Sunday, January 31, 2010


Dear (s)

Here is the link to the issue : -  BLISS 012010

We have been celebrating Child Fest for nearly 2 decades now. The idea to do something to school students in making them develop competitive spirit and awareness made us initiate this. This has grown over the years and we have more than 100 schools participating with individual numbers going above 3000. Childfest has become an event wide talked about and winning prize in the competition certainly makes news in the school circle, promptly reported in their school magazines.

We have an exclusive event sponsor “Gold winner” this time. The Fete is on 6th & 7th of February and the venue is “The NKT National Girls High School” Dr Besant Road, Chennai, Triplicane, Chennai – 5. The invitation and details are available on page 3. All are cordially invited to attend. SYMA Members are requested to volunteer themselves for smooth conduct of the event.

This issue also contains something on :

• IPL Auction by Richard Madley.
• Derecognition of deemed Universitites and Delhi High Court introducing e court rooms.
• Some misconceptions on the Himalayan glacier melting
• Most of us have enjoyed playing cricket in the marina beach but by a stroke of a rule, Govt has banned play there. An article on cricket at Marina.
• January saw salaried individuals burdened with more tax with tax on benefits but a body generating so much of revenue tries to evade tax by taking cover under ‘ charitable activity’.
• Our monthly Q this time is about a Nobel laureate, nay not on DR Venkatraman Ramakrishnan but of somebody whom India could boast of as the first. Who was he ? What was the field of activity ?
• The Bhopal gas disaster was a catastrophe from which many are yet to come out but here in Chennai, the company which has so far not provided rightful compensation sponsored an cultural event. Some details of this.

All this more in our issue. As usual look forward to your feedback

With regards
S Sampathkumar (Editor – BLISS)

PS: For those of you new, SYMA is a social service organization of more than 3 decades of existence. BLISS is the voice of SYMA and yours truly has been the Editor since inception for more than 6 years now.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி பெருமாள் ஈக்காட்டுதாங்கல் புறப்பாடு - 24/01/2010

இன்று காலை (நள்ளிரவு என்று தான் சொல்ல வேண்டும்) ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி பெருமாள் ஈக்காட்டுதாங்கல் புறப்பாடு கண்டு அருளினார். திரு ஊறல் உத்சவம் என்று பிரசித்தி பெற்ற உத்சவம் இது, சைதாபேட்டுக்கு அருகிலுள்ள ஈக்காட்டுதாங்கல் என்ற இடத்தில பெருமாளுக்கு சொந்தமான இடம் உள்ளது. இங்கு வருடத்துக்கு ஒரு தடவையாவது பெருமாள் எழுந்து அருள வேண்டும் என்பதால் இந்த புறப்பாடு நடந்து வருகிறது.

சாதாரணமாக ஜனவரி அல்லது பிப்ரவரி மாதங்களில் வேறு எந்த புறப்பாடும் இல்லாத ஞாயிற்று கிழமையில் இந்த புறப்பாடு நடந்து வருகிறது. சில வருடங்களுக்கு முன்னர் பெருமாள் எழுந்து அருளும் இடத்தில ஆறு அழகான நீரோடையாக ஓடி வந்ததால் அங்கே குளிர்ந்த நீரின் நடுவே பெருமாள் புறப்பாடு கண்டு அருளி திருமஞ்சனமும் கண்டு வந்தாராம். இன்றைய கால கட்டத்தில் வெறும் புறப்பாடு மட்டுமே. நீரோடை நல்லதாக இல்லை.

இந்த சிறப்பான புறப்பாட்டின் போது எம்பெருமான் பல இடங்களில் மண்டகப்படி கண்டு அருள்வார். திருவல்லிக்கேணியில் தொடங்கி, சில மண்டகப்படி கண்டு அருளி, மயிலை பேயாழ்வாருடன் சேர்ந்து புறப்பாடு மிக சிறப்பானது.

முதலில் அல்லிக்கேணி பெரிய மாட வீதி எழுந்து அருளி, தவன உத்சவ பங்களாவில் முதல் மண்டகப்படி. அடுத்து நாங்கள் இருக்கும் விஜய் அவேன்யுவில் எழுந்து அருளி பக்தர்களுக்கு அருள் பாவித்தார்.

