the evening, it was ‘Ramanuja Noorranthathi’.

We feel happy and rejuvenated being blessed by the thiruvadi [lotus feet] of Swami Manavala Mamunigal, reverred as ‘Ponnadiyam Sengamalam’.  Here are some photos of the evening periya mada veethi purappadu

Adiyen Srinivasadhsan.  

Sri Manavala Mamunigal Sarrumurai - 20 kudai purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni

In our culture – we welcome rains [rain, rain go away is not our tradition] – it has been raining quite heavily this fortnight.  Chennai requires water, so does other parts of Tamilnadu – still we wanted respite this day, as we wish celebrating this day in grandiose manner.  Those who ventured to Triplicane this morning would have wondered what was happening – it was a procession of umbrellas, nay not the black one that humans use when it rains– but spotless white parasols – the divine kodais    ~ 10 sets of them – the divine kodais 20 in no.  - some huge – ranging from 14 to 18 jon kudais - and alongwith that hundreds of Thennacharya Srivaishnavaites, most of them sporting the traditional ‘Urthva Pundram – the Pannirandu Thiruman”

No need to wonder-  for today, 27th Oct 2014 is a  great day for all Sri Vaishnavaites. The annual Utsavam of our Greatest Acharyar which was celebrated for the past 10 days, concludes today,  being ‘Thirumoola Nakshathiram’ in the month of Aippasi – the birth star of Swami Manavala Mamunigal.  Mamunigal is known as ‘Yathindra Pravanar’ arising out of his irresistible attachment to the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujar known as ‘Yatheendrar’.  Sri  Manavala Mamunigal is the incarnation of Adisesha.  He was born in Alwar Thirunagari, Tamilnadu in AD 1370.  At birth he was known as ‘Azhagiya Manavala Perumal Nayanaar’.  Later he was hailed in very many names such as ‘Yatheendra Pravanar’, Ramyajamathru, Saumyajamatru, Visada-Vak-Sikhamani , Varayogi, Varavaramuni and more…..

His parents were   Thigazhakidanthan Thirunaveerudayapiran Thatharannan,  a disciple of Sri Pillailokacarya, and Sriranga nachiyar..  He became a sishya of Tiruvaimozhip pillai. Manavala mamuni's devotion to Nammalvar, Ramanuja and to his own Acharya grew as he studied the Alwar's hymns and rahasyas at Alvar Thirunagari.  He lived for 73 years on this earth performing many Kainkaryams  at Sri Rangam and undertook many pilgrimages to many  Sri Vaishnava Divyadesams spreading knowledge and bakthi culture.   His patent style was to elucidate the pramanams fully   ‘following the words of the Purvarcharyas without deviating a wee bit’.   He filled  his vyakhyana granthas with the words of purvAcharyas.  As followers of Mamunigals, duty thus is cast on us to understand the significance of preserving, maintaining, supporting and following the rituals and customs associated with all our traditional Temples. 

For a Srivaishnavaite, Kainkaryam is essential; Selfless and unconditional “kainkaryam i.e., service to Lord” cleanses the soul of the performer. One must adore and be attached to their Acharyan and only the direction of Acharyar will lift us from all earthly evils – and for Us fallen at the feet called ‘Ponnadiyam Sengamalam’ – Swami Manavala Mamunigal will direct us and take us to salvation.  Those of us who try and uphold the ideals of our religion and its cultural heritage, will sure be benfitted as it then becomes the responsibility of Acharya to take care of Sishya's Atma guna poorthi. 

Of the many works, ‘Upadesa Rathinamalai’ is one which all of us should know and recite regularly.  There are 73 paasurams + thanian given  by Kovil Kandadai annan and another one rendered by Erumbiappa.   In the introductory remarks, Swami Maamunigal declares that he is performing upadesam for the future generations in strict accordance with the upadesam that he himself received from his Achaaryan, Thiruvaaimozhip piLLai and his AchArya paramparai. 

Here is a pasuram in which our Acharyar richly glorifies our Purvas.  Mamunigal  takes pledge : 
ஆழ்வார்கள் ஏற்றம் அருளிச்செயல்  ஏற்றம்*
தாழ்வாதும் இன்றி அவைதான் வளர்த்தோர் * ஏழ்பாரும்
உய்ய அவர்கள் செய்த வியாக்கியைகள்  உள்ளதெல்லாம் *
வையம் அறியப்பகர்வோம் வாய்ந்து.

to celebrate the vaibhavams and commentaries of those imbued in Bakthi, the Azhwargal and those reverred Purvacharyas and always hold them in highest esteem – he says it is his bounded duty to talk of those commentaries to all those people  in seven Worlds for their spiritual  upliftment.

Here are photos taken during the morning purappadu of Sri Manavala Mamunigal with Sri Parthasarathi Perumal.

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sri Manavala Mamunigal Pushpa Pallakku - day 9 at Triplicane

The ideology and purpose of a Srivaishnavaite is to do kainkaryam to the Bhagwan (Emperuman) and Bhagawathas.  We are born to serve our Master – the Lord and the best way of reaching Him is through our Acharyas who have very clearly shown us the path.

Sri Manavala Mamunigal, is the most reverred matchless Acharyar of our Srivaishnavaite philosophy, practised by Thennacharya Srivaishnavas.  Mamunigal the incarnation of Sri Adisesha,  is known as ‘Yathindra Pravanar’ arising out of his irresistible attachment to the lotus feet of Sri Ramanujar known as ‘Yatheendrar’.  He lived for 73 years on this earth performing many Kainkaryams  at Sri Rangam and undertook many pilgrimages to many  Sri Vaishnava Divyadesams spreading knowledge and bakthi culture.   His patent style was to elucidate the pramanams fully   ‘following the words of the Purvarcharyas without deviating a wee bit’.  

At Thiruvallikkeni and other divyadesams, 10 day Thiruvavathara Uthsavam of our Acharyar is being celebrated grandly and today 27th Oct 2014  is the ninth day of the Uthsavam.   In the morning it was siriya Thiruther for our Acharyar and in the evening it was fragrant ‘Pushpa Pallakku’- the palanquin made up of  flowers.’ Favourite memories are triggered by our sense of smell ~ flowers are admired for their beauty,  exquisite shapes, spectrum of colours and more so for their fragrance. In our tradition, the decorative wreath of flowers woven together as garlands adorn God.  Flowers have their pride of place and are mentioned in our epics – in Divyaprabandham too. 

Here are some photos of our Acharyar in pushpa pallakku.

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan

Saturday, October 25, 2014

An appeal for Madhuramangalam Temple - compound wall and Nandhavanam

For Srivaishnavaites – divyadesams assume great significance as these are the places where our Great Azhwars visited and sung about the Lord…. Equally important are the places associated with Azhwagal and Acharyargal…..

Around 56 kilo meters from Chennai lies this place – which perhaps you would have passed by hundreds of times………… As we travel on the Chennai Bangalore highway, Sriperumpudur, the birthplace of Sri Ramanujar is around 48 kms ~ Thirukachi is around 78 kms… after Sriperumpudur comes Sunkuvar Chathiram  - here you need to branch off right and travel around 5-6 kms……… you reach Madhuramangalam… The moolavar here is Sri Vaikunda Perumal and Thayar is Kamalavalli thayar. There is a sannathi for Swami Embar and Andal. 

Madhuramangalam is the birth place of Swami Embar ~ a cousin of Sri Ramanujar, Embar was born as Sri Govindar in Madhuramangalam (then known as Mazhalai mangalam) in Krothana Samvatsaram (1026 AD). Embaar born to PeriyaPiraati and Kamala Nayana Bhattar. Swami Ramanujar is known as the incarnation of ThiruAnanthazhvan and Swami Embaar as the incarnation of Periya Thiruvadi.  Arising out of his connection to Periyathiruvadi, the Theertham of this temple is known as Garuda Pushkarini and it is believed that at this place any snake or poisonous insects will not harm anyone. The Avathara Mandapam of Swami Embaar is located around ½ km from the temple. 

Swami Embar  attended Ramanuja’s  lectures, discourse, debates expositions and dispositions and served his master as a shadow. With great resolve and commitment, he secured sanyasa from Udayavar and obtained robe of an ascetic. Udayavar named him Emperumanar but he could not accept this and pleaded that he did not deserve this honour, upon which Udayavar called him “Embar”. Swami Embar’s  work ‘Vijnaasthuthi”  is forever  remembered by posterity.

This temple not being located on the mainstream has lesser number of people visiting.  All the Uthsavams are being conducted well….  At every of these divyadesams and Srivaishnavaite temples, there are a couple of people, who live selflessly, surrendered to the Holy feet of SthalapPerumal and doing great kainkaryam continuously without any break.  It is exceptional – it requires great sense of commitment, morality, will-power and exceptional dedication to be one ~ at Maduramangalam, there is  Battar, Sri Balaji Swamin and paricharakar.  