அடுத்து சில இடங்கள் பிறகு திரு மாதவ பெருமாள் கோயில். சித்திரை குளத்தருகில் பேயாழ்வார் பெருமாளை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்து மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி கோஷ்டி ஆனது.

ஆழ்வாருடன் கேசவ பெருமாள் கோயில் எழுந்து அருளினார்.

இப்படியாக மதியம் ஈக்காட்டுதாங்கல் போய் சேர்ந்து திருமஞ்சனம் கண்டு அருள்வார். அழகான பல்லக்கை தென்னசார்யா ஸ்ரீ பாதம் தாங்கிகள் உற்சாகத்துடன் ஏளப்பண்ணி வருகின்றனர்.

நடுநிசியிலும் ஏராளமான பக்தர்கள் பெருமாளுடன் கூடவே நடந்து புறப்பாட்டில் கலந்து கொண்டதையும் எம்பெருமானின் வடிவழகையும் காண கண் கோடி வேண்டும். பெருமாளை சேவிக்க வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்த பக்தர்கள் புண்ணியம் பண்ணியவர்களே !

ஆழ்வார் எம்பெருமானார் திருவடிகளே சரணம்

அடியேன் - சம்பத்குமார்.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Today 22nd Jan 2010, Friday is a very auspicious day – Ratha Sapthami – signifying the seventh day of Shukla Paksha of thai matham.

Uttarayana is the six month period between Makara sankranti (Jan 14) and July 14 when Sun travels towards North in the celestial sphere. Ratha saptami marks the seventhday following the Sun’s northerly movement of vernal equinox starting from Capricorn (Makara). A journey from makara rekai to kadaka rekai – Capricorn to Cancer. Today symbolically represents the Sun God Surya turning his Ratha (chariot) drawn by seven horses towards northern hemisphere in a north-easterly direction. Today is also celebrated as the birth of Surya sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi and celebrated as Surya Jayanthi in many parts. It is also said that sage Bhisma breathed his last breath a day after the Rathasaptahmi day. From today, the days get warmer, especially in South India.

This is an important annual festival at Vaishnavaite temples including Thiruvarangam & Thirumala. Today, it was celebrated grandly in Thiruvallikkeni also. Early morning, Sri Parthasarathi Emperuman had decorated purappadu on Surya prabhai.
the ecliptic path of Earth around Sun

Scientifically, equinox occurs twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is inclined neither away from nor towards the Sun, the Sun being vertically above a point on the Equator. The term equinox can also be used in a broader sense, meaning the date when such a passage happens. The name "equinox" is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, the night and day are approximately equally long.
Sun worship is deep rooted in vedas and its antiquity relates to several mythologies. Mythologically, the seven horses of the chariot represent the days of a week, the 12 wheels represent 12 signs each of 30 degrees and constitutes a full year named samvatsara. The Sun’s own house is Leo (Simha) and he moves from one house to other every month and the total cycle takes 365 days to complete. The Ratha saptami festival seeks the benevolent cosmic spread of energy and light from the Sun God.

Traditionally in villages, Rangoli kolam is drawn with coloured rice powder depicting Chariot drawn by horses. Here is a sloga from Rig veda in praise of Sun God.
Om. udvayaM tamasaspari jyotiSpashyanta uttaram.
devaM devatrA sUryamaganma jyotiruttamam. Om :::::: (Rig. 1-50-10)
Om. Our salutations and prostrations to the Holy Prophet Rishi Praskanva, the son of Kanva. Om Om. After seeing the Light, that transcends all darkness (ignorance or sins), we realized Surya, the most radiant one. Indeed Surya is the Supreme Light. Om

With regards – S Sampathkumar

Here are some photos of today morning purappadu of Sri Parthasarathi Perumal in Thiruvallikkeni.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Date : 16th Jan 2009 - Saturday

உயர்ந்த ஸ்ரீ வைஷ்ணவர்களின் பாத கமலங்களில் அடியேனுடைய    சமர்ப்பணம். 

தை மாதம் திருவோணம் திருநட்சதிரத்தில் ஸ்ரீ பார்த்தசாரதி பெருமாள் அழகாக புறப்பாடு கண்டருளினார்.  சகல கல்யாண குணங்களும் கொண்ட எம்பெருமானின் அழகுக்கு மேலும் அழகூட்ட ஒரு பதக்கம் சமர்ப்பிக்க பட்டு இருந்தது.  "மார்பில்
 திருவன்"  எனவும் 'எந்தை ஒரு  வல்லித் மரையான் ஒன்றிய சீர் மார்வன்'  என  மங்களா சாசனம் செய்ய பெற்ற  பெருமாள் சாற்றி கொண்டவுடன் அப் பதக்கத்தின் அழகு மேலும் மிளிர்ந்தது.

புறப்பாடு சமயம் எடுக்கப்பட்ட சில படங்கள் - பக்தர்கள் அனைவரும் கண்டு களிக்க  இங்கே :

இன்று காலை திரு எவ்வுள் என பாடல் பெற்ற திவ்ய க்ஷேற்றதினை சேவிக்கும்
வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது.  வீர ராகவ பெருமாள் ஐந்தாம் நாள் உத்சவத்தில் பல்லக்கில் நாச்சியார் திருகோலத்தில் எழுந்து அருளினார்.  சில படங்கள் இங்கே :


திருவந்தி காப்பு

கோவில் விழயங்களை தெரிவிக்க போடப்படும் வெடி

அடியேன் - ஸ்ரீனிவாச தாசன் (சம்பத் குமார்)

Monday, January 11, 2010


Today is a very significant day, Dwhadasi a day to break fast – a day of real celebration. This day assumes significance from the pasuram of Chudi Kudutha Nachiyar – Andal. In the month of Margazhi starting from day one, each day one pasuram of Thiruppavai is recited and today is the 27th verse “Koodarai vellum Seer Govinda”

In this pasuram, Kothai Piratti expresses her great joy over the acquirement of the boons that she and her friends entreated Lord Krishna to grant them. Now She is in the eternal state of bless having been fully blessed by the Lord and is in a celebratory mood. This pasuram ascribes the benign supremacy of Lord conquering all His opponents with His anantha kalyana gunams like Souryam, souseelyam, soundharyam. To celebrate, She calls beating the drum, wearing new clothes describing all the ornate ornaments that are to be worn and eating sweet rice prepared in milk with ghee overflowing.

In the early pasurams of Thiruppavai, it is the Paavai Nonbu – now it is nearing completeion and is the time for sanmanam from the Lord for those who observed the vratham.

It is not only getting the benevolence of God but more of sharing them with all bhakthas ‘koodi irunthu kulirnthu’. Thiruppavai is also about Govindha Naama Sankeerthanam which reaches its peak in the concluding verses where She ponders ‘kurai ondrum illatha Govinda’. The myriad meanings of Thiruppavai are detailed in many many discourses of Sri Vaishnavaite Periyavars, especially during this month.

Let us all get the great éclat and glory of all the Worlds by adorning ourselves eating rice food prepared using milk with sumptuous ghee and who eats this ksheerannam will stand ever united and remain cool in heart and joyous by the blessings of the Lord.

I offer my obeisance again and again to Goddess Godhadevi – to her alone – who awakened Lord Krishna and binded him with flower wreaths that were already worn by her.

Sri Andal thiruvadigale saranam.

Here are some photos from Andal Neeratta Utsavam at Triplicane.

Adiyen – Srinivasa dhasan.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Beautiful places of Worship and Sordid state in some ancient Temples - who is to blame ??

For a devout Hindu going to temple is of utmost importance. Idol worship (Archai) is worshipping the Lord in idol form. For Vaishnavaites, archavatharam is the form where Lord comes near the baktha. Temples are part of our tradition and culture intertwined in very many ways.  Those worship Shiva are called shaivaites. The Lord of destruction is symbolized in many places by lingam. Shiva is known by many names and titles – some of which are Rudra (God of anger), Kailasapathi, Iswarar, Pasupathinathar, Umapathi, Parvathipathi, Gangadhar, Jatadhari, Siddheswarar, Trisuladhari, Dakshinamurthi and so on.