Though the temple probably has land and property – not much income is forthcoming.  Nearer the temple,  there is around 10 grounds of land, which is now being enclosed with compound wall – a well is also contained over there.  Once done, this could be a flowering Nanthavanam for Perumal by drip-irrigation.  Understand from  Sri Balaji Swamin (9500837398) embarbalajee@gmail.com – whose dedication  deserves special mention…. That the work is progressing very slowly and they require bricks and money.   It is our duty to support these people and ensure that kainkaryams continue unabated in all these temples.  Request my friends to do something for this noble cause.

Azhwar, Emperumanaar, Thiruvadigale Saranam

Adiyen Srinivasa Dhasan (S. Sampathkumar from Thiruvallikkeni)

Sri Manavala Mamunigal Uthsavam is now being celebrated at this place and here is a photo of our Acharyar at Madhuramangalam. [photos courtesy : Sri Balaji swamin]

அன்னக்கூட உத்சவம் - Annakkooda Uthsavam at Thiruvallikkeni 2014

அன்னக்கூட  உத்சவம்  - Annakkooda Uthsavam
Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:
Srimath Varavara Munaye Nama:

Lord Parthasarathi – what a dharshan – sublime beauty,  draped in beautiful silk dress, dressed like a Cowherd King, wearing  a turban,  whip in his hand, the other hand resting, adorning many jewels, including impeccable shining ear rings ~ he was also wearing bangles - what a marvellous treat to His bakthas.  

We all go to temples and worship Lord in various forms.  For us the Lord is Omnipresent and Idol symbolizes Him.  Often we stand before the Lord and rekindle our worries beseeching his benevolence in getting remedy. There are others who visualize Him in various swaroopams and enjoy Him in their inner souls.   Saint Periyazhwaar, when he saw Lord Sriman Narayana astride Garuda, started thinking of His magnificence and started singing paeans seeking that no harm ever happen to the Greatest !

Today ( 24th Oct 2014 )  is the 6th  day of Swami Manavaala Mamunigal Uthsavam celebrated as “Annakkoda Uthsavam.” On this day,  lot of Chakkarai pongal,  kadambam and other such offerings are made to Perumal. This is said to commemorate the lifting of ‘Govardhana Giri’ by Lord Krishna on the day when it rained very heavily when the cowherds were making offerings to Indira. Understand that in Northern part, hundreds of sweet dishes are offered to Lord Krishna on this day. Here is a photo taken from  the web of  - which depicts hundreds of sweets offered on the altar in the shape of Govardhan hill. [photo credit : www.radhagovindanyc.com]

Today  evening at Thiruvallikkeni, on the occasion of Anna Kooda Uthsavam, there was the magnificent purappadu of Lord Parthasarathi –    It was a very rare Darshan to behold…

Here are some photos and small write up on 6th day festival of Sri Manavala Mamunigal Uthsavam at Thiruvallikkeni divyadesam

Regards – S. Sampathkumar
இன்று  மணவாள மாமுனிகள் உத்சவம்  அன்னக்கூட உத்சவம் என பிரசித்தி. இன்று பெருமாளுக்கு கதம்பம் முதலான அன்னங்கள் அமுது செய்விக்கப்படுகின்றன. 'இந்திரனுக்கு என்று ஆயர்கள் எடுத்த எழில் விழவில்' என 'கோவர்தனகிரி' பிரபாவம் நினைவு கூறப்படுவதாக கூறுகின்றனர். 

 ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி பெருமாள் 'ஆயர் குலத்தில்' வந்து உதித்தவராக  கோல் (சாட்டை), தலைப்பாகை, தண்டம், என அணிந்து மிக அழகாக சேவை சாதித்தார். "சீலை குதம்பை ஒரு காது, ஒரு காது செந்நிற மேல்  தோன்றிப் பூ" என கண்ணன் கன்றுகள் மேய்த்துவரக் கண்டு யசோதை மகிழ்ந்ததை பெரியாழ்வார் அனுபவித்த வண்ணம், ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி தனது காதுகளில் 'ஓலை மற்றும் பூ' போன்ற திருவாபரணங்களை அணிந்து கொண்டு அழகான பட்டு உடுத்தி, கைகளில் வளைகள் அணிந்து சேவை சாதித்தது நம் போன்றோர்க்கு கிடைத்தற்கரியது.  

24/10/2014  அன்று புறப்பாட்டின் போது எடுக்கப்பட்ட சில படங்கள் இங்கே : 

அடியேன் ஸ்ரீனிவாச தாசன் 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Sri Manavala Mamunigal Uthsavam day 5 - Amavasai purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni

The famed ‘Aippasiyil Thirumoolam’ – the birth day of our Acharyar Sri Manavala Mamunigal is getting nearer, as we celebrate the 10 day Thiruvavathara Uthsavam of our Acharyar at divyadesams in grand manner.   After the Deepavali purappadu, today, it is Amavasai and happily today too our Acharyar accompanies Sri Parthasarathi Perumal. 

In our daily prayers,  we pray to Supreme Sriman Narayana that the order established by Sri Ramanuja should flourish unhindered for ages to come ~ and for that to happen – our Acharyar Sri Manavala Mamunigal should live for 100 more years. 

Our Acharyar in his exceptional eloquence echoed the words of PoorvAcharyars using them as fragrant flowers in the garland.   He praises Azhwargal and Acharyargal and directs us to fall at their feet and learn to surrender ourselves to God.  His work ‘Yathiraja Vimsathi’ praises Bhagwat Ramanujar.

Here are some photos taken during the purappadu today. Due to incessant rains, there was periya maada veethi purappadu sans fireworks …

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan.

Deepavali purappadu at Thiruvallikkeni - Sri Parthasarathi Swami - Manavala Mamunigal Uthsavam - 2014

Deepavali purappadu 2014 at Thiruvallikkeni - Sri Parthasarathi Swami

Deepavali ‘the festival of lights’ is always enchanting – an occasion to wear new clothes, eat sweets, burst crackers, be with friends and relatives – a festivity which brings enjoyment…. – the festival was grandly celebrated all over the country.   In the recent years, there has been some attempt to wean away people as some keep saying that ‘enthusiasm towards fireworks is going down; spiralling prices have forced people to buy less of firecrackers;  the pollution awareness is swaying public away from crackers and the like……….’.  In today’s context, at some places, people get glued to the cinemas and other special programmes the multitudes of TV channels present….

Thiruvallikkeni, the abode of Lord Venkata Krishnan is different – it boasts of the Temple sung by 3 Azhwars ~ innumerable days of festivals; crowds thronging to have darshan of Lord Parthasarathi inside the Temple, and more gathering to have His darshan during the ‘thiruveethi purappadus’.

Every year, Deepavali coincides with the 10day uthsavam of Swami Manavalamamunigal, the Great ACharyar of Srivaishnavism, the Acharyar propogated Thennacharya Sampradhayam.  Generally it would be 4th or 5th day of the Uthsavam and this year it was day 4th day  of  Sri Manavala Mamunigal Uthsavam.   

On this day, Triplicanites eagerly look forward to the evening purappadu of Num Acharyar with Sri Parthasarathi.  On 22nd Oct 2014, due to a mishap in vicinity, the Thirumanjanam and goshti (Perumal Thirumozhi of Sri Kulasekara Azhwar)  had to be delayed – yet the grand purappadu started at around 07.15 pm.   Thousands of devotees witnessed  Sri Parthasarathi Swami beaming His resplendent splendor.  If you enjoy Sri Parthasarathi with simple decoration having a single garland – you relish Him fully – again, when you see Him ornate with most beautiful choicest jewels, He outshines all the jewels that adorn him.

For Deepavali, He was embellished  with  many jewels shining beautifully in the lighting provided by fireworks.  The expectant bakthas took the opportunity of greeting Him with ‘scores  of 10000 wallahs, the sky was lit with latest fireworks’  – all providing  entertainment for the thousands who accompanied the Lord in His purappadu ….. as residents of Thirvallikkeni  celebrated Deepavali and bustled with one another to have a glimpse of His darshan.  At TP Koil Street, rain interrupted and Sri Parthasarathi Swami and Acharyar Manavala Mamunigal returned to the temple.  No worry for His Bakthas, there are so many purappadus in Triplicane and today (23.10.14) being Amavasai, there will be purappadu of our Acharyar accompanied by Sri Parthasarathi.

Here are some photos taken during the purappadu 

Adiyen Srinivasa dhasan