There are many ancient temples dedicated to Shiva – just like devout Vaishnavaites consider 108 Divya Desams sung by Azhwars as Very important – there are temples which are sung by Nayanmars. Nayanmars were devotional poets who lived in the ear of 5th and 10th centuries. Periya Puranam is attributed to 13th century. These devotees of Shiva are from varied backgrounds, ranging from Kings and soliders. Foremost amongst are Appar, Sundarar, and Thirunavukkarasar. Pilgrimage to holy places housing temples are integral part of Hinduism, considered very sacred and held in high esteem by devotees who have mythological significance to these places. Standing before the Lord with folded hands is the pinnacle act of hindu worship. Though there are thousands of temples, there are places which are legendary. . Notable of these are 275 Siva Sthalams, of whom Nayanmars have compiled Hymns – the Pathigams. These are spread all over India – some of which are highly revered as thevaram padal petra sthalams. Many of these are in pristine glory carved in solid rock, huge, elaborately sculptured towers, all ornamented with delicate decorative work. The exteriors and interiors have beautifully sculpted or painted figures of Gods, people, animals and plants. Some have huge corridors, mandapas leading to Garbhagraha (sanctum sanctorum) housing the prime Lord.

This article is no attempt in bringing out the glory of Lord, Nayanmars, or the temples but what I noticed in one of my visits to various temples. I have a great friend ASN Arya who is a very strident devotee of Lord Shiva who has also visited no. of Vaishnavaite temples.

Lot of new temples are springing up in every colony, many corners but sadly there are some temples of historic and religious preeminence which stand neglected with the passage of time.

In one of our sojourns, we visited a famous siva sthalam located near Kattumannargudi, the birth place of Acharyan Alavandar, closer to veeranam lake. The lake itself had derived its name from Veeranarayanapuram – the name of the God of Kattunamannargudi.
the veeranam lake  

Tamilians would certainly know the famous ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ of Kalki which dealt with the fortunes of chola empire during the 10th century. One of the secondary characters, Kanda Maran was depicted as the prince of Kadambur. This Kadambur is a sacred shivasthalam – one amongst the 275 glorified ones with Thevaram hymn mentioned. This kshetram is also mentioned in kshetra kovai.

With the passage of time, certain places lose their sheen and glory whilst a few others attain importance. Two temples are there situate within a stone’s throw from each other.

1)     Shri Amirtha Kadeswarar Thiru koil, Mela Kadambur.  :  This sthalam is a 'veritable art gallery of 12th century art and a unique graceful monument of art – situate at 5 km off Kattumannargudi, a city founded by Parantaka Cholan I (1075-1120) and named Veeranarayanapuram after him.

Quite a big temple covering an area of about 3.4 acres; the main temple is chariot shaped with wheels and horses. The vimanam is known as Indra Vimanam. The presiding deity is Amritaghateswarar and the ambal Jyotiminnammai.  Sambandar and Appar composed pathigams on this temple. Legend has it that Indra is said to have worshipped Siva here to obtain the celestial nectar Amritam and the temple is also known as Karakkovil. This temple is built in the shape of a chariot on wheels, two on each side, drawn by caprisoned horses in a prancing posture, depicting a heavenly chariot having come down to the earth with Siva as its occupant. There are also series of sculptures of the rishis and the Gods who are believed to have worshipped Siva here, and interestingly there are labels in 12th century Tamil and in Grantha characters giving the names of each of these figures. Sivaratri is celebrated here on a grand scale.

Two inscriptions engraved on the walls of the temple belonging to the 41st and the 43rd year of the reign of the Chola king Kulottunga I (1070-1120) indicate the temple existed in this form by the early 12th century ; the hymns of Thevaram indicate that it was renowned sacred place by 7th century itself.

There is the famous Dasabhuja Rishaba Thandavamoorthy but due to security reasons, understand that this idol is not kept inside the temple but brought for worship of devotees on every pradosham day.

2) Kizha Kadambur – Rudrapathi Temple.

Sadly this temple is in ruins and in a most dilapidated state. A name board proclaims that Department of Archaelogy which protects 85 monuments spread all over the state is taking care ! of this temple.

           It is quite unfortunate that places which had pristine glory have lost their veritable importance, are in dilapidated condition needing conservation.

In a land where every temple and place of worship draw huge crowds on holidays and important festival occasions, there are places like these which remain uncared for. It looked too obvious that nobody visits and no daily poojas are being performed.

It really pained to see the temple lying shattered in ruins. It is the duty of bakthas to do something for these old temples, renovate and rebuild them and ensure that there is somebody who does daily pooja and takes care of the temple. For making this happen, certainly money is required and those taking care of temple needs to be taken care of.

These photos of this temple will make every austere person melancholic. Can we think of doing something to this and many other temples is a poser which every devout person need to address !!!!

Regards – S Sampathkumar.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


அன்பார்ந்த திருமால் அடியார்களே,

திருவல்லிக்கேணி இராப்பத்து உத்சவங்கள் மிக சிறப்பாக நடந்து  வருகின்றன. பெருமாள் சுமார் ஆறு மணிக்கு வீதி புறப்பாடு கண்டு அருள்கிறார்.  எம்பெருமானின் அழகு திருக்கோலங்களை அனுபவித்தல் அவனது  அருள் பிரசாதமே !    பொலிக பொலிக பொலிக எம்பெருமானின் திருவருள்.

அடியேன் சமீபத்தில் நான்கு நாட்கள் புறப்பாடு சேவிக்க முடிந்தது.  நம் அனைவரும் வியக்க, இங்கே திருவல்லிக்கேணி திவ்யதேச இராப்பத்து உத்சவ புகைப்படங்கள் சில.

Adiyen Srinivasadhasan (S. Sampathkumar)


ஐந்தாம்  நாள் புறப்பாடு - பாண்டியன் கொண்டை செங்கோலுடன்

உத்சவ காரணன் ஆன நம்மாழ்வார்
ஆறாம் நாள் புறப்பாடு  - திருவேங்கடம்  உடையான் திருக்கோலம்

இன்று ஏழாம் நாள் புறப்பாடு - முத்தங்கி  சேவை

பெருமாள் பின்னழகு


நம்மாழ்வார் நாச்சியார் திருக்கோலம்

ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணன் திருவடிகளே சரணம். ஆழ்வார் திருவடிகளே சரணம். ஆசார்யன்  திருவடிகளே சரணம்

அடியேன் - சம்பத்குமார்.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Acharyar Nathamunigal codified the treasure of the most divine ‘Nalayira Divya Prabandham’. He also revived the Adhyayana Utsavam instituted by Thirumangai Azhwar. From the day of Vaikunda Ekadasi, Raapathu utsavam starts. Each day in the night – Thiruvoimozhi is recited. In Divyadesams like Thiruvallikkeni, in the evening purappadu – Upadesa Rathnamalai rendered by Sri Manavala Mamunigal is recited by the Divyaprabandha goshti on mada veethis.

Each day (night) there is the grand purappadu (procession) of Sri Parthasarathi and Swami Nammalwar.

31st Dec 2009 was the fourth day in Raapathu and was special.

Think about Hanuman…..
and what comes to mind is his unparalleled devotion for Lord Ram and unrivalled physical strength. Perhaps this is one reason why Hanuman is quite often associated with celibates, wrestlers and bodybuilders. Hanuman is also noted for his spirit of self service, which was rewarded by Lord Ram by stating that ‘whenever I am remembered, people will remember you too.’ Hanuman Jayanthi is observed during various time of year in different places. Some observe it in Chaitra month. In Thiruvallikkeni temple, it was celebrated yesterday.

In this sthalam, right in front of the Sri Ramar Sannathi, Sri Aanjaneya resides. Once in a year, there will be purappadu for this Utsavamurthy and yesterday Sri Parthar, Hanumar and Nammalwar had purappadu. There is another Anjaneyar temple at East tank Square street too….

It is widely believed that Lord Hanuman is present wherever the story of Lord Ram is recited.  Let us prostrate  at the feet of  Jai Hanuman ~  here are some photos of the purappadu.
Adiyen Srinivasadhasan

(Mamandur Veeravalli Srinivasan Sampathkumar)